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CloudFront Hosting Toolkit

Effortlessly deploy and manage fast, secure frontends in the cloud 🚀☁️

Key Features

  • Self-paced wizard for easy setup: Our self-paced setup wizard guides you through the installation process step by step, making it effortless to get started with our project.
  • Instant deployment for quick results: Experience rapid deployment of your project changes, reducing waiting times and accelerating your development cycle. The solution automatically clears the cache of the previous version.
  • Seamless GitHub integration for version control: Integrate your project seamlessly with GitHub, enabling efficient version control and collaboration with your team.
  • Optimized caching for improved performance: We’ve implemented advanced caching mechanisms to enhance your project’s performance, ensuring faster response times and reduced server load.
  • Enhanced security headers for protection: Your project benefits from enhanced security headers to safeguard against potential security vulnerabilities, helping protect your users and data.
  • Custom domain name support with TLS certificate: Easily configure custom domain names for your project and secure them with TLS certificates, ensuring a professional and secure online presence.

Quick Start Guide

Get your website deployed in minutes: See our Quick Start Guide for step-by-step instructions.

Atomic Deployments

Ensure consistent user experience:

  • Instant updates
  • No mixed content during deployments

Learn more about our deployment process.

CDK Support

Seamlessly integrate with your infrastructure as code:

  • Use as a CDK construct
  • Customize and extend functionality

See how to integrate with CDK.