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Getting started

This getting started guide will walk you through the process of deploying the pattern you selected.


AFT Blueprints assumes you already have an AWS account with AWS Organizations with all features enabled, AWS Control Tower and AWS IAM Identity Center set up, plus an AWS account within the same organization dedicated to deploy and manage AFT. If you don't have it, see the guidelines below:

Ensure that you have installed the following tools:

AFT bootstrap

Once all the prerequisites are done, deploy AFT on its dedicated management account. If you already have AFT deployed, you can skip this step.

To deploy the AFT, we have a few bootstrap options:

Defining your account structure

Before going into the patterns available, you must define the structure of AWS accounts and Organization Units (OUs) within AWS Organizations. We developed the patterns based on the AWS best practices for multi-account strategy. Check out the whitepaper Organizing Your AWS Environment Using Multiple Accounts, especially the section Recommended OUs and accounts .

We have also prepared an architecture diagram with our recommended structure of OUs and accounts for patterns available here. It is available at AWS Organizations OU and account structure .

Selecting your pattern

Check all the available patterns at Patterns section. They all have different components and architectures, from single-region landing zone to multi-region with centralized network inspection. Choose the right one for your needs, but keep in mind that depending on the pattern, the final cost of the environment may be higher or lower.

Understanding AWS Organizations interactions

To ensure that all necessary services have trusted access within the organization, we make use of the script and AWS CLI commands to enable them. Unfortunately, Terraform usually doesn't provide resources to enable services with all the specific settings needed for each one. However, Terraform does provide resources for delegating administration to member accounts, most of the time. Therefore, we set up delegated administrator accounts whenever possible and as long as the service allows. see below the list of services we enable trusted access in AWS Organizations:

  • (including backup policy)
  • (only delegated administration)

Understanding Landing Zone parameters

To automate the deployment of a landing zone, the patterns leverage AWS Systems Manager (SSM) parameters to guide the creation of resources across a multi-account environment. The following content outlines the specific parameters that are created in each account for this purpose.

AFT management account:

  • /org/core/accounts/ct-log-archive: Control Tower Log Archive Account Id.
  • /org/core/accounts/ct-security-tooling: Control Tower Security Tooling Account Id.
  • /org/core/accounts/network: Network Account Id.
  • /org/core/accounts/backup: Backup Account Id.
  • /org/core/accounts/identity: Identity Account Id.

Network account:

  • /org/core/network/availability-zones/{{ az-id }}: Availability Zone Id to keep the consistency for VPCs across different accounts.
  • /org/core/network/tgw-id: The Id of the shared Transit Gateway.
  • /org/core/network/tgw-route-table/{{ network-segment }}: Transit Gateway route table Id to associate the VPC attachment for network segment (environment).
  • /org/core/network/tgw-propagation-rules: VPC attachment propagation rules for all network segments.
  • /org/core/network/vpc-flow-logs/s3-bucket-arn: S3 bucket ARN for centralized VPC Flow Logs.

Log Archive account:

  • /org/core/central-logs/vpc-flow-logs: S3 bucket ARN for centralized VPC Flow Logs.

Preparing AFT repositories

For each pattern, regardless of the one you have chosen, we have provided the content for all repositories used in the AFT solution:

  • aft-global-customizations
  • aft-account-customizations
  • aft-account-provisioning-customizations
  • aft-account-request

First, access the aft-blueprints repository. Then, navigate to the patterns directory and select the pattern you want to use. Copy the content for each repository into your own repositories configured in your AFT deployment. Do not commit and push yet, you need to make some adjustments.

The aft-global-customizations repository

  1. For the aft-global-customizations, please follow the instructions in the file inside the terraform directory, for example /terraform/
  2. Once you have completed the last step, commit and push the changes to your aft-global-customizations.

The aft-account-customizations repository

  1. In the aft-account-customizations, you must copy the modules directory to the common directory. (e.g /common/modules)
  2. You also need to provide your own values for each customization directory inside the aft-account-customizations. Please, follow the instructions in the file inside each terraform directory for each customization, for example /NETWORK/terraform/
  3. Once you have completed the last step, commit and push the changes to your aft-account-customizations.

The aft-account-provisioning-customizations repository

  1. For now aft-account-provisioning-customizations, please follow the instructions in the file inside the terraform directory, for example /terraform/
  2. Once you have completed the last step, commit and push the changes to your aft-account-provisioning-customizations.
  3. Make sure the ct-aft-account-provisioning-customizations pipeline in the AFT management account has run and completed successfully.

The aft-account-request repository

  1. The aft-account-request is covered in the next section.

Onboarding Control Tower shared accounts

AWS Control Tower helps organizations set up dedicated accounts that provide isolated environments for specialized roles. These accounts serve as centralized hubs for management, log archiving, and security auditing within the organization. See more in About AWS accounts in AWS Control Tower. The first account we must onboard into AFT are Log archive account and Audit(Security Tooling) account. Please follow steps below to onboard those accounts:

  1. Edit the respective files for each account, and, and replace the values in the control_tower_parameters, account_tags and change_management_parameters with your own values. Please, make sure your specify the exact AccountEmail value for existing accounts, do not provide new email values for them.
  2. Once you have completed the previous step, commit and push the changes to aft-account-request repository.
  3. Go to the AFT management account and wait for each account-related pipeline to complete before proceeding to the next step. If any of them fail, try running the pipeline again. This should take a few minutes.

Launching core accounts

Now, you should be able to launch your core accounts, one for each core architecture: Network, Backup and Identity. To do so, please follow steps below:

  1. For each core account, we made available these account files:, and Please, remove the .hold extension for all of them.
  2. Edit the files and replace the values in the control_tower_parameters, account_tags and change_management_parameters with your own values. For these accounts, you must provide new e-mail values in order for AFT to launch new accounts.
  3. Once you have completed the previous step, commit and push the changes to aft-account-request repository.
  4. Go to the AWS Control Tower management account and wait for the three account to be enrolled. It may take 30min or more.
  5. Go back to the AFT management account and wait for each account-related pipeline to complete before proceeding to the next step. If any of them fail, try running the pipeline again.

Launching workload accounts

Before you start launching your workload accounts, please check your three core accounts. Check if all of them have the services deployed and configured according to the chosen pattern.

  1. We made available three workload account files:, You can launch any one of them, or all three at the same time, but first remove the .hold extension for the ones you are intended to use.
  2. Edit the files you removed the .hold extension, and replace the values in the control_tower_parameters, account_tags and change_management_parameters with your own values.
  3. Go to the AWS Control Tower management account and wait for the three account to be enrolled in AWS Control Tower. It may take 30min or more.
  4. Go back to the AFT management account and wait for each account-related pipeline to complete before proceeding to the next step.
  5. Please, check your new accounts to make sure they are set up correctly.