Hu | Version | Description |
Simple EKS | v0.1.0 | Quick launch with few lines of yaml. |
EKS with Spot instance | v0.1.0 | Quick launch EKS cluster with mixed spot and on-demand instances, as well as handling spot termination, cluster auto scaler and HPA. |
Simple ArgoCD | v0.1.0 | Setup ArgoCD on EKS with simple configuration. |
Basic CD with ArgoCD | v0.1.0 | Building a modern CD with example applicaiton on GitHub, all you need is a GitHub token. |
Perfect Microservice on EKS | v0.1.0 | Implement a handy containerized Microsercices architecture on EKS with all major componnets and demo applications. |
Tiles | Version | Description |
Basic Network | v0.0.1 | The classic network pattern cross multiple availibilty zone with public and private subnets, NAT, etc. |
Simple EKS | v0.0.1 | The basic EKS cluster, which uses EKS 1.15 as default version and depends on Network0. |
v0.0.5 | Update EKS default version to 1.16 and expose more options. | |
EKS on Spot | v0.5.0 | Provison EKS 1.16 as default and using auto scaling group with mixed spot and normal (4:1) instances. Also has Cluster Autoscaler, Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Spot Instance Handler setup. |
EFS | v0.1.0 | The basic EFS conpoment and based on Network0. EFS is a perfect choice as storage option for Kubernetes. |
ArgoCD | v1.5.2 | The Argocd0 is basic component to help build up GitOps based CI/CD capability, which depends on Tile - Eks0 & Network0. |
Go-Bumblebee-ONLY | v0.0.1 | This is demo application, which can be deploy to Kubernetes cluster to demostrate rich capabilities. |
Istio | v1.5.4 | Setup Istio 1.6 on EKS with all necessary features. Managed by Istio operator and Egress Gateway was off by default. |
AWS KMS | v0.1.0 | Generate both symmetric key and asymmetric key for down stream applications or services |
AWS ElastiCache Redis | v5.0.6 | Setup a redis cluster with replcation group with flexiable options. |
AWS Aurora Mtsql | v2.07.2 | Provision a Aurora MySQL cluster and integrated with Secret Manager to automate secret ratation. |
Go-BumbleBee-Jazz | v0.7.1 | Modern cloud native application with tipycal features to try out how great your Kubernetes cluster are. |
在入门环节,我们将通过自己开发的NGINX牌,组合已有的两张牌:aws redis牌,aws Aurora牌组合在一起构建典型的三层架构环境。我们可以通过下图了解麻将的工作机制:
$ cd $HOME/ws/local-hu-repo
$ mkdir nginx+redis+mysql/0.1.0
apiVersion: mahjong.io/v1alpha1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-redis-mysql
version: 0.1.0
tileReference: nginx
tileVersion: 0.0.1
- name: clusterName
inputValue: nginx-redis-mysql
- name: capacity
inputValue: 3
- name: capacityInstance
inputValue: m5.large
- name: version
inputValue: 1.16
tileReference: AWS-ElastiCache-Redis
tileVersion: 5.0.6
- tileNginx
- name: vpc
# tileInstance.tileName.field
inputValue: $cdk(tileNginx.Network0.baseVpc)
- name: subnetIds
- $cdk(tileNginx.Network0.privateSubnetId1)
- $cdk(tileNginx.Network0.privateSubnetId2)
- name: redisClusterName
inputValue: mahjong-redis
tileReference: AWS-Aurora-Mysql
tileVersion: 2.07.2
- tileNginx
- name: vpc
# tileInstance.tileName.field
inputValue: $cdk(tileNginx.Network0.baseVpc)
- name: clusterIdentifier
inputValue: mahjong-mysql
- name: masterUser
inputValue: admin
- name: defaultDatabaseName
inputValue: testDb
- name: Nginx Endpoint
value: $(tileNginx.outputs.nginxEndpoint)
- name: Redis Endpoint
value: $(tileAWS-ElastiCache-Redis.outputs.redisEndpoint)
- name: RDS DatabaseName
value: $(tileAWS-Aurora-Mysql.outputs.defaultDatabaseName)
- name: RDS Endpoint
value: $(tileAWS-Aurora-Mysql.outputs.clusterEndpoint)
notes: []
部署到AWSmctl deploy -f ./nginx-redis-mysql.yaml
$ mctl deploy -f ./nginx-on-eks.yaml
[ℹ] + export KUBECONFIG=/workspace/nginx/lib/nginx/kube.config
[ℹ] + KUBECONFIG=/workspace/nginx/lib/nginx/kube.config
[ℹ] + export WORK_HOME=/workspace/nginx
[ℹ] + WORK_HOME=/workspace/nginx
[ℹ] + export TILE_HOME=/workspace/nginx/lib/nginx
[ℹ] + TILE_HOME=/workspace/nginx/lib/nginx
[ℹ] + export NAMESPACE=default
[ℹ] + NAMESPACE=default
[ℹ] + cd /workspace/nginx
[ℹ] + kubectl apply -f /workspace/nginx/lib/nginx/lib/nginx-on-k8s.yml -n default
[ℹ] deployment.apps/mahjong-nginx-deployment unchanged
[ℹ] service/nginx-service unchanged
[ℹ] + sleep 10
[ℹ] ++ kubectl get svc nginx-service -o 'jsonpath={.status..hostname}'
[ℹ] + echo '{"nginxEndpoint=a3d984b0d065e46feafcc5d9b944b0e7-1722932499.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com"}'
[ℹ] Extract outputs: [nginxEndpoint] = [a3d984b0d065e46feafcc5d9b944b0e7-1722932499.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com]
[ℹ] Nginx Endpoint = a3d984b0d065e46feafcc5d9b944b0e7-1722932499.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com
$ curl a3d984b0d065e46feafcc5d9b944b0e7-1722932499.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
body {
width: 35em;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>
<p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and
working. Further configuration is required.</p>
<p>For online documentation and support please refer to
<a href="http://nginx.org/">nginx.org</a>.<br/>
Commercial support is available at
<a href="http://nginx.com/">nginx.com</a>.</p>
<p><em>Thank you for using nginx.</em></p>