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Step 4 - Analyze data

After your application sends data (or the sample data are sent) to the pipeline, you can go into the Analytic Studio to view dashboard and query data.


  1. Log into Clickstream Analytics on AWS Console.
  2. In the left navigation pane, click on Analytics Studio, a new tab should be opened in your browser.
  3. In the Analytics Studio page, select the project and app you just created in the drop-down list in the top of the web page.
  4. By default, you should be on the Dashboard page, if not, click on the first icon (Dashboard) in the left navigation panel. qs-dashboard
  5. Click on the "User life cycle dashboard - default", you will be able to see the dashboard created by solution.
  6. Click the second icon (Explore) in the left navigation panel, you will be able to query the clickstream data by using the exploratory analytics models.

Congratulations! You have completed the getting started tutorial. You can explore the Analytic Studio or continue to learn more about this solution later.
