Class SnowflakeMetadataHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SnowflakeMetadataHandler
    extends JdbcMetadataHandler
    Handles metadata for Snowflake. User must have access to `schemata`, `tables`, `columns` in information_schema.
    • Method Detail

      • doGetDataSourceCapabilities

        public GetDataSourceCapabilitiesResponse doGetDataSourceCapabilities​(BlockAllocator allocator,
                                                                             GetDataSourceCapabilitiesRequest request)
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to describe the types of capabilities supported by a data source. An engine can use this to determine what portions of the query to push down. A connector that returns any optimization will guarantee that the associated predicate will be pushed down.
        doGetDataSourceCapabilities in class MetadataHandler
        allocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        request - Provides details about the catalog being used.
        A GetDataSourceCapabilitiesResponse object which returns a map of supported optimizations that the connector is advertising to the consumer. The connector assumes all responsibility for whatever is passed here.
      • getPartitionSchema

        public org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema getPartitionSchema​(String catalogName)
        Description copied from class: JdbcMetadataHandler
        Delegates creation of partition schema to database type implementation.
        Specified by:
        getPartitionSchema in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        catalogName - Athena provided catalog name.
        schema. See Schema
      • doGetSplits

        public GetSplitsResponse doGetSplits​(BlockAllocator blockAllocator,
                                             GetSplitsRequest getSplitsRequest)
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to split-up the reads required to scan the requested batch of partition(s).
        Specified by:
        doGetSplits in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockAllocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        getSplitsRequest - Provides details of the catalog, database, table, andpartition(s) being queried as well as any filter predicate.
        A GetSplitsResponse which primarily contains: 1. A Set which represent read operations Amazon Athena must perform by calling your read function. 2. (Optional) A continuation token which allows you to paginate the generation of splits for large queries.
      • doGetTable

        public GetTableResponse doGetTable​(BlockAllocator blockAllocator,
                                           GetTableRequest getTableRequest)
                                    throws Exception
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to get definition (field names, types, descriptions, etc...) of a Table.
        doGetTable in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockAllocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        getTableRequest - Provides details on who made the request and which Athena catalog, database, and table they are querying.
        A GetTableResponse which primarily contains: 1. An Apache Arrow Schema object describing the table's columns, types, and descriptions. 2. A Set of partition column names (or empty if the table isn't partitioned).
      • doListTables

        public ListTablesResponse doListTables​(BlockAllocator blockAllocator,
                                               ListTablesRequest listTablesRequest)
                                        throws Exception
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to get the list of tables that this source contains.
        doListTables in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockAllocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        listTablesRequest - Provides details on who made the request and which Athena catalog and database they are querying.
        A ListTablesResponse which primarily contains a List enumerating the tables in this catalog, database tuple. It also contains the catalog name corresponding the Athena catalog that was queried.
      • doListSchemaNames

        public ListSchemasResponse doListSchemaNames​(BlockAllocator blockAllocator,
                                                     ListSchemasRequest listSchemasRequest)
                                              throws Exception
        Description copied from class: MetadataHandler
        Used to get the list of schemas (aka databases) that this source contains.
        doListSchemaNames in class JdbcMetadataHandler
        blockAllocator - Tool for creating and managing Apache Arrow Blocks.
        listSchemasRequest - Provides details on who made the request and which Athena catalog they are querying.
        A ListSchemasResponse which primarily contains a Set of schema names and a catalog name corresponding the Athena catalog that was queried.