struct KvsDataChannel * PKvsDataChannel
VOID(* RtcOnOpen)(UINT64, PRtcDataChannel)
Definition Include.h:1047
VOID(* RtcOnMessage)(UINT64, PRtcDataChannel, BOOL, PBYTE, UINT32)
RtcOnMessage is fired when a message is received for the DataChannel.
Definition Include.h:1040
Definition DataChannel.h:15
UINT32 channelId
Definition DataChannel.h:20
UINT64 onMessageCustomData
Definition DataChannel.h:21
RtcDataChannelInit rtcDataChannelInit
Definition DataChannel.h:19
RtcDataChannel dataChannel
Definition DataChannel.h:16
RtcDataChannelStats rtcDataChannelDiagnostics
Definition DataChannel.h:23
RtcOnOpen onOpen
Definition DataChannel.h:26
UINT64 onOpenCustomData
Definition DataChannel.h:25
RtcOnMessage onMessage
Definition DataChannel.h:22
PRtcPeerConnection pRtcPeerConnection
Definition DataChannel.h:18
RtcDataChannelInit dictionary used to configure properties of the underlying channel such as data rel...
Definition Include.h:1502
An RtcPeerConnection instance allows an application to establish peer-to-peer communications with ano...
Definition Include.h:1093
RtcDataChannel represents a bi-directional data channel between two peers.
Definition Include.h:1028