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public class KinesisVideoArchivedMediaClient 





public init(config: AWSClientRuntime.AWSClientConfiguration) 


public convenience init(region: Swift.String? = nil) throws 



public static let clientName = "KinesisVideoArchivedMediaClient"



Downloads an MP4 file (clip) containing the archived, on-demand media from the specified video stream over the specified time range. Both the StreamName and the StreamARN parameters are optional, but you must specify either the StreamName or the StreamARN when invoking this API operation. As a prerequisite to using GetCLip API, you must obtain an endpoint using GetDataEndpoint, specifying GET_CLIP for the APIName parameter. An Amazon Kinesis video stream has the following requirements for providing data through MP4:

public func getClip(input: GetClipInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetClipOutputResponse, GetClipOutputError>) -> Void)

You can monitor the amount of outgoing data by monitoring the GetClip.OutgoingBytes Amazon CloudWatch metric. For information about using CloudWatch to monitor Kinesis Video Streams, see Monitoring Kinesis Video Streams. For pricing information, see Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Pricing and AWS Pricing. Charges for outgoing AWS data apply.


Retrieves an MPEG Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (DASH) URL for the stream. You can then open the URL in a media player to view the stream contents. Both the StreamName and the StreamARN parameters are optional, but you must specify either the StreamName or the StreamARN when invoking this API operation. An Amazon Kinesis video stream has the following requirements for providing data through MPEG-DASH:

public func getDASHStreamingSessionURL(input: GetDASHStreamingSessionURLInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetDASHStreamingSessionURLOutputResponse, GetDASHStreamingSessionURLOutputError>) -> Void)

The following procedure shows how to use MPEG-DASH with Kinesis Video Streams:

For restrictions that apply to MPEG-DASH sessions, see Kinesis Video Streams Limits. You can monitor the amount of data that the media player consumes by monitoring the GetMP4MediaFragment.OutgoingBytes Amazon CloudWatch metric. For information about using CloudWatch to monitor Kinesis Video Streams, see Monitoring Kinesis Video Streams. For pricing information, see Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Pricing and AWS Pricing. Charges for both HLS sessions and outgoing AWS data apply. For more information about HLS, see HTTP Live Streaming on the Apple Developer site. If an error is thrown after invoking a Kinesis Video Streams archived media API, in addition to the HTTP status code and the response body, it includes the following pieces of information:

Both the HTTP status code and the ErrorType header can be utilized to make programmatic decisions about whether errors are retry-able and under what conditions, as well as provide information on what actions the client programmer might need to take in order to successfully try again. For more information, see the Errors section at the bottom of this topic, as well as Common Errors.


Retrieves an HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) URL for the stream. You can then open the URL in a browser or media player to view the stream contents. Both the StreamName and the StreamARN parameters are optional, but you must specify either the StreamName or the StreamARN when invoking this API operation. An Amazon Kinesis video stream has the following requirements for providing data through HLS:

public func getHLSStreamingSessionURL(input: GetHLSStreamingSessionURLInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetHLSStreamingSessionURLOutputResponse, GetHLSStreamingSessionURLOutputError>) -> Void)

Kinesis Video Streams HLS sessions contain fragments in the fragmented MPEG-4 form (also called fMP4 or CMAF) or the MPEG-2 form (also called TS chunks, which the HLS specification also supports). For more information about HLS fragment types, see the HLS specification. The following procedure shows how to use HLS with Kinesis Video Streams:

A streaming session URL must not be shared between players. The service might throttle a session if multiple media players are sharing it. For connection limits, see Kinesis Video Streams Limits. You can monitor the amount of data that the media player consumes by monitoring the GetMP4MediaFragment.OutgoingBytes Amazon CloudWatch metric. For information about using CloudWatch to monitor Kinesis Video Streams, see Monitoring Kinesis Video Streams. For pricing information, see Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Pricing and AWS Pricing. Charges for both HLS sessions and outgoing AWS data apply. For more information about HLS, see HTTP Live Streaming on the Apple Developer site. If an error is thrown after invoking a Kinesis Video Streams archived media API, in addition to the HTTP status code and the response body, it includes the following pieces of information:

Both the HTTP status code and the ErrorType header can be utilized to make programmatic decisions about whether errors are retry-able and under what conditions, as well as provide information on what actions the client programmer might need to take in order to successfully try again. For more information, see the Errors section at the bottom of this topic, as well as Common Errors.


Gets media for a list of fragments (specified by fragment number) from the archived data in an Amazon Kinesis video stream. You must first call the GetDataEndpoint API to get an endpoint. Then send the GetMediaForFragmentList requests to this endpoint using the –endpoint-url parameter. For limits, see Kinesis Video Streams Limits. If an error is thrown after invoking a Kinesis Video Streams archived media API, in addition to the HTTP status code and the response body, it includes the following pieces of information:

public func getMediaForFragmentList(input: GetMediaForFragmentListInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<GetMediaForFragmentListOutputResponse, GetMediaForFragmentListOutputError>) -> Void)

Both the HTTP status code and the ErrorType header can be utilized to make programmatic decisions about whether errors are retry-able and under what conditions, as well as provide information on what actions the client programmer might need to take in order to successfully try again. For more information, see the Errors section at the bottom of this topic, as well as Common Errors.


Returns a list of [Fragment] objects from the specified stream and timestamp range within the archived data. Listing fragments is eventually consistent. This means that even if the producer receives an acknowledgment that a fragment is persisted, the result might not be returned immediately from a request to ListFragments. However, results are typically available in less than one second. You must first call the GetDataEndpoint API to get an endpoint. Then send the ListFragments requests to this endpoint using the –endpoint-url parameter. If an error is thrown after invoking a Kinesis Video Streams archived media API, in addition to the HTTP status code and the response body, it includes the following pieces of information:

public func listFragments(input: ListFragmentsInput, completion: @escaping (ClientRuntime.SdkResult<ListFragmentsOutputResponse, ListFragmentsOutputError>) -> Void)

Both the HTTP status code and the ErrorType header can be utilized to make programmatic decisions about whether errors are retry-able and under what conditions, as well as provide information on what actions the client programmer might need to take in order to successfully try again. For more information, see the Errors section at the bottom of this topic, as well as Common Errors.