Interface HttpStreamBaseResponseHandler

  • public interface HttpStreamBaseResponseHandler
    Interface that Native code knows how to call when handling Http Responses Maps 1-1 to the Native Http API here:
    • Method Detail

      • onResponseHeaders

        void onResponseHeaders​(HttpStreamBase stream,
                               int responseStatusCode,
                               int blockType,
                               HttpHeader[] nextHeaders)
        Called from Native when new Http Headers have been received. Note that this function may be called multiple times as HTTP headers are received.
        stream - The HttpStreamBase object
        responseStatusCode - The HTTP Response Status Code
        blockType - The HTTP header block type
        nextHeaders - The headers received in the latest IO event.
      • onResponseHeadersDone

        default void onResponseHeadersDone​(HttpStreamBase stream,
                                           int blockType)
        Called from Native once all HTTP Headers are processed. Will not be called if there are no Http Headers in the response. Guaranteed to be called exactly once if there is at least 1 Header.
        stream - The HttpStreamBase object
        blockType - The type of the header block, corresponds to HttpHeaderBlock
      • onResponseBody

        default int onResponseBody​(HttpStreamBase stream,
                                   byte[] bodyBytesIn)
        Called when new Response Body bytes have been received. Note that this function may be called multiple times over the lifetime of an HttpClientConnection as bytes are received. Users must read all data from bodyBytesIn before returning. If "bodyBytesIn.remaining() > 0" after this method returns, then Native will assume there was a processing failure and abort the connection. Do NOT keep a reference to this ByteBuffer past the lifetime of this function call. The CommonRuntime reserves the right to use DirectByteBuffers pointing to memory that only lives as long as the function call. Sliding Window: The Native HttpClientConnection EventLoop will keep sending data until the end of the sliding Window is reached. The user application is responsible for setting the initial Window size appropriately when creating the HttpClientConnection, and for incrementing the sliding window appropriately throughout the lifetime of the HttpStream. For more info, see: -
        stream - The HttpStreamBase the body was delivered to
        bodyBytesIn - The HTTP Body Bytes received in the last IO Event.
        The number of bytes to move the sliding window by. Repeatedly returning zero will eventually cause the sliding window to fill up and data to stop flowing until the user slides the window back open.
      • onMetrics

        default void onMetrics​(HttpStreamBase stream,
                               HttpStreamMetrics metrics)
        Called right before stream is complete, whether successful or unsuccessful.
        stream - The HTTP stream to which the metrics apply
        metrics - The [HttpStreamMetrics] containing metrics for the given stream
      • onResponseComplete

        void onResponseComplete​(HttpStreamBase stream,
                                int errorCode)
        Called from Native when the Response has completed.
        stream - completed HttpStreamBase
        errorCode - resultant errorCode for the response