aws_ddk_core package


BaseStack(*args, **kwargs)

Base Stack to inherit from.


CICDPipelineStack(*args, **kwargs)

Create a stack that contains DDK Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) pipeline.



Class used to read configuration with a configurable strategy.


Read config from ddk.json in the root of the repo.

Data Pipelines

DataPipeline(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a data pipeline.

DataStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a data stage within a data pipeline.

EventStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents an event stage within a data pipeline.

StateMachineStage(*args, **kwargs)

DataStage with helper methods to simplify StateMachine stages creation.



Class factory to create and configure DataBrew DDK resources, including Jobs.


Class factory create and configure DMS DDK resources, including endpoints, replication tasks and replication instances.


Class factory to create and configure Glue DDK resources, including Jobs.


Class factory create and configure Kinesis DDK resources, including Delivery Streams.


Class factory create and configure Kinesis DDK resources, including Data Streams.


Class factory to create and configure Key Management Service DDK resources, including Keys.


Class factory to create and configure Lambda DDK resources, including Functions.


Class factory to create and configure Simple Storage Service DDK resources, including Buckets.


Class factory create and configure Simple Queue Service DDK resources, including Queues.


Class factory create and configure AWS Step Functions Service DDK resources, including State Machines.

aws_ddk_core.resources.pandas_sdk_layer(scope: constructs.Construct, id: Optional[str] = 'pandas-sdk-layer', environment_id: Optional[str] = None, region: Optional[str] = None, version: Optional[str] = None) aws_cdk.aws_lambda.LayerVersion

Retrieves AWS SDK for pandas managed Lambda Layer.

  • scope (Construct) – CDK stack.

  • id (Optional[str]) – Logical id of lambda layer resource in scope.

  • environment_id (Optional[str]) – DDK environment to pull value from when using DDK config to specify layer.

  • region (Optional[str]) – Name of region to lookup in. Defaults to region of CDK stack.

  • version (Optional[str]) – Version of AWS SDK for pandas layer i.e. ‘2.17.0’. If no version is specified the latest version in the region will be returned

Return type


Data Stages

AppFlowIngestionStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents an AppFlow DDK DataStage.

AthenaSQLStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a Athena SQL DDK DataStage.

DataBrewTransformStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a DataBrew Transform DDK DataStage.

DMSS3ToS3Stage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a DMS to S3 to S3 Replication DDK Stage.

GlueTransformStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a Glue Transform DDK DataStage.

KinesisToS3Stage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents a Firehose to S3 Ingestion DDK Stage.

S3EventStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents an S3 Event DDK Stage.

SqsToLambdaStage(*args, **kwargs)

Class that represents an SQS to Lambda Transform DDK Stage.