Class ConnectorPackagingAttributes

  • public class ConnectorPackagingAttributes
    extends Object
    The Lambda's executable is packaged in an S3 bucket ready to be deployed by the CloudFormation stack (a result of running `sam package` - see README). This class contains the attributes needed by CloudFormation to find and deploy the Lambda function. s3Bucket - The S3 bucket where the packaged Lambda resides. s3Key - The folder within the s3Bucket. lambdaFunctionHandler - the handler class for the Lambda (e.g. com.amazonaws.athena.connectors.dynamodb.DynamoDBCompositeHandler).
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConnectorPackagingAttributes

        public ConnectorPackagingAttributes​(String s3Bucket,
                                            String s3Key,
                                            String lambdaFunctionHandler)
    • Method Detail

      • getS3Bucket

        public String getS3Bucket()
        Public accessor for the Connector's S3 bucket.
        Connector's S3 bucket
      • getS3Key

        public String getS3Key()
        Public accessor for the location of the connector's artifact in the spill bucket (S3).
        Artifact's S3 Key
      • getLambdaFunctionHandler

        public String getLambdaFunctionHandler()
        Public accessor for the Connector's handler.
        Connector's handler