EKS cluster from scratch

This example will write a tile to deploy a EKS cluster from scratch

simple eks architecture



  1. Make sure your aws cli is well configured, you will see something like below

    $ aws configure list
        Name                    Value             Type    Location
        ----                    -----             ----    --------
    profile                <not set>             None    None
    access_key     ****************XAWA shared-credentials-file
    secret_key     ****************qEK5 shared-credentials-file
        region                us-east-2      config-file    ~/.aws/config
  2. Create a workspace for your local tile

    $ mkdir -p $HOME/ws/local-tiles-repo
  3. Lanuch dice daemon in DEV mode if not existing:

    $ docker run -it -d -v $HOME/ws/local-tiles-repo:/workspace/tiles-repo \
    -v ~/.aws:/root/.aws \
    -e M_MODE=dev \
    -p 9090:9090 \
  4. Create a tile based on CDK

    $ cd $HOME/ws/local-tiles-repo  # enter local tiles repository
    $ mctl init tile -d myeks       # init a CDK tile template under myeks folder
    2020-07-22T11:33:28+08:00 [!]  no such flag -filename
    []  Loading  templates from Tile-Repo started ...
    []  Loading  templates finished.
    []  Generated file - myeks//0.1.0
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/README.md.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/jest.config.js
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/lib
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/lib/index.ts.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/package-lock.json.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/package.json.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/test
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/test/simple.test.ts.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/tile-spec.yaml.tp
    []  Generated file - myeks/0.1.0/tsconfig.json
    $ cd myeks
    $ tree .    # check your folder
    └── myeks
        └── 0.1.0
            ├── README.md
            ├── jest.config.js
            ├── lib
            │   └── index.ts        # main function
            ├── package-lock.json
            ├── package.json
            ├── test
            │   └── simple.test.ts  # unit test
            ├── tile-spec.yaml      # the tile definition
            └── tsconfig.json
    4 directories, 8 files
    $ rm myeks/0.1.0/package-lock.json  # remove the generated package-lock.json because it's out of date
    $ cd myeks/0.1.0/
    $ npm install # install dependencies
  5. Let’s first create a policy component to let myeks have enough permissions. Create lib/policy4eks.ts

    // lib/policy4eks.ts
    import cdk = require('@aws-cdk/core');
    import ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');
    import iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');
    export interface PolicyProps { }
    export class NodePolicies extends cdk.Construct {
    public eksInlinePolicy: { [name: string]: iam.PolicyDocument }
    constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: PolicyProps) {
        super(scope, id);
        this.eksInlinePolicy = {
        "Autoscaler4eks": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "ALBIngress": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "AppMesh": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "CertManagerChangeSet": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["arn:aws:route53:::hostedzone/*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "CertManagerGetChange": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["arn:aws:route53:::change/*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "CertManagerHostedZone": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "EBS": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "EFS": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "EFSEC2": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "FSX": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "ServiceLinkRole": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
        "XRay": new iam.PolicyDocument({
            statements: [
            new iam.PolicyStatement({
                actions: [
                resources: ["*"],
                effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW
  6. Then, write a myeks CDK component. The key of CDK component is to define your input properties and output values. Belows are the inputs and outputs.

    // inputs
    export interface MyEKSProps {
      vpc: ec2.Vpc,
      vpcSubnets?: ec2.ISubnet[],
      clusterName: string,
      capacity?: number,
      capacityInstance?: string,
      clusterVersion?: string,      // EKS cluster version, like: 1.16, 1.17
    // outputs
    export class MyEKS extends cdk.Construct {
      public readonly clusterName: string;      // The cluster name
      public readonly clusterEndpoint: string;  // The endpoint URL for the Cluster
      public readonly masterRoleARN: string;    // An IAM role that will be `system:masters` privileges on your cluster
      public readonly clusterArn: string;       // The AWS generated ARN for the Cluster resource
      public readonly capacity: number;         // Capacity
      public readonly capacityInstance: string; // Instance type, like: t2.medium, m5.large

    Below is the full source code of myeks CDK component

    // lib/index.ts
    import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
    import eks = require('@aws-cdk/aws-eks');
    import ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');
    import iam = require('@aws-cdk/aws-iam');
    import { NodePolicies } from './policy4eks'
    import { ManagedPolicy, ServicePrincipal, PolicyDocument, PolicyStatement } from '@aws-cdk/aws-iam';
    /** Input parameters */
    export interface MyEKSProps {
      vpc: ec2.Vpc,
      vpcSubnets?: ec2.ISubnet[],
      clusterName: string,
      capacity?: number,
      capacityInstance?: string,
      clusterVersion?: string,
    export class MyEKS extends cdk.Construct {
      /** Directly exposed to other stack */
      public readonly clusterName: string;
      public readonly clusterEndpoint: string;
      public readonly masterRoleARN: string;
      public readonly clusterArn: string;
      public readonly capacity: number;
      public readonly capacityInstance: string;
      constructor(scope: cdk.Construct, id: string, props: MyEKSProps) {
        super(scope, id);
        const eksRole = new iam.Role(this, 'EksClusterMasterRole', {
          assumedBy: new iam.AccountRootPrincipal(),
          managedPolicies: [
        // Instance type for node group
        let capacityInstance: ec2.InstanceType;
        if (props.capacityInstance == undefined) {
          capacityInstance = ec2.InstanceType.of(ec2.InstanceClass.C5, ec2.InstanceSize.LARGE);
        } else {
          capacityInstance = new ec2.InstanceType(props.capacityInstance);
        // Prepared subnet for node group
        let vpcSubnets: ec2.SubnetSelection[];
        if (props.vpcSubnets == undefined) {
          vpcSubnets = [{ subnets: props.vpc.publicSubnets }, { subnets: props.vpc.privateSubnets }];
        } else {
          vpcSubnets = [{ subnets: props.vpcSubnets }];
        // Innitial EKS cluster
        const cluster = new eks.Cluster(this, "BasicEKSCluster", {
          vpc: props.vpc,
          vpcSubnets: vpcSubnets,
          clusterName: props.clusterName,
          defaultCapacity: 0,
          version: eks.KubernetesVersion.of(props.clusterVersion || '1.16'),
          // Master role as initial permission to run Kubectl
          mastersRole: eksRole,
        /** managed nodegroup */
        const nodegroupRole = new iam.Role(scope, 'NodegroupRole', {
          assumedBy: new iam.ServicePrincipal("ec2.amazonaws.com"),
          managedPolicies: [
          inlinePolicies: new NodePolicies(scope, "inlinePolicies", {}).eksInlinePolicy
        const managed = cluster.addNodegroup("managed-node", {
          instanceType: capacityInstance,
          minSize: Math.round(props.capacity! / 2),
          maxSize: props.capacity,
          nodeRole: nodegroupRole
        /** Added CF Output */
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "clusterName", { value: cluster.clusterName })
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "masterRoleARN", { value: eksRole.roleArn })
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "clusterEndpoint", { value: cluster.clusterEndpoint })
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "clusterArn", { value: cluster.clusterArn })
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "capacity", { value: String(props.capacity) || "0" })
        new cdk.CfnOutput(this, "capacityInstance", { value: capacityInstance.toString() })
        this.clusterName = cluster.clusterName;
        this.masterRoleARN = eksRole.roleArn;
        this.clusterEndpoint = cluster.clusterEndpoint;
        this.clusterArn = cluster.clusterArn;
        this.capacity = props.capacity || 0
        this.capacityInstance = capacityInstance.toString()
  7. Once we finished CDK component development, we can write a simple test to verify our cluster configuration

    // test/myeks.test.ts
    import { expect as expectCDK, haveResource, SynthUtils } from '@aws-cdk/assert';
    import * as cdk from '@aws-cdk/core';
    import MyEKS = require('../lib/index');
    import ec2 = require('@aws-cdk/aws-ec2');
    test('EKS Cluster Created', () => {
      const app = new cdk.App();
      const stack = new cdk.Stack(app, "TestStack");
      const vpc = new ec2.Vpc(stack, "Vpc");
      // WHEN
      new MyEKS.MyEKS(stack, 'MyTestConstruct', { vpc: vpc, clusterName: "testCluster" });
      // THEN
    $ npm run test
    > myeks@0.1.0 test ***
    > jest
    PASS  test/myeks.test.ts
    ✓ EKS Cluster Created (1441ms)
    Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
    Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
    Snapshots:   0 total
    Time:        4.341s, estimated 6s
    Ran all test suites.
  8. To be able to deploy your tile, we need one last thing tile-spec.yaml

    # API version
    apiVersion: mahjong.io/v1alpha1
    # Kind of entity
    kind: Tile
    # Metadata
        # Name of entity
        name: MyEKS
        # Category of entity
        category: ContainerProvider
        # Vendor
        vendorService: EKS
        # Version of entity
        version: 0.0.5
    # Specification
      # Dependencies represent dependency with other Tile
          # As a reference name
        - name: network
          # Tile name
          tileReference: Network0
          # Tile version
          tileVersion: 0.0.1
      # Inputs are input parameters when lauching
        # String
        - name: cidr
          inputType: String
          require: true
            name: network
            field: cidr
        # CDKObject
        - name: vpc
          inputType: CDKObject
          description: 'Refer to VPC object on Tile - Network0'
              # Reference name in Dependencies
            - name: network
              # Filed name in refered Tile
              field: baseVpc
          # Input is mandatory or not, true is mandatory and false is optional
          require: false
        # CDKObject[]
        - name: vpcSubnets
          inputType: CDKObject[]
          description: ''
            - name: network
              field: publicSubnet1
            - name: network
              field: publicSubnet2
            - name: network
              field: privateSubnet1
            - name: network
              field: privateSubnet2
          require: false
        # String
        - name: clusterName
          inputType: String
          description: ''
          defaultValue: default-eks-cluster
          require: true
        # Number/ default: 2
        - name: capacity
          inputType: Number
          description: ''
          defaultValue: 2
          require: false
        # String/ default: 'c5.large'
        - name: capacityInstance
          inputType: String
          description: ''
          defaultValue: 'c5.large'
          require: false
        # String/ default: '1.15'
        - name: clusterVersion
          inputType: String
          description: ''
          defaultValue: '1.16'
          require: false
      # Ouptputs represnt output value after launched, for 'ContainerApplication' might need leverage specific command to retrive output.
        # String
        - name: clusterName
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::EKS::Cluster.Name
        # String
        - name: clusterArn
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::EKS::Cluster.ARN
        # String
        - name: clusterEndpoint
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::EKS::Cluster.Endpoint
        # String
        - name: masterRoleARN
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::IAM::Role.ARN
        # String
        - name: capacityInstance
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::EKS::Cluster.capacityInstance
        # String/ default: '1.15'
        - name: capacity
          outputType: String
          description: AWS::EKS::Cluster.capacity
      # Notes are description list for addtional information.
        - "Tag public subnets with 'kubernetes.io/role/elb=1'"
        - "Tag priavte subnets with 'kubernetes.io/role/internal-elb=1'"

    You may want to ask why our tile need to depend on network tile. The reason is that, in our input MyEKSProps, we need to provide VPC’s configuration which we can leverage the existing network tile

  9. Final we can write a deployment YAML try-myeks.yaml to try myeks tile

    # try-myeks.yaml
    apiVersion: mahjong.io/v1alpha1
    kind: Deployment
      name: MyEKS
      version: 0.1.0
              tileReference: MyEKS
              tileVersion: 0.1.0
              - name: clusterName
                inputValue: myeks-cluster
              - name: capacity
                inputValue: 3
              - name: capacityInstance
                inputValue: m5.large
              - name: version
                inputValue: 1.17
        - name: EKS Cluster Name
          value: $(MyEKS.outputs.clusterName)
        - name: Master role arn for EKS Cluster
          value: $(MyEKS.outputs.masterRoleARN)
        - name: The API endpoint EKS Cluster
          value: $(MyEKS.outputs.clusterEndpoint)
        - name: Instance type of worker node
          value: $(MyEKS.outputs.capacityInstance)
        - name: Default capacity of worker node
          value: $(MyEKS.outputs.capacity)
        notes: []
    $ mctl deploy -f ./try-myeks.yaml