Interface FieldWriterFactory

  • public interface FieldWriterFactory
    Used create FieldWriters which are used to write a value and apply constraints for a particular column to the row currently being processed. This interface enables the use of a pseudo-code generator for RowWriter which reduces object and branching overhead when translating from your source system to Apache. An important usage of this interface is to override or supplement the default FieldWriters supported by GeneratedRowWriter.

    For example of how to use this, see ExampleRecordHandler in athena-federation-sdk.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • create

        FieldWriter create​(org.apache.arrow.vector.FieldVector vector,
                           Extractor extractor,
                           ConstraintProjector constraint)
        Creates a new instance of this FieldWriter and configures is such that writing a value required minimal branching or secondary operations (metadata lookups, etc..)
        extractor - The Extractor that can be used to obtain the value for the required column from the context.
        vector - The ApacheArrow vector to write the value to.
        constraint - The Constraint to apply to the value when returning if the value was valid.
        a FieldWriter that is configured to use the above inputs when called upon to write a row.