AWS IoT Device Client
▼NAws | |
▼NIot | |
▼NDeviceClient | |
▼NDeviceDefender | |
CDeviceDefenderFeature | Provides IoT Device Defender related functionality within the Device Client |
CAbstractReportTask | Interface for ReportTaskWrapper |
CReportTaskWrapper | A wrapper class for Aws::Iotdevicedefenderv1::ReportTask |
▼NFleetProvisioningNS | |
CFleetProvisioning | Provides IoT Fleet Provisioning related functionality within the Device Client |
▼NJobs | |
CEphemeralPromise | Provides the ability to specify a point of expiration for a promise |
CAbstractIotJobsClient | |
CIotJobsClientWrapper | |
CLoadableFromJobDocument | |
▼CPlainJobDocument | |
▼CJobAction | |
CActionCommandInput | |
CActionHandlerInput | |
CJobCondition | |
CJobEngine | Manages the execution of a Job |
▼CJobsFeature | Provides IoT Jobs related functionality within the Device Client |
CJobExecutionStatusInfo | Wrapper struct to aggregate JobEngine output for updating a job execution status |
CLimitedStreamBuffer | Used to buffer output from STDOUT or STDERR of the child process for placement in the status details when updating a job execution |
▼NLogging | |
CFileLogger | File-based logging implementation for writing log messages to a file on the device |
CLogger | Interface representing essential methods that must provided by any underlying Log generating implementation |
CLoggerFactory | Factory-style class used for instantiation of the logger implementation and access to logging features |
CLogMessage | Represents all data that a Logger implementation requires to log data, including a LogLevel, a tag indicating the source of the log message, a time when the message was generated, and the associated message |
CLogQueue | A thread-safe queue used by our Logger implementations to queue incoming messages from multiple threads and process them in order |
CStdOutLogger | Logging implementation that writes log messages directly to STDOUT |
▼NSamples | |
CPubSubFeature | Provides IoT PubSub related sample functionality within the Device Client. When enabled The Pub Sub sample feature will publish data from a configured publish-file to a publish-topic , and will recieve messages on a configured subscribe-topic and write them to a subscribe-file . More information can be found in the samples/pubsub/ |
▼NSecureTunneling | |
CAbstractIotSecureTunnelingClient | |
CIotSecureTunnelingClientWrapper | |
CSecureTunnelingContext | A class that represents a secure tunnel and local TCP port forward pair. The class also implements all the callbacks required for secure tunneling and local TCP port forward |
CSecureTunnelingFeature | Provides IoT Secure Tunneling related functionality within the Device Client |
CSecureTunnelWrapper | |
CTcpForward | A class that represents a local TCP socket. It implements all callbacks required by using aws_socket |
▼NSensorPublish | |
CHeartbeatTask | HeartbeatTask publishes a heartbeat message while sensor is connected |
CSensor | Sensor reads from a sensor and publishes to an MQTT topic |
CSensorPublishFeature | SensorPublish publishes sensor data captured on the device to AWS IoT via MQTT |
CSocket | Socket interface facilitates testing |
CAwsSocket | AwsSocket wraps aws_socket |
▼NShadow | |
CConfigShadow | |
CSampleShadowFeature | |
▼NUtil | |
CFeatureRegistry | A class to keep track of and manage the features currently running on the device client |
COSInterface | OSInterface presents an interface to the operating system |
COSInterfacePosix | OSInterfacePosix is an operating system interface using posix system calls |
CEnvUtils | Utility functions for managing environment variables |
CFileUtils | Utility functions for operations related to files |
Cwordexp_fail_error | |
CLockFile | |
▼CRetry | Provides utility methods for retrying a function |
CExponentialRetryConfig | Used for passing an exponential retry configuration to the exponentialBackoff function |
CUniqueString | Utility class intended to provide a somewhat 'unique' token |
CClientBaseNotifier | Interface the provides event-based messaging between features and the client base (Main.cpp) |
CLoadableFromJsonAndCliAndEnvironment | |
CPermissions | Default permission values |
▼CPlainConfig | |
CConfigShadow | |
CDeviceDefender | |
CFleetProvisioning | |
CFleetProvisioningRuntimeConfig | |
CHttpProxyConfig | |
CJobs | |
CLogConfig | |
CPubSub | |
CSampleShadow | |
CSecureElement | |
▼CSensorPublish | |
CSensorSettings | |
CTunneling | |
CConfig | |
CFeature | Common interface for orchestration of Device Client features |
CDefaultClientBaseNotifier | Represents the default set of behavior we expect to exhibit when receiving events from a feature |
CSharedCrtResourceManager | Utility class for managing the CRT SDK Resources |
Csyscall_error |