Class Summary Class Description ConnAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 CONNACK packet.ConnectPacket Data model of an MQTT5 CONNECT packet.ConnectPacket.ConnectPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a ConnectPacket.DisconnectPacket Data model of an MQTT5 DISCONNECT packet.DisconnectPacket.DisconnectPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a DisconnectPacket.PubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 PUBACK packetPublishPacket Data model of an MQTT5 PUBLISH packetPublishPacket.PublishPacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a PublishPacket.SubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 SUBACK packet.SubscribePacket Data model of an MQTT5 SUBSCRIBE packet.SubscribePacket.SubscribePacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a SubscribePacket.SubscribePacket.Subscription Configures a single subscription within a Subscribe operation See MQTT5 Subscription OptionsUnsubAckPacket Data model of an MQTT5 UNSUBACK packet.UnsubscribePacket Data model of an MQTT5 UNSUBSCRIBE packet.UnsubscribePacket.UnsubscribePacketBuilder A class to that allows for the creation of a UnsubscribePacket.UserProperty A simple key-value pair struct to define a user property. -
Enum Summary Enum Description ConnAckPacket.ConnectReasonCode Server return code for connect attempts.DisconnectPacket.DisconnectReasonCode Reason code inside DisconnectPackets.PubAckPacket.PubAckReasonCode Reason code inside PubAckPackets that indicates the result of the associated PUBLISH request.PublishPacket.PayloadFormatIndicator Optional property describing a PublishPacket payload's format.SubAckPacket.SubAckReasonCode Reason code inside SubAckPacket payloads.SubscribePacket.RetainHandlingType Configures how retained messages should be handled when subscribing with a subscription that matches topics with associated retained messages.UnsubAckPacket.UnsubAckReasonCode Reason codes inside UnsubAckPacket payloads that specify the results for each topic filter in the associated UnsubscribePacket.