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Cloud9 Quickstart Guide

Follow the instruction in the quickstart page to deploy an AWS Cloud9 Environment with ASH pre-installed.

Using ash with pre-commit

The ash tool can be used interactively on a workstation or run using the pre-commit command. If pre-commit is used to run ash, then the pre-commit processing takes care of installing a copy of the ash git repository and setting up to run the ash program from that installed repository. Using pre-commit still requires usage of WSL 2 when running on Windows.

Using ash as a pre-commit hook enables development teams to use the ash tool in two ways. First, developers can use ash as a part of their local development process on whatever development workstation or environment they are using. Second, ash can be run in a build automation stage by running pre-commit run --hook-stage manual ash in build automation stage. When using pre-commit, run the pre-commit commands while in a folder/directory within the git repository that is configured with pre-commit hooks.

Refer to the pre-commit-hooks file for information about the pre-commit hook itself.

To configure a git repository to use the ash hook, start with the following pre-commit-config configuration:

  - repo:
    rev: 'v1.3.3' # update with the latest tagged version in the repository
    - id: ash
      name: scan files using ash
      stages: [ manual ]
      # uncomment the line below if using "finch" on MacOS
      # args: [ "-f" ]

Once the .pre-commit-config.yaml file is updated, the ash tool can be run using the following command:

pre-commit run --hook-stage manual ash

Results from the run of the ash tool can be found in the aggregated_results.txt file the --output-dir folder/directory.

When ASH converts CloudFormation files into CDK and runs cdk-nag on them, the output of the cdk-nag check results are preserved in a 'ash_cf2cdk_output' folder/directory under --output-dir after the ASH scan is run.

This folder/directory is in addition to the aggregated_results.txt file found in --output-dir.