Class PingResponse

    • Constructor Detail

      • PingResponse

        public PingResponse​(String catalogName,
                            String queryId,
                            String sourceType,
                            int capabilities,
                            int serDeVersion)
        catalogName - The name of the catalog that was pinged.
        queryId - The ID of the query that pinged.
        sourceType - The source type ID of the pinged endpoint.
        capabilities - The ID indicating the capabilities of the pinged endpoint.
    • Method Detail

      • getCatalogName

        public String getCatalogName()
        Returns the name of the catalog that was pinged.
        The name of the catalog that was pinged.
      • getQueryId

        public String getQueryId()
        Returns the ID of the query that pinged.
        The ID of the query that pinged.
      • getSourceType

        public String getSourceType()
        Returns the source type ID of the pinged endpoint.
        The source type ID of the pinged endpoint.
      • getCapabilities

        public int getCapabilities()
        Returns the ID indicating the capabilities of the pinged endpoint.
        The ID indicating the capabilities of the pinged endpoint.
      • getSerDeVersion

        public int getSerDeVersion()
        Returns the version of serialization used by the pinged endpoint.
        The version of serialization used by the pinged endpoint.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object