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Self-managed Apache Airflow deployment on Amazon EKS


This pattern deploys self-managed Apache Airflow deployment on EKS. This blueprint deploys Airflow on Amazon EKS managed node groups and leverages Karpenter to run the workloads.



This pattern uses opinionated defaults to keep the deployment experience simple but also keeps it flexible so that you can pick and choose necessary add-ons during deployment. We recommend keeping the defaults and only customize if you have viable alternative option available for replacement.

In terms of infrastructure, below are the resources that are created by this pattern:

  • EKS Cluster Control plane with public endpoint (recommended for demo/poc environment)

  • One managed node group

    • Core Node group with 3 instances spanning multi-AZs for running Apache Airflow and other system critical pods. e.g., Cluster Autoscaler, CoreDNS, Observability, Logging etc.
  • Apache Airflow core components (with

    • Amazon RDS PostgreSQL instance and security group for Airflow meta database.
    • Airflow namespace
    • Kubernetes service accounts and AWS IAM roles for service account (IRSA) for Airflow Webserver, Airflow Scheduler, and Airflow Worker.
    • Amazon Elastic File System (EFS), EFS mounts, Kubernetes Storage Class for EFS, and Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim for mounting Airflow DAGs for Airflow pods.
    • Amazon S3 log bucket for Airflow logs

AWS for FluentBit is employed for logging, and a combination of Prometheus, Amazon Managed Prometheus, and open source Grafana are used for observability. You can see the complete list of add-ons available below.


We recommend running all the default system add-ons on a dedicated EKS managed nodegroup such as core-node-group as provided by this pattern.


We don't recommend removing critical add-ons (Amazon VPC CNI, CoreDNS, Kube-proxy).

Add-onEnabled by default?BenefitsLink
Amazon VPC CNIYesVPC CNI is available as an EKS add-on and is responsible for creating ENI's and IPv4 or IPv6 addresses for your spark application podsVPC CNI Documentation
CoreDNSYesCoreDNS is available as an EKS add-on and is responsible for resolving DNS queries for spark application and for Kubernetes clusterEKS CoreDNS Documentation
Kube-proxyYesKube-proxy is available as an EKS add-on and it maintains network rules on your nodes and enables network communication to your spark application podsEKS kube-proxy Documentation
Amazon EBS CSI driverYesEBS CSI driver is available as an EKS add-on and it allows EKS clusters to manage the lifecycle of EBS volumesEBS CSI Driver Documentation
Amazon EFS CSI driverYesThe Amazon EFS Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver provides a CSI interface that allows Kubernetes clusters running on AWS to manage the lifecycle of Amazon EFS file systems.EFS CSI Driver Documentation
KarpenterYesKarpenter is nodegroup-less autoscaler that provides just-in-time compute capacity for spark applications on Kubernetes clustersKarpenter Documentation
Cluster AutoscalerYesKubernetes Cluster Autoscaler automatically adjusts the size of Kubernetes cluster and is available for scaling nodegroups (such as core-node-group) in the clusterCluster Autoscaler Documentation
Cluster proportional autoscalerYesThis is responsible for scaling CoreDNS pods in your Kubernetes clusterCluster Proportional Autoscaler Documentation
Metrics serverYesKubernetes metrics server is responsible for aggregating cpu, memory and other container resource usage within your clusterEKS Metrics Server Documentation
PrometheusYesPrometheus is responsible for monitoring EKS cluster including spark applications in your EKS cluster. We use Prometheus deployment for scraping and ingesting metrics into Amazon Managed Prometheus and KubecostPrometheus Documentation
Amazon Managed PrometheusYesThis is responsible for storing and scaling of EKS cluster and spark application metricsAmazon Managed Prometheus Documentation
KubecostYesKubecost is responsible for providing cost break down by Spark application. You can monitor costs based on per job, namespace or labelsEKS Kubecost Documentation
CloudWatch metricsYesCloudWatch container insights metrics shows simple and standardized way to monitor not only AWS resources but also EKS resources on CloudWatch dashboardCloudWatch Container Insights Documentation
AWS for Fluent-bitYesThis can be used to publish EKS cluster and worker node logs to CloudWatch Logs or 3rd party logging systemAWS For Fluent-bit Documentation
AWS Load Balancer ControllerYesThe AWS Load Balancer Controller manages AWS Elastic Load Balancers for a Kubernetes cluster.AWS Load Balancer Controller Documentation


Ensure that you have installed the following tools on your machine.

  1. aws cli
  2. kubectl
  3. terraform

Deploying the Solution

Clone the repository

git clone

Navigate into self-managed-airflow directory and run script

cd data-on-eks/schedulers/terraform/self-managed-airflow
chmod +x

Verify the resources

Create kubectl config

Update the placeholder for AWS region and run the below command.

mv ~/.kube/config ~/.kube/config.bk
aws eks update-kubeconfig --region <region> --name self-managed-airflow

Describe the EKS Cluster

aws eks describe-cluster --name self-managed-airflow

Verify the EFS PV and PVC created by this deployment

kubectl get pvc -n airflow

airflow-dags Bound pvc-157cc724-06d7-4171-a14d-something 10Gi RWX efs-sc 73m

kubectl get pv -n airflow
pvc-157cc724-06d7-4171-a14d-something 10Gi RWX Delete Bound airflow/airflow-dags efs-sc 74m

Verify the EFS Filesystem

aws efs describe-file-systems --query "FileSystems[*].FileSystemId" --output text

Verify S3 bucket created for Airflow logs

aws s3 ls | grep airflow-logs-

Verify the Airflow deployment

kubectl get deployment -n airflow

airflow-pgbouncer 1/1 1 1 77m
airflow-scheduler 2/2 2 2 77m
airflow-statsd 1/1 1 1 77m
airflow-triggerer 1/1 1 1 77m
airflow-webserver 2/2 2 2 77m

Fetch Postgres RDS password

Amazon Postgres RDS database password can be fetched from the Secrets manager

  • Login to AWS console and open secrets manager
  • Click on postgres secret name
  • Click on Retrieve secret value button to verify the Postgres DB master password

Login to Airflow Web UI

This deployment creates an Ingress object with public LoadBalancer(internal # Private Load Balancer can only be accessed within the VPC) for demo purpose For production workloads, you can modify airflow-values.yaml to choose internal LB. In addition, it's also recommended to use Route53 for Airflow domain and ACM for generating certificates to access Airflow on HTTPS port.

Execute the following command to get the ALB DNS name

kubectl get ingress -n airflow

airflow-airflow-ingress alb * 80 88m

The above ALB URL will be different for you deployment. So use your URL and open it in a browser

e.g., Open URL in a browser

By default, Airflow creates a default user with admin and password as admin

Login with Admin user and password and create new users for Admin and Viewer roles and delete the default admin user

Execute Sample Airflow Job

  • Login to Airflow WebUI
  • Click on DAGs link on the top of the page. This will show dags pre-created by the GitSync feature
  • Execute the hello_world_scheduled_dag DAG by clicking on Play button (>)
  • Verify the DAG execution from Graph link
  • All the Tasks will go green after few minutes
  • Click on one of the green Task which opens a popup with log link where you can verify the logs pointing to S3

Airflow to run Spark workloads with Karpenter




To avoid unwanted charges to your AWS account, delete all the AWS resources created during this deployment