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Data schema

This article explains the data schema and format in Clickstream Analytics on AWS. This solution uses an event-based data model to store and analyze clickstream data, every activity (e.g., click, view) on the clients is modeled as an event with dimensions, each dimension represents a parameter of the event. Dimensions are common for all events, but customers have the flexibility to use JSON object to store custom event parameter as key-value pairs into special dimensions, which enables users to collect information that are specific for their business. Those JSON will be stored in special data types which allow customers to extract the values in the analytics engines.

Database and table

For each project, the solution creates a database with name of <project-id> in Redshift and Athena. Each App will have a schema with name of app_id. In Athena, all tables are added partitions of app_id, year, month, and day. Based on the event data, the solution's data-processing module will create the following four base tables:

  • event-v2: This table stores event data, each record represents an individual event.
  • user-v2 : This table stores the latest user attributes, each record represents a visitor (pseudonymous user).
  • item-v2 : This table stores event-item data, each record represents an event that is associated with an item.
  • session : This table stores session data, each record represents a session for each pseudonymous user.


Each column in the tables represents a specific parameter for an event, user, or item. Note that some parameters are nested within a Super field in Redshift or a Map field in Athena, and those fields (e.g., custom_parameters, user_properties) contains parameters that are repeatable. Table columns are described below.

Event table

Field Name Data Type - Redshift Data Type - Athena Description
event_timestamp TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP The timestamp (in microseconds, UTC) when the event was logged on the client.
event_id VARCHAR STRING Unique ID for the event.
event_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The time in UNIX timestamp format (microseconds) when the event was logged on the client.
event_name VARCHAR STRING The name of the event.
event_value DOUBLE PRECISION FLOAT The value of the event's "value" parameter.
event_value_currency VARCHAR STRING The currency of the value associated with the event.
event_bundle_sequence_id BIGINT BIGINT The sequential ID of the bundle in which these events were uploaded.
ingest_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The time in UNIX timestamp format (microseconds) when the event was ingested to the server.
device.mobile_brand_name VARCHAR STRING The device brand name.
device.mobile_model_name VARCHAR STRING The device model name.
device.manufacturer VARCHAR STRING The device manufacturer name.
device.carrier VARCHAR STRING The device network provider name.
device.network_type VARCHAR STRING The network_type of the device, e.g., WIFI, 5G
device.operating_system VARCHAR STRING The operating system of the device.
device.operating_system_version VARCHAR STRING The OS version.
device.vendor_id VARCHAR STRING IDFV in iOS, Android ID (or UUID if Android ID is not available) in Android.
device.advertising_id VARCHAR STRING Advertising ID/IDFA.
device.system_language VARCHAR STRING The OS language.
device.time_zone_offset_seconds BIGINT BIGINT The offset from GMT in seconds.
device.ua_browser VARCHAR STRING The browser in which the user viewed content, derived from User Agent string
device.ua_browser_version VARCHAR STRING The version of the browser in which the user viewed content, derive from User Agent
device.ua_device VARCHAR STRING The device in which user viewed content, derive from User Agent.
device.ua_device_category VARCHAR STRING The device category in which user viewed content, derive from User Agent.
device.ua_os VARCHAR STRING The operating system of the device in which user viewed content, derive from User Agent.
device.ua_os_version VARCHAR STRING The operating system version of the device category in which user viewed content, derive from User Agent. SUPER MAP The parsed User Agent in key-value pairs
device.screen_width VARCHAR STRING The screen width of the device.
device.screen_height VARCHAR STRING The screen height of the device.
device.viewport_width VARCHAR STRING The screen width of the browser viewport.
device.viewport_height VARCHAR STRING The screen height of the browser viewport.
geo.continent VARCHAR STRING The continent from which events were reported, based on IP address.
geo.sub_continent VARCHAR STRING The subcontinent from which events were reported, based on IP address. VARCHAR STRING The country from which events were reported, based on IP address.
geo.region VARCHAR STRING The region from which events were reported, based on IP address.
geo.metro VARCHAR STRING The metro from which events were reported, based on IP address. VARCHAR STRING The city from which events were reported, based on IP address.
geo.locale VARCHAR STRING The locale information obtained from device.
traffic_source_source VARCHAR STRING The traffic source (derive from utm_source) associated with the event.
traffic_source_medium VARCHAR STRING The traffic medium (derive from utm_medium, such as paid search, organic search, email, etc.) that associated with the event.
traffic_source_campaign VARCHAR STRING The marketing campaign (derive from utm_campaign) associated with the event.
traffic_source_content VARCHAR STRING The marketing campaign content (derive from utm_content) associated with the event.
traffic_source_term VARCHAR STRING The marketing campaign term (derive from utm_term) associated with the event.
traffic_source_campaign_id VARCHAR STRING The marketing campaign id (derive from utm_id) associated with the event.
traffic_source_clid VARCHAR STRING The click id associated with the event.
traffic_source_clid_platform VARCHAR STRING The platform of the click id associated with the event.
traffic_source_channel_group VARCHAR STRING The channel group (assigned by traffic classification rules) associated with the event.
traffic_source_category VARCHAR STRING The source category (i.e., Search, Social, Video, Shopping) based on the traffic source associated with the event.
user_first_touch_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The time in UNIX timestamp format (microseconds) when the user first touch the app or website.
app_package_id VARCHAR STRING The package name or bundle ID of the app.
app_version VARCHAR STRING The app's versionName (Android) or short bundle version.
app_title VARCHAR STRING The app's name.
app_id VARCHAR STRING The App ID (created by this solution) associated with the app.
app_install_source VARCHAR STRING The store from which user installed the app.
platform VARCHAR STRING The data stream platform (Web, IOS or Android) from which the event originated.
project_id VARCHAR STRING The project id associated with the app.
screen_view_screen_name VARCHAR STRING The screen name associated with the event.
screen_view_screen_id VARCHAR STRING The screen class id associated with the event.
screen_view_screen_unique_id VARCHAR STRING The unique screen id associated with the event.
screen_view_previous_screen_name VARCHAR STRING The previous screen name associated with the event.
screen_view_previous_screen_id VARCHAR STRING The previous screen class id associated with the event.
screen_view_previous_screen_unique_id VARCHAR STRING The previous unique screen id associated with the event.
screen_view_entrances BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Whether the screen is the entrance view of the session.
page_view_page_referrer VARCHAR STRING The referrer page url.
page_view_page_referrer_title VARCHAR STRING The referrer page title.
page_view_previous_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The timestamp of the previous page_view event.
page_view_engagement_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The previous page_view duration in milliseconds.
page_view_page_title VARCHAR STRING The title of the webpage associated with the event.
page_view_page_url VARCHAR STRING The url of the webpage associated with the event.
page_view_page_url_path VARCHAR STRING The url path of the webpage associated with the event.
page_view_page_url_query_parameters SUPER MAP The query parameters in key-value pairs of the page url associated with the event.
page_view_hostname VARCHAR STRING The host name of the web page associated with the event.
page_view_latest_referrer VARCHAR STRING The url of the latest external referrer.
page_view_latest_referrer_host VARCHAR STRING The hostname of the latest external referrer.
page_view_entrances BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Whether the page is the entrance view of the session.
app_start_is_first_time BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Whether the app start is a new app launch.
upgrade_previous_app_version VARCHAR STRING Previous app version before app upgrade event.
upgrade_previous_os_version VARCHAR STRING Previous os version before OS upgrade event.
search_key VARCHAR STRING The name of the keyword in the URL when user perform search on web site.
search_term VARCHAR STRING The search content in the URL when user perform search on web site.
outbound_link_classes VARCHAR STRING The content of class in tag that associated with the outbound link.
outbound_link_domain VARCHAR STRING The domain of href in tag that associated with the outbound link.
outbound_link_id VARCHAR STRING The content of id in tag that associated with the outbound link.
outbound_link_url VARCHAR STRING The content of href in tag that associated with the outbound link.
outbound_link BOOLEAN BOOLEAN Whether the link is outbound link or not.
user_engagement_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The user engagement duration in milliseconds.
user_id VARCHAR STRING The unique ID assigned to a user through setUserId() API.
user_pseudo_id VARCHAR STRING The pseudonymous id generated by SDK for the user.
session_id VARCHAR STRING The session id associated with the event.
session_start_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The start time in UNIX timestamp of the session.
session_duration BIGINT BIGINT The duration the session lasts, in milliseconds.
session_number BIGINT BIGINT Number of the sessions generated from the client.
scroll_engagement_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The engagement time on the web page until user scroll.
sdk_error_code VARCHAR STRING The error code generated by SDK when an event is invalid in some way.
sdk_error_message VARCHAR STRING The error message generated by SDK an event is invalid in some way.
sdk_version VARCHAR STRING The version of the SDK.
sdk_name VARCHAR STRING The name of the SDK.
app_exception_message VARCHAR STRING The exception message when the app crashes or throws an exception.
app_exception_stack VARCHAR STRING The exception stack trace when the app crashes or throws an exception.
custom_parameters_json_str VARCHAR STRING All the custom event parameters stored in key-value pairs.
custom_parameters SUPER MAP All the custom event parameters stored in key-value pairs.
process_info SUPER MAP Store information about the data processing.
created_time TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP Store information about the data processing.

User table

Field name Data type - Redshift Data type - Athena Description
event_timestamp BIGINT STRING The timestamp of when the user attributes was collected.
user_id VARCHAR STRING The unique ID assigned to a user through setUserId() API.
user_pseudo_id VARCHAR STRING The pseudonymous id generated by SDK for the user.
user_properties SUPER ARRAY User custom properties of the user.
user_properties_json_str VARCHAR STRING Properties of the user.
first_touch_timestamp BIGINT BIGINT The time (in microseconds) at which the user first opened the app or visited the site.
first_visit_date Date Date Date of the user's first visit
first_referrer VARCHAR STRING The first referrer detected for the user
first_traffic_source VARCHAR STRING The the network source that acquired the user that was first detected for the user, e.g., Google, Baidu
first_traffic_source_medium VARCHAR STRING The medium of the network source that acquired the user that was first detected for the user, e.g., paid search, organic search, email, etc.
first_traffic_source_campaign VARCHAR STRING The name of the marketing campaign that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_content VARCHAR STRING The marketing campaign content that acquired the user that was first detected for the user
first_traffic_source_term VARCHAR STRING The keyword of the marketing ads that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_campaign_id VARCHAR STRING The id of the marketing campaign that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_clid_platform VARCHAR STRING The click id platform of the marketing campaign that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_clid VARCHAR STRING The click id of the marketing campaign that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_channel_group VARCHAR STRING The channel group of the traffic source that acquired the user that was first detected for the user.
first_traffic_source_category VARCHAR STRING The source category (i.e., Search, Social, Video, Shopping) based on the traffic source that acquired the user for the first time.
first_app_install_source VARCHAR STRING The install channel for the user, e.g., Google Play
process_info SUPER MAP Store information about the data processing.
created_time TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP Store information about the data processing.

Session table

Field name Data type - Redshift Data type - Athena Description
event_timestamp TIMESTAMP STRING The timestamp of when the event occurred.
user_pseudo_id VARCHAR STRING The pseudonymous ID generated by the SDK for the user.
session_id VARCHAR STRING The ID assigned to a session.
user_id VARCHAR STRING The unique ID assigned to a user through the setUserId() API.
session_number BIGINT INT The sequence number of the session in the client.
session_start_time_msec BIGINT BIGINT The start time of the session in milliseconds.
session_source VARCHAR STRING The traffic source of the session.
session_medium VARCHAR STRING The traffic source medium of the session.
session_campaign VARCHAR STRING The traffic source campaign of the session.
session_content VARCHAR STRING The traffic source content of the session.
session_term VARCHAR STRING The traffic source term of the session.
session_campaign_id VARCHAR STRING The traffic source campaign ID of the session.
session_clid_platform VARCHAR STRING The platform of the CLID (Click ID) of the session.
session_clid VARCHAR STRING The CLID (Click ID) of the session.
session_channel_group VARCHAR STRING The traffic source channel group of the session.
session_source_category VARCHAR STRING The traffic source category of the session source.
process_info SUPER MAP Additional data processing information.
created_time TIMESTAMP STRING The timestamp of when the session data was created.

Item table

Field name Data type - Redshift Data type - Athena Description
event_timestamp TIMESTAMP STRING The timestamp of when the event occurred.
event_id VARCHAR STRING The ID of the event.
event_name VARCHAR STRING The name of the event.
platform VARCHAR STRING The platform associated with the event.
user_pseudo_id VARCHAR STRING The pseudonymous ID generated by the SDK for the user.
user_id VARCHAR STRING The unique ID assigned to a user through the setUserId() API.
item_id VARCHAR STRING The ID of the item.
name VARCHAR STRING The name of the item.
brand VARCHAR STRING The brand of the item.
currency VARCHAR STRING The currency associated with the item price.
price DOUBLE PRECISION DOUBLE The price of the item.
quantity DOUBLE PRECISION DOUBLE The quantity of the item in the event
creative_name VARCHAR STRING The name of the creative associated with the item.
creative_slot VARCHAR STRING The slot of the creative associated with the item.
location_id VARCHAR STRING The ID of the location associated with the item.
category VARCHAR STRING The category of the item.
category2 VARCHAR STRING The second category of the item.
category3 VARCHAR STRING The third category of the item.
category4 VARCHAR STRING The fourth category of the item.
category5 VARCHAR STRING The fifth category of the item.
custom_parameters_json_str VARCHAR STRING The JSON string representation of custom parameters.
custom_parameters SUPER MAP Additional custom parameters.
process_info SUPER MAP Additional process information.
created_time TIMESTAMP STRING The timestamp of when the item data was created.