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Amazon Inspector Amazon Inspector enables you to analyze the behavior of your AWS resources and to identify potential security issues. For more information, see Amazon Inspector User Guide.

public protocol InspectorClientProtocol 



Assigns attributes (key and value pairs) to the findings that are specified by the ARNs of the findings.

func addAttributesToFindings(input: AddAttributesToFindingsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<AddAttributesToFindingsOutputResponse, AddAttributesToFindingsOutputError>) -> Void)


Creates a new assessment target using the ARN of the resource group that is generated by [CreateResourceGroup]. If resourceGroupArn is not specified, all EC2 instances in the current AWS account and region are included in the assessment target. If the service-linked role isn’t already registered, this action also creates and registers a service-linked role to grant Amazon Inspector access to AWS Services needed to perform security assessments. You can create up to 50 assessment targets per AWS account. You can run up to 500 concurrent agents per AWS account. For more information, see Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets.

func createAssessmentTarget(input: CreateAssessmentTargetInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateAssessmentTargetOutputResponse, CreateAssessmentTargetOutputError>) -> Void)


Creates an assessment template for the assessment target that is specified by the ARN of the assessment target. If the service-linked role isn’t already registered, this action also creates and registers a service-linked role to grant Amazon Inspector access to AWS Services needed to perform security assessments.

func createAssessmentTemplate(input: CreateAssessmentTemplateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateAssessmentTemplateOutputResponse, CreateAssessmentTemplateOutputError>) -> Void)


Starts the generation of an exclusions preview for the specified assessment template. The exclusions preview lists the potential exclusions (ExclusionPreview) that Inspector can detect before it runs the assessment.

func createExclusionsPreview(input: CreateExclusionsPreviewInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateExclusionsPreviewOutputResponse, CreateExclusionsPreviewOutputError>) -> Void)


Creates a resource group using the specified set of tags (key and value pairs) that are used to select the EC2 instances to be included in an Amazon Inspector assessment target. The created resource group is then used to create an Amazon Inspector assessment target. For more information, see [CreateAssessmentTarget].

func createResourceGroup(input: CreateResourceGroupInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<CreateResourceGroupOutputResponse, CreateResourceGroupOutputError>) -> Void)


Deletes the assessment run that is specified by the ARN of the assessment run.

func deleteAssessmentRun(input: DeleteAssessmentRunInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeleteAssessmentRunOutputResponse, DeleteAssessmentRunOutputError>) -> Void)


Deletes the assessment target that is specified by the ARN of the assessment target.

func deleteAssessmentTarget(input: DeleteAssessmentTargetInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeleteAssessmentTargetOutputResponse, DeleteAssessmentTargetOutputError>) -> Void)


Deletes the assessment template that is specified by the ARN of the assessment template.

func deleteAssessmentTemplate(input: DeleteAssessmentTemplateInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DeleteAssessmentTemplateOutputResponse, DeleteAssessmentTemplateOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the assessment runs that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment runs.

func describeAssessmentRuns(input: DescribeAssessmentRunsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeAssessmentRunsOutputResponse, DescribeAssessmentRunsOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the assessment targets that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment targets.

func describeAssessmentTargets(input: DescribeAssessmentTargetsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeAssessmentTargetsOutputResponse, DescribeAssessmentTargetsOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the assessment templates that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment templates.

func describeAssessmentTemplates(input: DescribeAssessmentTemplatesInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeAssessmentTemplatesOutputResponse, DescribeAssessmentTemplatesOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the IAM role that enables Amazon Inspector to access your AWS account.

func describeCrossAccountAccessRole(input: DescribeCrossAccountAccessRoleInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeCrossAccountAccessRoleOutputResponse, DescribeCrossAccountAccessRoleOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the exclusions that are specified by the exclusions’ ARNs.

func describeExclusions(input: DescribeExclusionsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeExclusionsOutputResponse, DescribeExclusionsOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the findings that are specified by the ARNs of the findings.

func describeFindings(input: DescribeFindingsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeFindingsOutputResponse, DescribeFindingsOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the resource groups that are specified by the ARNs of the resource groups.

func describeResourceGroups(input: DescribeResourceGroupsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeResourceGroupsOutputResponse, DescribeResourceGroupsOutputError>) -> Void)


Describes the rules packages that are specified by the ARNs of the rules packages.

func describeRulesPackages(input: DescribeRulesPackagesInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<DescribeRulesPackagesOutputResponse, DescribeRulesPackagesOutputError>) -> Void)


Produces an assessment report that includes detailed and comprehensive results of a specified assessment run.

func getAssessmentReport(input: GetAssessmentReportInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetAssessmentReportOutputResponse, GetAssessmentReportOutputError>) -> Void)


Retrieves the exclusions preview (a list of ExclusionPreview objects) specified by the preview token. You can obtain the preview token by running the CreateExclusionsPreview API.

func getExclusionsPreview(input: GetExclusionsPreviewInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetExclusionsPreviewOutputResponse, GetExclusionsPreviewOutputError>) -> Void)


Information about the data that is collected for the specified assessment run.

func getTelemetryMetadata(input: GetTelemetryMetadataInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetTelemetryMetadataOutputResponse, GetTelemetryMetadataOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the agents of the assessment runs that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment runs.

func listAssessmentRunAgents(input: ListAssessmentRunAgentsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListAssessmentRunAgentsOutputResponse, ListAssessmentRunAgentsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the assessment runs that correspond to the assessment templates that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment templates.

func listAssessmentRuns(input: ListAssessmentRunsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListAssessmentRunsOutputResponse, ListAssessmentRunsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the ARNs of the assessment targets within this AWS account. For more information about assessment targets, see Amazon Inspector Assessment Targets.

func listAssessmentTargets(input: ListAssessmentTargetsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListAssessmentTargetsOutputResponse, ListAssessmentTargetsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists the assessment templates that correspond to the assessment targets that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment targets.

func listAssessmentTemplates(input: ListAssessmentTemplatesInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListAssessmentTemplatesOutputResponse, ListAssessmentTemplatesOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists all the event subscriptions for the assessment template that is specified by the ARN of the assessment template. For more information, see [SubscribeToEvent] and [UnsubscribeFromEvent].

func listEventSubscriptions(input: ListEventSubscriptionsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListEventSubscriptionsOutputResponse, ListEventSubscriptionsOutputError>) -> Void)


List exclusions that are generated by the assessment run.

func listExclusions(input: ListExclusionsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListExclusionsOutputResponse, ListExclusionsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists findings that are generated by the assessment runs that are specified by the ARNs of the assessment runs.

func listFindings(input: ListFindingsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListFindingsOutputResponse, ListFindingsOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists all available Amazon Inspector rules packages.

func listRulesPackages(input: ListRulesPackagesInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListRulesPackagesOutputResponse, ListRulesPackagesOutputError>) -> Void)


Lists all tags associated with an assessment template.

func listTagsForResource(input: ListTagsForResourceInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListTagsForResourceOutputResponse, ListTagsForResourceOutputError>) -> Void)


Previews the agents installed on the EC2 instances that are part of the specified assessment target.

func previewAgents(input: PreviewAgentsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<PreviewAgentsOutputResponse, PreviewAgentsOutputError>) -> Void)


Registers the IAM role that grants Amazon Inspector access to AWS Services needed to perform security assessments.

func registerCrossAccountAccessRole(input: RegisterCrossAccountAccessRoleInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<RegisterCrossAccountAccessRoleOutputResponse, RegisterCrossAccountAccessRoleOutputError>) -> Void)


Removes entire attributes (key and value pairs) from the findings that are specified by the ARNs of the findings where an attribute with the specified key exists.

func removeAttributesFromFindings(input: RemoveAttributesFromFindingsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<RemoveAttributesFromFindingsOutputResponse, RemoveAttributesFromFindingsOutputError>) -> Void)


Sets tags (key and value pairs) to the assessment template that is specified by the ARN of the assessment template.

func setTagsForResource(input: SetTagsForResourceInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<SetTagsForResourceOutputResponse, SetTagsForResourceOutputError>) -> Void)


Starts the assessment run specified by the ARN of the assessment template. For this API to function properly, you must not exceed the limit of running up to 500 concurrent agents per AWS account.

func startAssessmentRun(input: StartAssessmentRunInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<StartAssessmentRunOutputResponse, StartAssessmentRunOutputError>) -> Void)


Stops the assessment run that is specified by the ARN of the assessment run.

func stopAssessmentRun(input: StopAssessmentRunInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<StopAssessmentRunOutputResponse, StopAssessmentRunOutputError>) -> Void)


Enables the process of sending Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifications about a specified event to a specified SNS topic.

func subscribeToEvent(input: SubscribeToEventInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<SubscribeToEventOutputResponse, SubscribeToEventOutputError>) -> Void)


Disables the process of sending Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) notifications about a specified event to a specified SNS topic.

func unsubscribeFromEvent(input: UnsubscribeFromEventInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<UnsubscribeFromEventOutputResponse, UnsubscribeFromEventOutputError>) -> Void)


Updates the assessment target that is specified by the ARN of the assessment target. If resourceGroupArn is not specified, all EC2 instances in the current AWS account and region are included in the assessment target.

func updateAssessmentTarget(input: UpdateAssessmentTargetInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<UpdateAssessmentTargetOutputResponse, UpdateAssessmentTargetOutputError>) -> Void)