Class ServerConnection

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class ServerConnection
    extends CrtResource
    Wrapper around event-stream-rpc-server-connection. Note this class is AutoClosable. By default the ServerConnectionHandler::onClosed callback calls close().
    • Method Detail

      • isConnectionOpen

        public boolean isConnectionOpen()
        true if the connection is open. False otherwise.
      • closeConnection

        public void closeConnection​(int shutdownError)
        Closes the connection with shutdownError
        shutdownError - error code to shutdown the connection with. If shutting down cleanly, use 0.
      • sendProtocolMessage

        public CompletableFuture<Void> sendProtocolMessage​(List<Header> headers,
                                                           byte[] payload,
                                                           MessageType messageType,
                                                           int messageFlags)
        Sends a protocol message on the connection. Returns a completable future for synchronizing on the message flushing to the underlying transport.
        headers - List of event-stream headers. Can be null.
        payload - Payload to send for the message. Can be null.
        messageType - Message type for the rpc message.
        messageFlags - Union of message flags from MessageFlags.getByteValue()
        completable future for synchronizing on the message flushing to the underlying transport.
      • sendProtocolMessage

        public void sendProtocolMessage​(List<Header> headers,
                                        byte[] payload,
                                        MessageType messageType,
                                        int messageFlags,
                                        MessageFlushCallback callback)
        Sends a protocol message on the connection. Returns a completable future for synchronizing on the message flushing to the underlying transport.
        headers - List of event-stream headers. Can be null.
        payload - Payload to send for the message. Can be null.
        messageType - Message type for the rpc message.
        messageFlags - Union of message flags from MessageFlags.getByteValue()
        callback - invoked upon the message flushing to the underlying transport.
      • getClosedFuture

        public CompletableFuture<Integer> getClosedFuture()
        a future which completes upon the connection closing