Class S3SpillLocation

    • Constructor Detail

      • S3SpillLocation

        public S3SpillLocation​(String bucket,
                               String key,
                               boolean directory)
        Constructs an S3 SpillLocation.
        bucket - The S3 bucket that is the root of the spill location.
        key - The S3 key that represents the spill location
        directory - Boolean that if True indicates the key is a pre-fix (aka directory) where multiple Blocks may be spilled.
    • Method Detail

      • getBucket

        public String getBucket()
        The S3 bucket that we may have spilled data to.
        String containing the S3 bucket name.
      • getKey

        public String getKey()
        The S3 key that we may have spilled data to.
        String containing the S3 key.
      • isDirectory

        public boolean isDirectory()
        Indicates if the Key is actually a key prefix for a location that may have multiple blocks.
        True if the key is actually a prefix for a location that may have multiple blocks, False if the location points to a specific S3 object.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object