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public class AcmPcaClient 





public init(config: AWSClientRuntime.AWSClientConfiguration) 


public convenience init(region: Swift.String? = nil) throws 



public static let clientName = "AcmPcaClient"



Creates a root or subordinate private certificate authority (CA). You must specify the CA configuration, an optional configuration for Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) and/or a certificate revocation list (CRL), the CA type, and an optional idempotency token to avoid accidental creation of multiple CAs. The CA configuration specifies the name of the algorithm and key size to be used to create the CA private key, the type of signing algorithm that the CA uses, and X.500 subject information. The OCSP configuration can optionally specify a custom URL for the OCSP responder. The CRL configuration specifies the CRL expiration period in days (the validity period of the CRL), the Amazon S3 bucket that will contain the CRL, and a CNAME alias for the S3 bucket that is included in certificates issued by the CA. If successful, this action returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CA. ACM Private CA assets that are stored in Amazon S3 can be protected with encryption. For more information, see Encrypting Your CRLs. Both PCA and the IAM principal must have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify. If the IAM principal making the call does not have permission to write to the bucket, then an exception is thrown. For more information, see Configure Access to ACM Private CA.

public func createCertificateAuthority(input: CreateCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, CreateCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Creates an audit report that lists every time that your CA private key is used. The report is saved in the Amazon S3 bucket that you specify on input. The IssueCertificate and RevokeCertificate actions use the private key. Both PCA and the IAM principal must have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify. If the IAM principal making the call does not have permission to write to the bucket, then an exception is thrown. For more information, see Configure Access to ACM Private CA. ACM Private CA assets that are stored in Amazon S3 can be protected with encryption. For more information, see Encrypting Your Audit Reports.

public func createCertificateAuthorityAuditReport(input: CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReportInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReportOutputResponse, CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReportOutputError>) -> Void)


Grants one or more permissions on a private CA to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service principal ( These permissions allow ACM to issue and renew ACM certificates that reside in the same AWS account as the CA. You can list current permissions with the ListPermissions action and revoke them with the DeletePermission action. About Permissions

public func createPermission(input: CreatePermissionInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreatePermissionOutputResponse, CreatePermissionOutputError>) -> Void)


Deletes a private certificate authority (CA). You must provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the private CA that you want to delete. You can find the ARN by calling the ListCertificateAuthorities action. Deleting a CA will invalidate other CAs and certificates below it in your CA hierarchy. Before you can delete a CA that you have created and activated, you must disable it. To do this, call the UpdateCertificateAuthority action and set the CertificateAuthorityStatus parameter to DISABLED. Additionally, you can delete a CA if you are waiting for it to be created (that is, the status of the CA is CREATING). You can also delete it if the CA has been created but you haven’t yet imported the signed certificate into ACM Private CA (that is, the status of the CA is PENDING_CERTIFICATE). When you successfully call DeleteCertificateAuthority, the CA’s status changes to DELETED. However, the CA won’t be permanently deleted until the restoration period has passed. By default, if you do not set the PermanentDeletionTimeInDays parameter, the CA remains restorable for 30 days. You can set the parameter from 7 to 30 days. The DescribeCertificateAuthority action returns the time remaining in the restoration window of a private CA in the DELETED state. To restore an eligible CA, call the RestoreCertificateAuthority action.

public func deleteCertificateAuthority(input: DeleteCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeleteCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, DeleteCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Revokes permissions on a private CA granted to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service principal ( These permissions allow ACM to issue and renew ACM certificates that reside in the same AWS account as the CA. If you revoke these permissions, ACM will no longer renew the affected certificates automatically. Permissions can be granted with the CreatePermission action and listed with the ListPermissions action. About Permissions

public func deletePermission(input: DeletePermissionInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeletePermissionOutputResponse, DeletePermissionOutputError>) -> Void)


Deletes the resource-based policy attached to a private CA. Deletion will remove any access that the policy has granted. If there is no policy attached to the private CA, this action will return successful. If you delete a policy that was applied through AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM), the CA will be removed from all shares in which it was included. The AWS Certificate Manager Service Linked Role that the policy supports is not affected when you delete the policy. The current policy can be shown with GetPolicy and updated with PutPolicy. About Policies

public func deletePolicy(input: DeletePolicyInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeletePolicyOutputResponse, DeletePolicyOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists information about your private certificate authority (CA) or one that has been shared with you. You specify the private CA on input by its ARN (Amazon Resource Name). The output contains the status of your CA. This can be any of the following:

public func describeCertificateAuthority(input: DescribeCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, DescribeCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists information about a specific audit report created by calling the CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReport action. Audit information is created every time the certificate authority (CA) private key is used. The private key is used when you call the IssueCertificate action or the RevokeCertificate action.

public func describeCertificateAuthorityAuditReport(input: DescribeCertificateAuthorityAuditReportInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeCertificateAuthorityAuditReportOutputResponse, DescribeCertificateAuthorityAuditReportOutputError>) -> Void)


Retrieves a certificate from your private CA or one that has been shared with you. The ARN of the certificate is returned when you call the IssueCertificate action. You must specify both the ARN of your private CA and the ARN of the issued certificate when calling the GetCertificate action. You can retrieve the certificate if it is in the ISSUED state. You can call the CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReport action to create a report that contains information about all of the certificates issued and revoked by your private CA.

public func getCertificate(input: GetCertificateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetCertificateOutputResponse, GetCertificateOutputError>) -> Void)


Retrieves the certificate and certificate chain for your private certificate authority (CA) or one that has been shared with you. Both the certificate and the chain are base64 PEM-encoded. The chain does not include the CA certificate. Each certificate in the chain signs the one before it.

public func getCertificateAuthorityCertificate(input: GetCertificateAuthorityCertificateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetCertificateAuthorityCertificateOutputResponse, GetCertificateAuthorityCertificateOutputError>) -> Void)


Retrieves the certificate signing request (CSR) for your private certificate authority (CA). The CSR is created when you call the CreateCertificateAuthority action. Sign the CSR with your ACM Private CA-hosted or on-premises root or subordinate CA. Then import the signed certificate back into ACM Private CA by calling the ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificate action. The CSR is returned as a base64 PEM-encoded string.

public func getCertificateAuthorityCsr(input: GetCertificateAuthorityCsrInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetCertificateAuthorityCsrOutputResponse, GetCertificateAuthorityCsrOutputError>) -> Void)


Retrieves the resource-based policy attached to a private CA. If either the private CA resource or the policy cannot be found, this action returns a ResourceNotFoundException. The policy can be attached or updated with PutPolicy and removed with DeletePolicy. About Policies

public func getPolicy(input: GetPolicyInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetPolicyOutputResponse, GetPolicyOutputError>) -> Void)


Imports a signed private CA certificate into ACM Private CA. This action is used when you are using a chain of trust whose root is located outside ACM Private CA. Before you can call this action, the following preparations must in place:

public func importCertificateAuthorityCertificate(input: ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificateOutputResponse, ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificateOutputError>) -> Void)

ACM Private CA supports three scenarios for installing a CA certificate:

The following additional requirements apply when you import a CA certificate.

Enforcement of Critical Constraints ACM Private CA allows the following extensions to be marked critical in the imported CA certificate or chain.

ACM Private CA rejects the following extensions when they are marked critical in an imported CA certificate or chain.


Uses your private certificate authority (CA), or one that has been shared with you, to issue a client certificate. This action returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the certificate. You can retrieve the certificate by calling the GetCertificate action and specifying the ARN. You cannot use the ACM ListCertificateAuthorities action to retrieve the ARNs of the certificates that you issue by using ACM Private CA.

public func issueCertificate(input: IssueCertificateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<IssueCertificateOutputResponse, IssueCertificateOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the private certificate authorities that you created by using the CreateCertificateAuthority action.

public func listCertificateAuthorities(input: ListCertificateAuthoritiesInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListCertificateAuthoritiesOutputResponse, ListCertificateAuthoritiesOutputError>) -> Void)


List all permissions on a private CA, if any, granted to the AWS Certificate Manager (ACM) service principal ( These permissions allow ACM to issue and renew ACM certificates that reside in the same AWS account as the CA. Permissions can be granted with the CreatePermission action and revoked with the DeletePermission action. About Permissions

public func listPermissions(input: ListPermissionsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListPermissionsOutputResponse, ListPermissionsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the tags, if any, that are associated with your private CA or one that has been shared with you. Tags are labels that you can use to identify and organize your CAs. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. Call the TagCertificateAuthority action to add one or more tags to your CA. Call the UntagCertificateAuthority action to remove tags.

public func listTags(input: ListTagsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListTagsOutputResponse, ListTagsOutputError>) -> Void)


Attaches a resource-based policy to a private CA. A policy can also be applied by sharing a private CA through AWS Resource Access Manager (RAM). For more information, see Attach a Policy for Cross-Account Access. The policy can be displayed with GetPolicy and removed with DeletePolicy. About Policies

public func putPolicy(input: PutPolicyInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<PutPolicyOutputResponse, PutPolicyOutputError>) -> Void)


Restores a certificate authority (CA) that is in the DELETED state. You can restore a CA during the period that you defined in the PermanentDeletionTimeInDays parameter of the DeleteCertificateAuthority action. Currently, you can specify 7 to 30 days. If you did not specify a PermanentDeletionTimeInDays value, by default you can restore the CA at any time in a 30 day period. You can check the time remaining in the restoration period of a private CA in the DELETED state by calling the DescribeCertificateAuthority or ListCertificateAuthorities actions. The status of a restored CA is set to its pre-deletion status when the RestoreCertificateAuthority action returns. To change its status to ACTIVE, call the UpdateCertificateAuthority action. If the private CA was in the PENDING_CERTIFICATE state at deletion, you must use the ImportCertificateAuthorityCertificate action to import a certificate authority into the private CA before it can be activated. You cannot restore a CA after the restoration period has ended.

public func restoreCertificateAuthority(input: RestoreCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<RestoreCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, RestoreCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Revokes a certificate that was issued inside ACM Private CA. If you enable a certificate revocation list (CRL) when you create or update your private CA, information about the revoked certificates will be included in the CRL. ACM Private CA writes the CRL to an S3 bucket that you specify. A CRL is typically updated approximately 30 minutes after a certificate is revoked. If for any reason the CRL update fails, ACM Private CA attempts makes further attempts every 15 minutes. With Amazon CloudWatch, you can create alarms for the metrics CRLGenerated and MisconfiguredCRLBucket. For more information, see Supported CloudWatch Metrics. Both PCA and the IAM principal must have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify. If the IAM principal making the call does not have permission to write to the bucket, then an exception is thrown. For more information, see Configure Access to ACM Private CA. ACM Private CA also writes revocation information to the audit report. For more information, see CreateCertificateAuthorityAuditReport. You cannot revoke a root CA self-signed certificate.

public func revokeCertificate(input: RevokeCertificateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<RevokeCertificateOutputResponse, RevokeCertificateOutputError>) -> Void)


Adds one or more tags to your private CA. Tags are labels that you can use to identify and organize your AWS resources. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value. You specify the private CA on input by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). You specify the tag by using a key-value pair. You can apply a tag to just one private CA if you want to identify a specific characteristic of that CA, or you can apply the same tag to multiple private CAs if you want to filter for a common relationship among those CAs. To remove one or more tags, use the UntagCertificateAuthority action. Call the ListTags action to see what tags are associated with your CA.

public func tagCertificateAuthority(input: TagCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<TagCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, TagCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Remove one or more tags from your private CA. A tag consists of a key-value pair. If you do not specify the value portion of the tag when calling this action, the tag will be removed regardless of value. If you specify a value, the tag is removed only if it is associated with the specified value. To add tags to a private CA, use the TagCertificateAuthority. Call the ListTags action to see what tags are associated with your CA.

public func untagCertificateAuthority(input: UntagCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<UntagCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, UntagCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)


Updates the status or configuration of a private certificate authority (CA). Your private CA must be in the ACTIVE or DISABLED state before you can update it. You can disable a private CA that is in the ACTIVE state or make a CA that is in the DISABLED state active again. Both PCA and the IAM principal must have permission to write to the S3 bucket that you specify. If the IAM principal making the call does not have permission to write to the bucket, then an exception is thrown. For more information, see Configure Access to ACM Private CA.

public func updateCertificateAuthority(input: UpdateCertificateAuthorityInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<UpdateCertificateAuthorityOutputResponse, UpdateCertificateAuthorityOutputError>) -> Void)