
AWS client-side authentication: standard credentials providers and signing.

class awscrt.auth.AwsCredentials(access_key_id, secret_access_key, session_token=None, expiration=None)

AwsCredentials are the public/private data needed to sign an authenticated AWS request.

AwsCredentials are immutable.

  • access_key_id (str) – Access key ID

  • secret_access_key (str) – Secret access key

  • session_token (Optional[str]) – Optional security token associated with the credentials.

  • expiration (Optional[datetime.datetime]) – Optional expiration datetime, that the credentials will no longer be valid past. Converted to UTC timezone and rounded down to nearest second. If not set, then credentials do not expire.


Access key ID




Secret access key




Security token associated with the credentials. None if not set.




Expiration datetime, that the credentials will no longer be valid past. None if credentials do not expire. Timezone is always UTC.



class awscrt.auth.AwsCredentialsProvider(binding)

Credentials providers source the AwsCredentials needed to sign an authenticated AWS request.

This class provides new_X() functions for several built-in provider types. To define a custom provider, use the new_delegate() function.

classmethod new_default_chain(client_bootstrap=None)

Create the default provider chain used by most AWS SDKs.


  1. Environment

  2. Profile

  3. (conditional, off by default) ECS

  4. (conditional, on by default) EC2 Instance Metadata


client_bootstrap (Optional[ClientBootstrap]) – Client bootstrap to use when initiating socket connection. If not set, uses the default static ClientBootstrap instead.



classmethod new_static(access_key_id, secret_access_key, session_token=None)

Create a simple provider that just returns a fixed set of credentials.

  • access_key_id (str) – Access key ID

  • secret_access_key (str) – Secret access key

  • session_token (Optional[str]) – Optional session token



classmethod new_profile(client_bootstrap=None, profile_name=None, config_filepath=None, credentials_filepath=None)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from key-value profiles loaded from the aws credentials file.

  • client_bootstrap (Optional[ClientBootstrap]) – Client bootstrap to use when initiating socket connection. If not set, uses the static default ClientBootstrap instead.

  • profile_name (Optional[str]) – Name of profile to use. If not set, uses value from AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If that is not set, uses value of “default”

  • config_filepath (Optional[str]) – Path to profile config file. If not set, uses value from AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. If that is not set, uses value of “~/.aws/config”

  • credentials_filepath (Optional[str]) – Path to profile credentials file. If not set, uses value from AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE environment variable. If that is not set, uses value of “~/.aws/credentials”



classmethod new_process(profile_to_use=None)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from running an external command or process.

The command to run is sourced from a profile in the AWS config file, using the standard profile selection rules. The profile key the command is read from is “credential_process.” Example:

credential_process=/opt/amazon/bin/my-credential-fetcher --argsA=abc

On successfully running the command, the output should be a json data with the following format:

    "Version": 1,
    "AccessKeyId": "accesskey",
    "SecretAccessKey": "secretAccessKey"
    "SessionToken": "....",
    "Expiration": "2019-05-29T00:21:43Z"

Version here identifies the command output format version. This provider is not part of the default provider chain.


profile_to_use (Optional[str]) – Name of profile in which to look for credential_process. If not set, uses value from AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If that is not set, uses value of “default”



classmethod new_environment()

Creates a provider that returns credentials sourced from environment variables.






classmethod new_chain(providers)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from an ordered sequence of providers.

This provider uses the first set of credentials successfully queried. Providers are queried one at a time; a provider is not queried until the preceding provider has failed to source credentials.


providers (List[AwsCredentialsProvider]) – List of credentials providers.



classmethod new_delegate(get_credentials)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from a custom synchronous callback.


get_credentials – Callable which takes no arguments and returns AwsCredentials.



classmethod new_cognito(*, endpoint: str, identity: str, tls_ctx: ClientTlsContext, logins: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None, custom_role_arn: str | None = None, client_bootstrap: ClientBootstrap | None = None, http_proxy_options: HttpProxyOptions | None = None)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from the AWS Cognito Identity service.

  • endpoint (str) – Cognito Identity service regional endpoint to source credentials from.

  • identity (str) – Cognito identity to fetch credentials relative to.

  • tls_ctx (ClientTlsContext) – Client TLS context to use when querying cognito credentials by HTTP.

  • logins (Optional[Sequence[tuple[str, str]]]) – Sequence of tuples specifying pairs of identity provider name and token values, representing established login contexts for identity authentication purposes.

  • custom_role_arn (Optional[str]) – ARN of the role to be assumed when multiple roles were received in the token from the identity provider.

  • client_bootstrap (Optional[ClientBootstrap]) – Client bootstrap to use when initiating a socket connection. If not set, uses the static default ClientBootstrap instead.

  • http_proxy_options (Optional[HttpProxyOptions]) – Optional HTTP proxy options. If None is provided then an HTTP proxy is not used.



classmethod new_x509(*, endpoint: str, thing_name: str, role_alias: str, tls_ctx: ClientTlsContext, client_bootstrap: ClientBootstrap | None = None, http_proxy_options: HttpProxyOptions | None = None)

Creates a provider that sources credentials from IoT’s X509 credentials service.

  • endpoint (str) – X509 service regional endpoint to source credentials from. This is a per-account value that can be determined via the CLI: aws iot describe-endpoint –endpoint-type iot:CredentialProvider

  • thing_name (str) – The name of the IoT thing to use to fetch credentials.

  • role_alias (str) – The name of the role alias to fetch credentials through.

  • tls_ctx (ClientTlsContext) – The client TLS context to use when establishing the http connection to IoT’s X509 credentials service.

  • client_bootstrap (Optional[ClientBootstrap]) – Client bootstrap to use when initiating a socket connection. If not set, uses the static default ClientBootstrap instead.

  • http_proxy_options (Optional[HttpProxyOptions]) – Optional HTTP proxy options. If None is provided then an HTTP proxy is not used.




Asynchronously fetch AwsCredentials.


concurrent.futures.Future – A Future which will contain AwsCredentials (or an exception) when the operation completes. The operation may complete on a different thread.

class awscrt.auth.AwsSigningAlgorithm(value)

AWS signing algorithm enumeration.

V4 = 0

Signature Version 4


Signature Version 4 - Asymmetric


Signature Version 4 - S3 Express

class awscrt.auth.AwsSignatureType(value)

Which sort of signature should be computed from the signable.


A signature for a full HTTP request should be computed, with header updates applied to the signing result.


A signature for a full HTTP request should be computed, with query param updates applied to the signing result.

class awscrt.auth.AwsSignedBodyValue

Values for use with AwsSigningConfig.signed_body_value.

Some services use special values (e.g. “UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD”) when the body is not being signed in the usual way.

EMPTY_SHA256 = 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855'

The SHA-256 of the empty string.


Unsigned payload option (not accepted by all services)


Each payload chunk will be signed (not accepted by all services)


Each event will be signed (not accepted by all services)

class awscrt.auth.AwsSignedBodyHeaderType(value)

Controls if signing adds a header containing the canonical request’s signed body value.

See AwsSigningConfig.signed_body_value.

NONE = 0

Do not add a header.


Add the “x-amz-content-sha-256” header with the canonical request’s signed body value

class awscrt.auth.AwsSigningConfig(algorithm=AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4, signature_type=AwsSignatureType.HTTP_REQUEST_HEADERS, credentials_provider=None, region='', service='', date=None, should_sign_header=None, use_double_uri_encode=True, should_normalize_uri_path=True, signed_body_value=None, signed_body_header_type=AwsSignedBodyHeaderType.NONE, expiration_in_seconds=None, omit_session_token=False)

Configuration for use in AWS-related signing.

AwsSigningConfig is immutable.

It is good practice to use a new config for each signature, or the date might get too old.

  • algorithm (AwsSigningAlgorithm) – Which signing algorithm to use.

  • signature_type (AwsSignatureType) – Which sort of signature should be computed from the signable.

  • credentials_provider (AwsCredentialsProvider) – Credentials provider to fetch signing credentials with. If the algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4_ASYMMETRIC, ECC-based credentials will be derived from the fetched credentials.

  • region (str) – If the algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4, the region to sign against. If the algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4_ASYMMETRIC, the value of the “X-amzn-region-set” header (added in signing).

  • service (str) – Name of service to sign a request for.

  • date (Optional[datetime.datetime]) – Date and time to use during the signing process. If None is provided then is used. Naive dates (lacking timezone info) are assumed to be in local time.

  • should_sign_header (Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]) –

    Optional function to control which headers are a part of the canonical request.

    Skipping auth-required headers will result in an unusable signature. Headers injected by the signing process are not skippable. This function does not override the internal check function (x-amzn-trace-id, user-agent), but rather supplements it. In particular, a header will get signed if and only if it returns true to both the internal check (skips x-amzn-trace-id, user-agent) and this function (if defined).

  • use_double_uri_encode (bool) – Whether to double-encode the resource path when constructing the canonical request (assuming the path is already encoded). Default is True. All services except S3 use double encoding.

  • should_normalize_uri_path (bool) – Whether the resource paths are normalized when building the canonical request. Default is True.

  • signed_body_value (Optional[str]) – If set, this value is used as the canonical request’s body value. Typically, this is the SHA-256 of the payload, written as lowercase hex. If this has been precalculated, it can be set here. Special values used by certain services can also be set (see AwsSignedBodyValue). If None is passed (the default), the typical value will be calculated from the payload during signing.

  • signed_body_header_type (AwsSignedBodyHeaderType) – Controls if signing adds a header containing the canonical request’s signed body value. Default is to not add a header.

  • expiration_in_seconds (Optional[int]) – If set, and signature_type is AwsSignatureType.HTTP_REQUEST_QUERY_PARAMS, then signing will add “X-Amz-Expires” to the query string, equal to the value specified here.

  • omit_session_token (bool) – If set True, the “X-Amz-Security-Token” query param is omitted from the canonical request. The default False should be used for most services.


Return an AwsSigningConfig with the same attributes, except for those attributes given new values by whichever keyword arguments are specified.

property algorithm

Which signing algorithm to use



property signature_type

Which sort of signature should be computed from the signable.



property credentials_provider

Credentials provider to fetch signing credentials with. If the algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4_ASYMMETRIC, ECC-based credentials will be derived from the fetched credentials.



property region

If signing algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4, the region to sign against. If the algorithm is AwsSigningAlgorithm.V4_ASYMMETRIC, the value of the “X-amzn-region-set header” (added in signing).



property service

Name of service to sign a request for



property date

Date and time to use during the signing process.

If None is provided, then at time of object construction is used.

It is good practice to use a new config for each signature, or the date might get too old.



property should_sign_header

Optional function to control which headers are a part of the canonical request.

Skipping auth-required headers will result in an unusable signature. Headers injected by the signing process are not skippable. This function does not override the internal check function (x-amzn-trace-id, user-agent), but rather supplements it. In particular, a header will get signed if and only if it returns true to both the internal check (skips x-amzn-trace-id, user-agent) and this function (if defined).


Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]

property use_double_uri_encode

Whether to double-encode the resource path when constructing the canonical request (assuming the path is already encoded).

By default, all services except S3 use double encoding.



property should_normalize_uri_path

Whether the resource paths are normalized when building the canonical request.



property signed_body_value

What to use as the canonical request’s body value. If None is set (the default), a value will be calculated from the payload during signing. Typically, this is the SHA-256 of the payload, written as lowercase hex. If this has been precalculated, it can be set here. Special values used by certain services can also be set (see AwsSignedBodyValue).



property signed_body_header_type

Controls if signing adds a header containing the canonical request’s signed body value.



property expiration_in_seconds

If set, and signature_type is AwsSignatureType.HTTP_REQUEST_QUERY_PARAMS, then signing will add “X-Amz-Expires” to the query string, equal to the value specified here. Otherwise, this is None has no effect.



property omit_session_token

Whether the “X-Amz-Security-Token” query param is omitted from the canonical request. This should be False for most services.



awscrt.auth.aws_sign_request(http_request, signing_config)

Perform AWS HTTP request signing.

The awscrt.http.HttpRequest is transformed asynchronously, according to the AwsSigningConfig.

When signing:

  1. It is good practice to use a new config for each signature, or the date might get too old.

  2. Do not add the following headers to requests before signing, they may be added by the signer: x-amz-content-sha256, X-Amz-Date, Authorization

  3. Do not add the following query params to requests before signing, they may be added by the signer: X-Amz-Signature, X-Amz-Date, X-Amz-Credential, X-Amz-Algorithm, X-Amz-SignedHeaders


concurrent.futures.Future – A Future whose result will be the signed awscrt.http.HttpRequest. The future will contain an exception if the signing process fails.