Class ConnectorValidator

  • public class ConnectorValidator
    extends Object
    This class should be used to validate deployed Lambda functions that use Athena's Federation SDK. It simulates the basic query patterns that Athena will send to Lambda throughout its usage so that broader and sometimes more subtle logical issues can be discovered before being used through Athena.

    You can run this tool using the following command: mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=com.amazonaws.athena.connector.validation.ConnectorValidator -Dexec.args="[args]"

    This tool can also be run using the script in the tools directory under the package root: tools/ [args]

    • Method Detail

      • main

        public static void main​(String[] args)
        The main method of this class allows the following argument pattern: --lambda-func lambda_func [--record-func record_func] [--catalog catalog] [--schema schema [--table table [--constraints constraints]]] [--planning-only] [--help]

        Run with the -h or --help options to see full argument descriptions, or see ConnectorValidator.TestConfig below.