AWS IoT Device Client
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 CDeviceDefenderFeatureProvides IoT Device Defender related functionality within the Device Client
 CAbstractReportTaskInterface for ReportTaskWrapper
 CReportTaskWrapperA wrapper class for Aws::Iotdevicedefenderv1::ReportTask
 CFleetProvisioningProvides IoT Fleet Provisioning related functionality within the Device Client
 CEphemeralPromiseProvides the ability to specify a point of expiration for a promise
 CJobEngineManages the execution of a Job
 CJobsFeatureProvides IoT Jobs related functionality within the Device Client
 CJobExecutionStatusInfoWrapper struct to aggregate JobEngine output for updating a job execution status
 CLimitedStreamBufferUsed to buffer output from STDOUT or STDERR of the child process for placement in the status details when updating a job execution
 CFileLoggerFile-based logging implementation for writing log messages to a file on the device
 CLoggerInterface representing essential methods that must provided by any underlying Log generating implementation
 CLoggerFactoryFactory-style class used for instantiation of the logger implementation and access to logging features
 CLogMessageRepresents all data that a Logger implementation requires to log data, including a LogLevel, a tag indicating the source of the log message, a time when the message was generated, and the associated message
 CLogQueueA thread-safe queue used by our Logger implementations to queue incoming messages from multiple threads and process them in order
 CStdOutLoggerLogging implementation that writes log messages directly to STDOUT
 CPubSubFeatureProvides IoT PubSub related sample functionality within the Device Client. When enabled The Pub Sub sample feature will publish data from a configured publish-file to a publish-topic, and will recieve messages on a configured subscribe-topic and write them to a subscribe-file. More information can be found in the samples/pubsub/
 CSecureTunnelingContextA class that represents a secure tunnel and local TCP port forward pair. The class also implements all the callbacks required for secure tunneling and local TCP port forward
 CSecureTunnelingFeatureProvides IoT Secure Tunneling related functionality within the Device Client
 CTcpForwardA class that represents a local TCP socket. It implements all callbacks required by using aws_socket
 CHeartbeatTaskHeartbeatTask publishes a heartbeat message while sensor is connected
 CSensorSensor reads from a sensor and publishes to an MQTT topic
 CSensorPublishFeatureSensorPublish publishes sensor data captured on the device to AWS IoT via MQTT
 CSocketSocket interface facilitates testing
 CAwsSocketAwsSocket wraps aws_socket
 CFeatureRegistryA class to keep track of and manage the features currently running on the device client
 COSInterfaceOSInterface presents an interface to the operating system
 COSInterfacePosixOSInterfacePosix is an operating system interface using posix system calls
 CEnvUtilsUtility functions for managing environment variables
 CFileUtilsUtility functions for operations related to files
 CRetryProvides utility methods for retrying a function
 CExponentialRetryConfigUsed for passing an exponential retry configuration to the exponentialBackoff function
 CUniqueStringUtility class intended to provide a somewhat 'unique' token
 CClientBaseNotifierInterface the provides event-based messaging between features and the client base (Main.cpp)
 CPermissionsDefault permission values
 CFeatureCommon interface for orchestration of Device Client features
 CDefaultClientBaseNotifierRepresents the default set of behavior we expect to exhibit when receiving events from a feature
 CSharedCrtResourceManagerUtility class for managing the CRT SDK Resources