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Amazon SageMaker endpoints

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service to prepare data and build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models for any use case with fully managed infrastructure, tools, and workflows. SageMaker endpoints are used to host ML models for real-time inference use cases. For more information, visit the AWS documentation here.


The current implementation uses JSON to encode the data sent in requests and decode the data received in responses. Please ensure that your SageMaker endpoint can handle requests and responses with the Content-Type and Accept headers set to application/json before proceeding.


The principal must have the following permissions:


  type: sagemaker-endpoint
  endpoint_name: my-endpoint-name
    input_text: None
    temperature: 0.1
  input_path: $.input_text
  output_path: $.[0].generated_text
  custom_attributes: my-attributes
  target_model: my-model
  target_variant: my-variant
  target_container_hostname: my-hostname
  inference_component_name: my-component-name

endpoint_name (string)

The name of the Amazon SageMaker endpoint.

request_body (map)

The data that is sent to the endpoint, which includes a placeholder for the prompt. During a run, the placeholder will be replaced by a prompt generated by the Evaluator. For example:

  input_text: None # prompt
  temperature: 0.1

input_path (string)

A JSONPath expression to match the field for the input prompt in the request body. For the request_body below:

  input_text: None # prompt
  temperature: 0.1

The input_path would be $.input_text.

output_path (string)

A JSONPath expression to match the generated text in the response body. For example, if the endpoint returns the following:

[{ "generated_text": "Hello!" }]

The output_path would be $.[0].generated_text.

custom_attributes (string; optional)

Provides additional information about a request for an inference submitted to a model hosted at an Amazon SageMaker endpoint.

target_model (string; optional)

The model to request for inference when invoking a multi-model endpoint.

target_variant (string; optional)

The production variant to send the inference request to when invoking an endpoint that is running two or more variants.

target_container_hostname (string; optional)

The hostname of the container to invoke if the endpoint hosts multiple containers and is configured to use direct invocation.

inference_component_name (string; optional)

The name of the inference component to invoke if the endpoint hosts one or more inference components.