
WebSocket - RFC 6455

Use the connect() to establish a WebSocket client connection.

Note from the developer: This is a very low-level API, which forces the user to deal with things like data fragmentation. A higher-level API could easily be built on top of this.

Authoring Callbacks

All network operations in awscrt.websocket are asynchronous. Callbacks are always invoked on the WebSocket’s networking thread. You MUST NOT perform blocking network operations from any callback, or you will cause a deadlock. For example: do not send a frame, and then wait for that frame to complete, within a callback. The WebSocket cannot do work until your callback returns, so the thread will be stuck. You can send the frame from within the callback, just don’t wait for it to complete within the callback.

If you want to do blocking waits, do it from a thread you control, like the main thread. It’s fine for the main thread to send a frame, and wait until it completes.

All functions and methods in awscrt.websocket are thread-safe. They can be called from any mix of threads.

Flow Control (reading)

By default, the WebSocket will read from the network as fast as it can hand you the data. You must prevent the WebSocket from reading data faster than you can process it, or memory usage could balloon until your application explodes.

There are two ways to manage this.

First, and simplest, is to process incoming data synchronously within the on_incoming_frame callbacks. Since callbacks are invoked on the WebSocket’s networking thread, the WebSocket cannot read more data until the callback returns. Therefore, processing the data in a synchronous manner (i.e. writing to disk, printing to screen, etc) will naturally affect TCP flow control, and prevent data from arriving too fast. However, you MUST NOT perform a blocking network operation from within the callback or you risk deadlock (see Authoring Callbacks).

The second, more complex, way requires you to manage the size of the read window. Do this if you are processing the data asynchronously (i.e. sending the data along on another network connection). Create the WebSocket with manage_read_window set true, and set initial_read_window to the number of bytes you are ready to receive right away. Whenever the read window reaches 0, you will stop receiving anything. The read window shrinks as you receive the payload from “data” frames (TEXT, BINARY, CONTINUATION). Call WebSocket.increment_read_window() to increase the window again keep frames flowing in. You only need to worry about the payload from “data” frames. The WebSocket automatically increments its window to account for any other incoming bytes, including other parts of a frame (opcode, payload-length, etc) and the payload of other frame types (PING, PONG, CLOSE). You’ll probably want to do it like this: Pick the max amount of memory to buffer, and set this as the initial_read_window. When data arrives, the window has shrunk by that amount. Send this data along on the other network connection. When that data is done sending, call increment_read_window() by the amount you just finished sending. If you don’t want to receive any data at first, set the initial_read_window to 0, and increment_read_window() when you’re ready. Maintaining a larger window is better for overall throughput.

Flow Control (writing)

You must also ensure that you do not continually send frames faster than the other side can read them, or memory usage could balloon until your application explodes.

The simplest approach is to only send 1 frame at a time. Use the WebSocket.send_frame() on_complete callback to know when the send is complete. Then you can try and send another.

A more complex, but higher throughput, way is to let multiple frames be in flight but have a cap. If the number of frames in flight, or bytes in flight, reaches your cap then wait until some frames complete before trying to send more.


class awscrt.websocket.Opcode(value)

An opcode defines a frame’s type.

RFC 6455 classifies TEXT and BINARY as data frames. A CONTINUATION frame “continues” the most recent data frame. All other opcodes are for control frames.


Continues the most recent TEXT or BINARY data frame.

See RFC 6455 section 5.4 - Fragmentation.

TEXT = 1

The data frame for sending text.

The payload must contain UTF-8.


The data frame for sending binary.


The control frame which is the final frame sent by an endpoint.

The CLOSE frame may include a payload, but its format is very particular. See RFC 6455 section 5.5.1.

PING = 9

A control frame that may serve as either a keepalive or as a means to verify that the remote endpoint is still responsive.

DO NOT manually send a PONG frame in response to a PING, the implementation does this automatically.

A PING frame may include a payload. See RFC 6455 section 5.5.2.

PONG = 10

The control frame that is the response to a PING frame.

DO NOT manually send a PONG frame in response to a PING, the implementation does this automatically.

See RFC 6455 section 5.5.3.


True if this is a “data frame” opcode.

TEXT, BINARY, and CONTINUATION are “data frames”. The rest are “control” frames.

If the WebSocket was created with manage_read_window, then the read window shrinks as “data frames” are received. See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation.

awscrt.websocket.MAX_PAYLOAD_LENGTH = 9223372036854775807

The maximum frame payload length allowed by RFC 6455

class awscrt.websocket.OnConnectionSetupData(exception: Exception | None = None, websocket: WebSocket | None = None, handshake_response_status: int | None = None, handshake_response_headers: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None, handshake_response_body: bytes | None = None)

Data passed to the on_connection_setup callback

exception: Exception | None = None

If the connection failed, this exception explains why.

This is None if the connection succeeded.

websocket: WebSocket | None = None

If the connection succeeded, here’s the WebSocket.

You should store this WebSocket somewhere (the connection will shut down if the class is garbage collected).

This is None if the connection failed.

handshake_response_status: int | None = None

The HTTP response status-code, if you’re interested.

This is present if an HTTP response was received, regardless of whether the handshake was accepted or rejected. This always has the value 101 for successful connections.

This is None if the connection failed before receiving an HTTP response.

handshake_response_headers: Sequence[Tuple[str, str]] | None = None

The HTTP response headers, if you’re interested.

These are present if an HTTP response was received, regardless of whether the handshake was accepted or rejected.

This is None if the connection failed before receiving an HTTP response.

handshake_response_body: bytes = None

The HTTP response body, if you’re interested.

This is only present if the server sent a full HTTP response rejecting the handshake. It is not present if the connection succeeded, or the connection failed for other reasons.

class awscrt.websocket.OnConnectionShutdownData(exception: Exception | None = None)

Data passed to the on_connection_shutdown callback

exception: Exception | None = None

If the connection shut down cleanly, this is None.

If the connection shut down due to error, or an error occurs while shutting down, this exception explains why.

class awscrt.websocket.IncomingFrame(opcode: Opcode, payload_length: int, fin: bool)

Describes the frame you are receiving.

Used in on_incoming_frame callbacks

opcode: Opcode

This frame’s opcode.

payload_length: int

This frame’s payload length (in bytes).

fin: bool

The FIN bit indicates whether this is the final fragment in a message.

See RFC 6455 section 5.4 - Fragmentation


True if this is a “data frame”.

TEXT, BINARY, and CONTINUATION are “data frames”. The rest are “control frames”.

If the WebSocket was created with manage_read_window, then the read window shrinks as “data frames” are received. See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation.

class awscrt.websocket.OnIncomingFrameBeginData(frame: IncomingFrame)

Data passed to the on_incoming_frame_begin callback.

Each on_incoming_frame_begin call will be followed by 0+ on_incoming_frame_payload calls, followed by one on_incoming_frame_complete call.

frame: IncomingFrame

Describes the frame you are starting to receive.

class awscrt.websocket.OnIncomingFramePayloadData(frame: IncomingFrame, data: bytes)

Data passed to the on_incoming_frame_payload callback.

This callback will be invoked 0+ times. Each time, data will contain a bit more of the payload. Once all frame.payload_length bytes have been received (or the network connection is lost), the on_incoming_frame_complete callback will be invoked.

If the WebSocket was created with manage_read_window, and this is a “data frame” (TEXT, BINARY, CONTINUATION), then the read window shrinks by len(data). See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation.

frame: IncomingFrame

Describes the frame whose payload you are receiving.

data: bytes

The next chunk of this frame’s payload.

class awscrt.websocket.OnIncomingFrameCompleteData(frame: IncomingFrame, exception: Exception | None = None)

Data passed to the on_incoming_frame_complete callback.

frame: IncomingFrame

Describes the frame you are done receiving.

exception: Exception | None = None

If exception is set, then something went wrong processing the frame or the connection was lost before the frame was fully received.

class awscrt.websocket.OnSendFrameCompleteData(exception: Exception | None = None)

Data passed to the WebSocket.send_frame() on_complete callback.

exception: Exception | None = None

If exception is set, the connection was lost before this frame could be completely sent.

If exception is None, the frame was successfully written to the OS socket. Note that this data may still be buffered in the OS, it has not necessarily left this machine or reached the other endpoint yet.

class awscrt.websocket.WebSocket(binding)

A WebSocket connection.

Use connect() to establish a new client connection.


Close the WebSocket asynchronously.

You should call this when you are done with a healthy WebSocket, to ensure that it shuts down and cleans up. You don’t need to call this on a WebSocket that has already shut down, or is in the middle of shutting down, but it is safe to do so. This function is idempotent.

To determine when shutdown has completed, you can use the on_shutdown_complete callback (passed into connect()).

send_frame(opcode: Opcode, payload: str | bytes | bytearray | memoryview | None = None, *, fin: bool = True, on_complete: Callable[[OnSendFrameCompleteData], None] | None = None)

Send a WebSocket frame asynchronously.

See RFC 6455 section 5 - Data Framing for details on all frame types.

This is a low-level API, which requires you to send the appropriate payload for each type of opcode. If you are not an expert, stick to sending Opcode.TEXT or Opcode.BINARY frames, and don’t touch the FIN bit.

See Flow Control (writing) to learn about limiting the amount of unsent data buffered in memory.

  • opcodeOpcode for this frame.

  • payload – Any bytes-like object. str will always be encoded as UTF-8. It is fine to pass a str for a BINARY frame. None will result in an empty payload, the same as passing empty bytes()

  • fin – The FIN bit indicates that this is the final fragment in a message. Do not set this False unless you understand WebSocket fragmentation

  • on_complete

    Optional callback, invoked when the frame has finished sending. Takes a single OnSendFrameCompleteData argument.

    If OnSendFrameCompleteData.exception is set, the connection was lost before this frame could be completely sent.

    But if exception is None, the frame was successfully written to the OS socket. (This doesn’t mean the other endpoint has received the data yet, or even guarantee that the data has left the machine yet, but it’s on track to get there).

    Be sure to read about Authoring Callbacks.

increment_read_window(size: int)

Manually increment the read window by this many bytes, to continue receiving frames.

See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation. If the WebSocket was created without manage_read_window, this function does nothing. This function may be called from any thread.


size – in bytes

awscrt.websocket.connect(*, host: str, port: int | None = None, handshake_request: HttpRequest, bootstrap: ClientBootstrap | None = None, socket_options: SocketOptions | None = None, tls_connection_options: TlsConnectionOptions | None = None, proxy_options: HttpProxyOptions | None = None, manage_read_window: bool = False, initial_read_window: int | None = None, on_connection_setup: Callable[[OnConnectionSetupData], None], on_connection_shutdown: Callable[[OnConnectionShutdownData], None] | None = None, on_incoming_frame_begin: Callable[[OnIncomingFrameBeginData], None] | None = None, on_incoming_frame_payload: Callable[[OnIncomingFramePayloadData], None] | None = None, on_incoming_frame_complete: Callable[[OnIncomingFrameCompleteData], None] | None = None)

Asynchronously establish a client WebSocket connection.

The on_connection_setup callback is invoked once the connection has succeeded or failed.

If successful, a WebSocket will be provided in the OnConnectionSetupData. You should store this WebSocket somewhere, so that you can continue using it (the connection will shut down if the class is garbage collected).

The WebSocket will shut down after one of these things occur:
  • You call WebSocket.close()

  • You, or the server, sends a CLOSE frame.

  • The underlying socket shuts down.

  • All references to the WebSocket are dropped, causing it to be garbage collected. However, you should NOT rely on this behavior. You should call close() when you are done with a healthy WebSocket, to ensure that it shuts down and cleans up. It is very easy to accidentally keep a reference around without realizing it.

Be sure to read about Authoring Callbacks.

  • host – Hostname to connect to.

  • port – Port to connect to. If not specified, it defaults to port 443 when tls_connection_options is present, and port 80 otherwise.

  • handshake_request

    HTTP request for the initial WebSocket handshake.

    The request’s method MUST be “GET”, and the following headers are required:

    Host: <host>
    Upgrade: websocket
    Connection: Upgrade
    Sec-WebSocket-Key: <base64-encoding of 16 random bytes>
    Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

    You can use create_handshake_request() to make a valid WebSocket handshake request, modifying the path and headers to fit your needs, and then passing it here.

  • bootstrap – Client bootstrap to use when initiating socket connection. If not specified, the default singleton is used.

  • socket_options – Socket options. If not specified, default options are used.

  • proxy_options – HTTP Proxy options. If not specified, no proxy is used.

  • manage_read_window – Set true to manually manage the flow-control read window. If false (the default), data arrives as fast as possible. See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation.

  • initial_read_window – The initial size of the read window, in bytes. This must be set if manage_read_window is true, otherwise it is ignored. See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation. An initial size of 0 will prevent any frames from arriving until WebSocket.increment_read_window() is called.

  • on_connection_setup

    Callback invoked when the connect completes. Takes a single OnConnectionSetupData argument.

    If successful, OnConnectionSetupData.websocket will be set. You should store the WebSocket somewhere, so you can use it to send data when you’re ready. The other callbacks will be invoked as events occur, until the final on_connection_shutdown callback.

    If unsuccessful, OnConnectionSetupData.exception will be set, and no further callbacks will be invoked.

    If this callback raises an exception, the connection will shut down.

  • on_connection_shutdown

    Optional callback, invoked when a connection shuts down. Takes a single OnConnectionShutdownData argument.

    This callback is never invoked if on_connection_setup reported an exception.

  • on_incoming_frame_begin

    Optional callback, invoked once at the start of each incoming frame. Takes a single OnIncomingFrameBeginData argument.

    Each on_incoming_frame_begin call will be followed by 0+ on_incoming_frame_payload calls, followed by one on_incoming_frame_complete call.

    The “frame complete” callback is guaranteed to be invoked once for each “frame begin” callback, even if the connection is lost before the whole frame has been received.

    If this callback raises an exception, the connection will shut down.

  • on_incoming_frame_payload

    Optional callback, invoked 0+ times as payload data arrives. Takes a single OnIncomingFramePayloadData argument.

    If manage_read_window is on, and this is a “data frame”, then the read window shrinks accordingly. See Flow Control (reading) for a thorough explanation.

    If this callback raises an exception, the connection will shut down.

  • on_incoming_frame_complete

    Optional callback, invoked when the WebSocket is done processing an incoming frame. Takes a single OnIncomingFrameCompleteData argument.

    If OnIncomingFrameCompleteData.exception is set, then something went wrong processing the frame or the connection was lost before the frame could be completed.

    If this callback raises an exception, the connection will shut down.

awscrt.websocket.create_handshake_request(*, host: str, path: str = '/') HttpRequest

Create an HTTP request with all the required fields for a WebSocket handshake.

The method will be “GET”, and the following headers are added:

Host: <host>
Upgrade: websocket
Connection: Upgrade
Sec-WebSocket-Key: <base64-encoding of 16 random bytes>
Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13

You may can add headers, or modify the path, before using this request.

  • host – Value for “Host” header

  • path – Path (and query) string. Defaults to “/”.