# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
# http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
import random
from datetime import datetime
from random import randrange
from typing import Any
import cloudpickle
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import torch
from loguru import logger
from matplotlib.pyplot import Axes
import a2rl as wi
class NotMDPDataError(Exception):
"""Exception thrown when data does not exhibit MDP properties."""
pass # noqa
def timestamp() -> str:
utc_ts = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%Y%m%d-%H%M%S")
salt = randrange(0x7FFFFFFF) # nosec B311 -- this is not for cryptographic purpose.
return f"{utc_ts}utc-{salt}"
[docs]def force_assert(condition: bool, msg: None | str = None):
"""Raise :exc:`AssertionError` when ``condition`` is ``False``.
Use this judiciously (and conciously) when you want to always enforce assertion checks, even
when Python runs in the :py:option:`optimized mode <-O>` (which ignores the
:ref:`assert <python:assert>`
if not condition:
raise AssertionError(msg)
[docs]def set_seed(seed):
"""Minimalistic implementation to fix random seeds in python.random, numpy, and pytorch.
For a more robust implementation, you may want to consider
def pickle_save(path: str, obj: Any):
"""Serialized object."""
with open(path, "wb") as handle:
cloudpickle.dump(obj, handle)
def pickle_load(path: str) -> Any:
"""Deerialized object."""
with open(path, "rb") as handle:
obj = cloudpickle.load(handle)
return obj
[docs]def backtest(
df: wi.WiDataFrame, # Full groundtruth data, non tokeinzed version
simulator: wi.Simulator,
start_row: int = 0, # Context from groundtruth
context_rows: int = 2,
predict_rows: int = 3,
return_groudtruth: bool = False,
) -> pd.DataFrame | tuple[pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
Utility to perform backtesting on simulator.
.. note::
By using groundtruth dataset ``df``, take ``context_rows`` number of rows as context,
and groundtruth action, predict the next states ``(s1,s2...)`` and rewards ``(r,v)``.
Then append the predicted next states and rewards as new context, and repeat the steps again
until we get ``predict_rows`` number of new rows.
df: WiDataFrame, this is the original dataframe before tokenized.
simulator: Pretrain whatif Simulator.
start_row: The dataframe starting row index for backtest
context_rows: Number of dataframe rows to be used as context, starting from ``start_row``.
predict_rows: Number of dataframe rows to predict.
return_groudtruth: Return groundtruth dataframe for comparison when true.
Simulated Dataframe.
if len(df) < (start_row + context_rows + predict_rows):
raise ValueError(
f"The sum of start_row, context_rows and predict_rows, i.e. "
f"{start_row + context_rows + predict_rows}, "
f"should not be greater than num of rows in df {len(df) }."
# Retrieve test data from tokenizer used for training the simulator.
df_test = simulator.tokenizer.field_tokenizer.transform(df)
df_context = df_test.iloc[start_row : start_row + context_rows]
curr_row_idx = start_row + context_rows - 1
action_idx = simulator.tokenizer.action_indices
context_end_pos = simulator.tokenizer.action_dim + simulator.tokenizer.reward_dim
context = df_context.sequence[:-context_end_pos].reshape(1, -1)
logger.info(f"Initial {context.shape=}")
# INFO: debug is enabled for now to see backtest progress
# Intentionally increment predict_rows as the last row of context will need to be
# predicted as well to form full columns. It is more natural to have total number
# of rows = context_rows + predict_rows.
for i in range(predict_rows + 1):
logger.info(f"Predicting row:{i+1}, {curr_row_idx=}")
hist_action = df_test.iloc[curr_row_idx, action_idx].values.reshape(1, -1)
reward, next_states = simulator.lookahead(context, hist_action)
logger.debug(f"{reward=}, {next_states=}")
new_context = np.concatenate([context, hist_action, reward, next_states], axis=1)
context = new_context
curr_row_idx += 1
# Throw away last row (with only states)
new_sequence = context[0, : -simulator.tokenizer.state_dim]
pred_df = simulator.tokenizer.from_seq_to_dataframe(new_sequence, True)
gt_df = df.iloc[start_row : start_row + context_rows + predict_rows].reset_index(drop=True)
if return_groudtruth:
return pred_df, gt_df
return pred_df
def assert_mdp(data: wi.WiDataFrame, lags: int = 10) -> None:
"""Assert that dataframe ``data`` has the MDP properties, and raise a :class:`NotMDPDataError`
data: dataframe to check.
lags: the number of distinct lags (0 to ``lags-1``) to test.
res: pd.DataFrame = markovian_matrix(data, lags=lags)
bad_tests: pd.Series = res.idxmax(axis=1).isna()
if not bad_tests.any():
bad_test_names = bad_tests.index[bad_tests].tolist()
raise NotMDPDataError(f"These tests fail MDP checks: {bad_test_names}")
[docs]def entropy(Y: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""The `entropy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_ of the input
Y: tokenized input 1D array.
The entropy
unique, count = np.unique(Y.astype("<U22"), return_counts=True, axis=0)
prob = count / len(Y)
en = np.sum((-1) * prob * np.log2(prob))
return en
[docs]def tokenize(df: wi.WiDataFrame) -> np.ndarray:
"""Concats all columns to one.
df: a discretized dataframe.
A sequence whose length equals to the number of rows in the input dataframe. Each element
in the sequence is the concatenation of tokens of an input row.
.. code-block:: python
>>> import a2rl as wi
>>> from a2rl.utils import tokenize
>>> wi_df = wi.read_csv_dataset(wi.sample_dataset_path("chiller")).trim()
>>> wi_df = wi.DiscreteTokenizer().fit_transform(wi_df)
>>> seq = tokenize(wi_df)
>>> wi_df.shape
(9153, 4)
>>> seq.shape
>>> seq[:5] # doctest: +SKIP
array([61165305280, 44161305280, 59177305281, 32172305280, 59170305280])
return (
.replace(r"\D+", "")
[docs]def conditional_entropy(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray) -> float:
"""The `conditional entropy <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_ of
the input series given a conditioning series H(Y|X).
Y: tokenized input 1D array. The entropy is calculated on this series.
X: tokenized input 1D array. The conditioning array.
The conditonal entropy
z = np.vstack((X, Y)).T
z = z[z[:, 0].argsort()]
groups = np.split(z[:, 1], np.unique(z[:, 0], return_index=True)[1][1:])
values, counts = np.unique(z[:, 0], return_counts=True)
entropies = np.array([entropy(g) for g in groups])
probs = counts / np.sum(counts)
return np.sum(probs * entropies)
[docs]def better_than_random(Y: np.ndarray, X: np.ndarray) -> bool:
"""Tests if the `information gain <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_
of the input series given a conditioning series H(Y|X) is better than random.
Y: tokenized input 1D array. The entropy is calculated on this series.
X: tokenized input 1D array. The conditioning array
A True/False indicating whether information is exchanged between X and Y
unique, count = np.unique(Y.astype("<U22"), return_counts=True, axis=0)
n_samples = sum(count)
baseline = np.exp(-0.00011274353385892151 * n_samples + -3.055148562536953)
return (
abs(conditional_entropy(Y, np.random.permutation(X)) - conditional_entropy(Y, X)) < baseline
[docs]def reward_function(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lag: int, mask: bool = False) -> float:
"""Test for a reward function in the data H(r|state,action) based on their `conditional
entropies <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_.
df: a discretized dataframe.
lag: int for the lag.
Returns the conditional entropy of reward given various lags. It is masked if the
information gain is better than random
if mask:
return better_than_random(
tokenize(df[df.rewards]), tokenize(df[df.states + df.actions].shift(lag))
return information_gain(
tokenize(df[df.rewards]), tokenize(df[df.states + df.actions].shift(lag))
[docs]def stationary_policy(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lag: int, mask: bool = False) -> float:
"""Test for a stationary policy in the data H(action|state) based on their `conditional
entropies <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_.
df: a discretized dataframe.
lag: int for the lag.
Returns the conditional entropy of action given various lags. It is masked if the
information gain is better than random
if mask:
return better_than_random(tokenize(df[df.actions]), tokenize(df[df.states].shift(lag)))
return information_gain(tokenize(df[df.actions]), tokenize(df[df.states].shift(lag)))
[docs]def is_markovian(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lag: int, mask: bool = False) -> float:
"""Test for the Markov property in the data H(state|prev_state, prev_action) based on their
`conditional entropies <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_.
df: a discretized dataframe.
lag: int for the lag.
Returns the conditional entropy of future stat given various lags. It is masked if the
information gain is better than random
if mask:
return better_than_random(
tokenize(df[df.states]), tokenize(df[df.states + df.actions].shift(lag))
return information_gain(
tokenize(df[df.states]), tokenize(df[df.states + df.actions].shift(lag))
[docs]def action_reward(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lag: int, mask: bool = False) -> float:
"""Test for the effect of the action on the reward in the data H(reward|prev_action).
df: a discretized dataframe.
lag: int for the lag.
Returns the conditional entropy of future reward given various lags. It is masked if the
information gain is better than random
See Also
Reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)
if mask:
return better_than_random(tokenize(df[df.rewards]), tokenize(df[df.actions].shift(lag)))
return information_gain(tokenize(df[df.rewards]), tokenize(df[df.actions].shift(lag)))
[docs]def action_effective(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lag: int, mask: bool = False) -> float:
"""Test for the effect of the action on the state in the data H(state|prev_action) based on
their `conditional entropies <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entropy_(information_theory)>`_.
df: a discretized dataframe.
lag: int for the lag.
Returns the conditional entropy of future states given various lags. It is masked if the
information gain is better than random
if mask:
return better_than_random(tokenize(df[df.states]), tokenize(df[df.actions].shift(lag)))
return information_gain(tokenize(df[df.states]), tokenize(df[df.actions].shift(lag)))
[docs]def markovian_matrix(df: wi.WiDataFrame, lags: int = 10) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Test for the key MDP properties based on their `conditional entropies
df: a discretized dataframe.
lags: the number of distinct lags (0 to ``lags-1``) to test.
df: dataframe with the results of various tests
data = [
"Markov Order f(state,action)=> next_state" if lag == 0 else is_markovian(df, lag)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Reward Function f(state,action)=> reward" if lag == 0 else reward_function(df, lag)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Action Contribution f(action)=> reward" if lag == 0 else action_reward(df, lag)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Action Effectiveness f(action)=> state" if lag == 0 else action_effective(df, lag)
for lag in range(0, lags)
labels = ["Test" if lag == 0 else "Lag_" + str(lag) for lag in range(0, lags)]
mask = [
"Markov Order f(state,action)=> next_state" if lag == 0 else is_markovian(df, lag, True)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Reward Function f(state,action)=> reward"
if lag == 0
else reward_function(df, lag, True)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Action Contribution f(action)=> reward" if lag == 0 else action_reward(df, lag, True)
for lag in range(0, lags)
"Action Effectiveness f(action)=> state"
if lag == 0
else action_effective(df, lag, True)
for lag in range(0, lags)
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=labels).set_index("Test") # type: ignore[assignment]
mask = pd.DataFrame(mask, columns=labels).set_index("Test") # type: ignore[assignment]
return df.mask(mask)
[docs]def normalized_markovian_matrix(df: wi.WiDataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
"""Test for the key MDP properties based on their `conditional entropies
df: a discretized dataframe.
df: row normalized dataframe with the results of various tests
results = markovian_matrix(df)
# return results.div(results.min(axis=1), axis=0)
results = (
results.sub(np.nanmin(results, axis=1), axis=0)
.div(np.nanmax(results, axis=1) - np.nanmin(results, axis=1), axis=0)
return results.where(results > 0.0, np.nan)
[docs]def data_generator_simple(
markov_order: int = 0,
action_effect: bool = False,
policy: bool = False,
reward_function: bool = False,
) -> wi.WiDataFrame:
"""Generate different types of data for your testing.
markov_order: the order of the synthetic data
action_effect: allow the action to have an effect on the states
policy: generate the actions with some rules
reward_function: create a reward function with states and actions
if markov_order=0 then the states are randomly generated
if markov_order=1 then the next state is affected by the previous one only
if markov_order>1 then the next state is affected by a mixture of the previous history.
Keep this number less than 10.
if action_affect = True then the actions can affect the state as well by
using a different transition function
if policy = True then there is a consistent rule choosing the action
if reward_function = True then the reward function is calculated on the states
# Initial conditions
state = np.array([[5, 5]])
T1 = np.array([[0.7, 0.3], [0.6, 0.4]])
T2 = np.array([[0.5, 0.5], [0.3, 0.7]])
if markov_order == 0:
wi_df = wi.WiDataFrame(
pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0, 100, size=(100, 4)), columns=list("abcd")),
states=["a", "b"],
tokeniser = wi.DiscreteTokenizer(n_bins=50, num_bins_strategy="uniform")
wi_df_tok = tokeniser.fit_transform(wi_df)
return wi_df_tok
df = pd.DataFrame()
for i in range(1000):
if policy:
A = i % 5
A = np.random.choice([0, 5])
if markov_order == 1:
if action_effect and (A % 2 != 1):
T = T2
T = T1
next_I = state @ T
if action_effect and (A % 2 != 1):
T = T2
T = T1
next_I = (10 - markov_order) * (state @ T) / 10 + markov_order * state / 10
if reward_function:
R = next_I[0, 0]
R = np.random.choice([0, 10])
cur_states = state.reshape(-1)
actions = np.array(A).reshape(-1)
rewards = R
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(
{"s1": cur_states[0], "s2": cur_states[1], "a1": actions[0], "rewards": rewards},
df = pd.concat([df, temp_df])
state = next_I
wi_df = wi.WiDataFrame(
states=["s1", "s2"],
tokeniser = wi.DiscreteTokenizer(n_bins=50, num_bins_strategy="uniform")
wi_df_tok = tokeniser.fit_transform(wi_df)
return wi_df_tok