Interface Float4Extractor

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface Float4Extractor
    extends Extractor
    Used to extract a Float4 value from the context object. This interface enables the use of a pseudo-code generator for RowWriter which reduces object and branching overhead when translating from your source system to Apache Arrow.

    For example of how to use this, see ExampleRecordHandler in athena-federation-sdk.

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void extract​(Object context, org.apache.arrow.vector.holders.NullableFloat4Holder dst)
      Used to extract a value from the context.
    • Method Detail

      • extract

        void extract​(Object context,
                     org.apache.arrow.vector.holders.NullableFloat4Holder dst)
              throws Exception
        Used to extract a value from the context.
        context - This is the object you provided to GeneratorRowWriter and is frequently the handle to the source system row/query from which you need to extract a value.
        dst - The 'Holder' that you should write your value to and optionally set the isSet flag to > 0 for non-null or 0 for null.
        Exception - internal exception