Class SaphanaMetadataHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SaphanaMetadataHandler
    extends JdbcMetadataHandler
    • Method Detail

      • doGetDataSourceCapabilities

        public GetDataSourceCapabilitiesResponse doGetDataSourceCapabilities​(BlockAllocator allocator,
                                                                             GetDataSourceCapabilitiesRequest request)
        Used to describe the types of capabilities supported by a data source. An engine can use this to determine what portions of the query to push down. A connector that returns any optimization will guarantee that the associated predicate will be pushed down.
        doGetDataSourceCapabilities in class MetadataHandler
        allocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        request - Provides details about the catalog being used.
        A GetDataSourceCapabilitiesResponse object which returns a map of supported optimizations that the connector is advertising to the consumer. The connector assumes all responsibility for whatever is passed here.
      • getPartitionSchema

        public org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema getPartitionSchema​(String catalogName)
        Description copied from class: JdbcMetadataHandler
        Delegates creation of partition schema to database type implementation.
        Specified by:
        getPartitionSchema in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        catalogName - Athena provided catalog name.
        schema. See Schema
      • getPartitions

        public void getPartitions​(BlockWriter blockWriter,
                                  GetTableLayoutRequest getTableLayoutRequest,
                                  QueryStatusChecker queryStatusChecker)
                           throws Exception
        We are first checking if input table is a view, if it's a view, it will not have any partition info and data will be fetched with single split.If it is a table with no partition, then data will be fetched with single split. If it is a partitioned table, we are fetching the partition info and creating splits equals to the number of partitions for parallel processing.
        Specified by:
        getPartitions in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockWriter -
        getTableLayoutRequest -
        queryStatusChecker -
      • doGetTable

        public GetTableResponse doGetTable​(BlockAllocator blockAllocator,
                                           GetTableRequest getTableRequest)
                                    throws Exception
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to get definition (field names, types, descriptions, etc...) of a Table.
        doGetTable in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockAllocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        getTableRequest - Provides details on who made the request and which Athena catalog, database, and table they are querying.
        A GetTableResponse which primarily contains: 1. An Apache Arrow Schema object describing the table's columns, types, and descriptions. 2. A Set of partition column names (or empty if the table isn't partitioned).
      • findTableNameFromQueryHint

        protected TableName findTableNameFromQueryHint​(TableName table)
        Finding table name from query hint In sap hana schemas and tables can be case sensitive, but executed query from athena sends table and schema names in lower case, this has been handled by appending query hint to the table name as below "lambda:lambdaname".SCHEMA_NAME."TABLE_NAME@schemacase=upper&tablecase=upper"
        table -