1. How to make ICP recordal when deploying the solution in AWS China Regions?
This solution uses Amazon API Gateway to receive API call requests. If you want to provide API requests that can be accessed without authentication in the AWS China Regions, you need to apply for and ensure that your AWS account has been registered with the Internet Content Provider (ICP), and 80 /443 port can be enabled normally. For more information, refer to ICP Recordal.
2. How do I change the feature deployment type after deploying the solution?
Please visit CloudFormation Console and select the root stack of the deployed solution from the list of stacks, taking care not to select the nested stack (NESTED). Select Update. In the Parameters section, change the appropriate parameter information and select Next. For example, if Custom OCR was no
, you can add Custom OCR by changing the setting to yes-lambda
or yes-sagemaker
; or you can change the existing setting yes-lambda
to yes-sagemaker
, thus changing the architecture of Custom OCR from Lambda to SageMaker.
3. When deploying the solution, I encountered Resource handler returned message: "'MemorySize' value failed to satisfy constraint: Member must have value less than or equal to 3008. How to resolve it?
The default AWS Lambda memory is about 4GB (4096 MB). If the AWS Lambda function limit in your AWS account is lower than 4096 MB, the API feature will be deployed abnormally. You can click Support Center on the toolbar at the top of the AWS Management Console to create a support ticket and request to increase the memory limit of the AWS Lambda service. For more information, see AWS service quotas.
4. What AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions are required to deploy the solution?
The following permissions are required to deploy the solution and invoke the API via API Gateway after deployment. sagemaker: is only applicable to the Image Super Resolution API.
Actions |
apigateway:DELETE |
apigateway:GET |
apigateway:PATCH |
apigateway:POST |
apigateway:PUT |
cloudformation:CancelUpdateStack |
cloudformation:ContinueUpdateRollback |
cloudformation:CreateChangeSet |
cloudformation:CreateStack |
cloudformation:DeleteStack |
cloudformation:DescribeChangeSet |
cloudformation:DescribeStackEvents |
cloudformation:DescribeStackResources |
cloudformation:DescribeStackStacks |
cloudformation:GetStackPolicy |
cloudformation:GetTemplateSummary |
cloudformation:ListChangeSets |
cloudformation:ListStackResources |
cloudformation:ListStacks |
cloudformation:RollbackStack |
cloudformation:UpdateStack |
cloudformation:UpdateStackSet |
cloudformation:UpdateStackSet |
ecr:BatchDeleteImage |
ecr:BatchGetImage |
ecr:CreateRepository |
ecr:DeleteRepository |
ecr:DescribeRepositories |
ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer |
ecr:GetRepositoryPolicy |
ecr:InitiateLayerUpload |
ecr:PutImage |
ecr:SetRepositoryPolicy |
iam:AttachRolePolicy |
iam:CreateRole |
iam:DeleteRole |
iam:DeleteRolePolicy |
iam:DetachRolePolicy |
iam:GetRole |
iam:ListRoles |
iam:PassRole |
iam:PutRolePolicy |
lambda:AddPermission |
lambda:CreateFunction |
lambda:DeleteFunction |
lambda:GetFunction |
lambda:InvokeFunction |
lambda:RemovePermission |
lambda:UpdateFunctionConfiguration |
s3:GetObject |
sagemaker:CreateEndpoint |
sagemaker:CreateEndpointConfig |
sagemaker:CreateModel |
sagemaker:DeleteEndpoint |
sagemaker:DeleteEndpointConfig |
sagemaker:DeleteModel |
sagemaker:DescribeEndpoint |
sagemaker:DescribeEndpointConfig |
sagemaker:DescribeModel |
sagemaker:InvokeEndpoint |
sns:ListTopics |
5. How to universally switch the way APIs are authenticated for access in Amazon API Gateway?
With AWS CloudFormation, you can update the stack to change the properties of existing resources in your stack.
- Sign in to the AWS CloudFormation console.
- On the Stacks page, select the solution’s root stack.
- On the Stack details page, choose Update.
- Select Use current template, and choose Next.
- Update the parameter API Gateway Authorization, and choose Next.
- On the Configure stack options page, choose Next.
- On the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Check the box acknowledging that the template will create AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources. Choose Next.
- Choose Update stack to update the stack.
6. How to individually switch the way APIs are authenticated for access in Amazon API Gateway?
Follow the steps below:
Access Amazon API Gateway console.
Select the most recently created AI Solution Kit API in the API list, and open the API details page. You can sort by Created to facilitate the search.
- Expand the resource tree, find the OPTIONS node under the path of the resource you need to modify the access rights, and click it to display the method execution configuration page.
- Click the Method Request link under Method Execution.
- Choose the Edit button on the right side of the authorization, expand the drop-down list, and select Amazon IAM.
- Choose the Update button to complete the modification. After the update, the authorization item should be displayed as 'Amazon IAM'. 6.
- Choose the POST button under OPTIONS in the resource tree, and modify the method of OPTIONS, change the authorization method to Amazon IAM in the method request, and then choose the Update button.
- Choose the Actions drop-down button on the left side of the method execution, and click on the Deploy API option under API Actions.
- In the Deploy API dialog box, select prod or a custom name for the deployment phase (do not select [New Phase]), and then click the Deploy button below to complete the deployment.
7. How to create and use a usage plan with API key?
This solution supports API Usage Plans. After deploying the solution and testing the APIs, you can implement API Gateway Usage Plans and offer them as a customer-facing product/service. You can configure usage plans and API keys to allow customers to access selected APIs at agreed request rates and quotas that meet their business needs and budget constraints.
You can set default method level limits for APIs or set limits for individual API methods if desired. The API caller must provide an assigned API key in the x-api-key header of the API request.
To configure an API usage plan, refer to Configure Usage Plan.
8. When deploying the solution, I encountered The account-level service limit 'ml.g4dn.xlarge for endpoint usage' is * Instances, with current utilization of * Instances and a request delta of * Instances. Please contact AWS support to request an increase for this limit. How do I resolve this?
The SageMaker endpoint type used in the solution is ml.g4dn.xlarge
, the service limit (also known as the quotas) is the maximum number of service resources or operations used in your account, you will be prompted with this error message after the number of endpoints exceeds the service limit, the default number of service endpoints of type ml.m4.xlarge
supported in most regions is 4, you can follow the Upgrade Service Quota guidelines to increase the limit SageMaker service quota.