Copyright 2022, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of the License is located at

or in the 'license' file accompanying this file. This file is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Enumeration Members

ACM_CERT: "/acm/${0}/arn"

ACM certificate ARN

${0} is replaced with the certificate name

ALB: "/network/vpc/${0}/alb/${1}/id"

Application load balancer ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the application load balancer name

CGW: "/network/customerGateways/${0}/id"

Customer gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the customer gateway name

CROSS_ACCOUNT_PREFIX_LIST: "/network/customerGateways/${0}/prefixList/${1}/id"

Prefix list ID (for cross-account EC2 firewall CGWs) ${0} is replaced with the CGW name ${1} is replaced with the prefix list name

CROSS_ACCOUNT_TGW: "/network/customerGateways/${0}/transitGateways/${1}/id"

Cross-account TGW ID (for cross-account EC2 firewall CGWs)

${0} is replaced with the CGW name ${1} is replaced with the TGW name

CROSS_ACCOUNT_TGW_ROUTE_TABLE: "/network/customerGateways/${0}/transitGateways/${1}/routeTables/${2}/id"

Cross-account TGW route table ID (for cross-account EC2 firewall CGWs)

${0} is replaced with the CGW name ${1} is replaced with the TGW name ${2} is replaced with the TGW route table name

CROSS_ACCOUNT_VGW: "/network/customerGateways/${0}/virtualPrivateGateway/${1}/id"

Cross-account VGW ID (for cross-account EC2 firewall CGWs)

${0} is replaced with the CGW name ${1} is replaced with the VPC name

DNS_RULE_GROUP: "/network/route53Resolver/firewall/ruleGroups/${0}/id"

Route 53 DNS firewall rule group ID

${0} is replaced with the DNS firewall rule group name

DXGW: "/network/directConnectGateways/${0}/id"

Direct Connect Gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the direct connect gateway name

DXVIF: "/network/directConnectGateways/${0}/virtualInterfaces/${1}/id"

Direct Connect virtual interface ID

${0} is replaced with the direct connect gateway name

${1} is replaced with the virtual interface name

ENDPOINT_DNS: "/network/vpc/${0}/endpoints/${1}/dns"

Interface endpoint DNS name

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the interface endpoint service name

ENDPOINT_ZONE_ID: "/network/vpc/${0}/endpoints/${1}/hostedZoneId"

Interface endpoint hosted zone ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the interface endpoint service name

GWLB_ARN: "/network/gwlb/${0}/arn"

Gateway load balancer ARN

${0} is replaced with the gateway load balancer name

GWLB_SERVICE: "/network/gwlb/${0}/endpointService/id"

Gateway load balancer endpoint service ID

${0} is replaced with the gateway load balancer name

IAM_GROUP: "/iam/group/${0}/arn"

IAM Group Arn

${0} is replaced with the IAM Group name

IAM_POLICY: "/iam/policy/${0}/arn"

IAM Managed Policy Arn

${0} is replaced with the IAM Managed Policy name

IAM_ROLE: "/iam/role/${0}/arn"

IAM Role Arn

${0} is replaced with the IAM Role name

IAM_USER: "/iam/user/${0}/arn"

IAM User Arn

${0} is replaced with the IAM Username

IGW: "/network/vpc/${0}/internetGateway/id"

Internet gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

IPAM: "/network/ipam/${0}/id"


${0} is replaced with the IPAM name

IPAM_POOL: "/network/ipam/pools/${0}/id"


${0} is replaced with the IPAM pool name

IPAM_SCOPE: "/network/ipam/scopes/${0}/id"


${0} is replaced with the IPAM scope name

NACL: "/network/vpc/${0}/networkAcl/${1}/id"

Network ACL ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the network ACL name

NAT_GW: "/network/vpc/${0}/natGateway/${1}/id"

NAT gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the NAT gateway name

NFW: "/network/vpc/${0}/networkFirewall/${1}/arn"

Network firewall ARN

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the network firewall name

NFW_POLICY: "/network/networkFirewall/policies/${0}/arn"

Network firewall policy ARN

${0} is replaced with the network firewall policy name

NFW_RULE_GROUP: "/network/networkFirewall/ruleGroups/${0}/arn"

Network firewall rule group ARN

${0} is replaced with the rule group name

NLB: "/network/vpc/${0}/nlb/${1}/id"

Network load balancer ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the network load balancer name

PHZ_ID: "/network/vpc/${0}/route53/hostedZone/${1}/id"

Private hosted zone ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the interface endpoint service name

PREFIX_LIST: "/network/prefixList/${0}/id"

Prefix list ID

${0} is replaced with the prefix list name

QUERY_LOGS: "/network/route53Resolver/queryLogConfigs/${0}/id"

Route 53 query logs configuration ID\

${0} is replaced with the query logs configuration name

RESOLVER_ENDPOINT: "/network/route53Resolver/endpoints/${0}/id"

Route 53 resolver endpoint ID

${0} is replaced with the resolver endpoint name

RESOLVER_RULE: "/network/route53Resolver/rules/${0}/id"

Route 53 resolver rule ID

${0} is replaced with the resolver rule name

ROUTE_TABLE: "/network/vpc/${0}/routeTable/${1}/id"

Route table ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the route table name

SCP: "/organizations/scp/${0}/id"

Accelerator SCP ID

${0} is replaced with the scp name

SECURITY_GROUP: "/network/vpc/${0}/securityGroup/${1}/id"

Security group ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the security group name

STACK_ID: "/${0}/stack-id"

Accelerator stack ID

${0} is replaced with the stack name

SUBNET: "/network/vpc/${0}/subnet/${1}/id"

Subnet ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

`${1} is replaced with the subnet name

TARGET_GROUP: "/application/targetGroup/${0}/${1}/${2}/arn"

Target group

${0} is replaced with the application name

${1} is replaced with the VPC name

${2} is replaced with the target group name

TGW: "/network/transitGateways/${0}/id"

Transit Gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the transit gateway name

TGW_ATTACHMENT: "/network/vpc/${0}/transitGatewayAttachment/${1}/id"

Transit gateway VPC attachment ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

${1} is replaced with the transit gateway attachment name

TGW_PEERING: "/network/transitGateways/${0}/peering/${1}/id"

Transit Gateway peering ID

${0} is replaced with the transit gateway name for either the requester or accepter TGW (depending on account we're putting the parameter to)

${1} is replaced with the transit gateway peering name

TGW_ROUTE_TABLE: "/network/transitGateways/${0}/routeTables/${1}/id"

Transit Gateway route table ID

${0} is replaced with the transit gateway name

${1} is replaced with the route table name

TGW_VPN: "/network/vpnConnection/${0}/id"

Transit Gateway VPN attachment ID

${0} is replaced with the VPN connection name

VERSION: "/${0}/version"

Accelerator version

${0} is replaced with the stack name

VPC: "/network/vpc/${0}/id"


${0} is replaced with the VPC name

VPC_ENDPOINT: "/network/vpc/${0}/endpoint/${1}/id"

VPC Endpoint ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

`${1} is replaced with the service name

VPC_PEERING: "/network/vpcPeering/${0}/id"

VPC peering connection ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC peering name

VPN_GW: "/network/vpc/${0}/virtualPrivateGateway/id"

Virtual Private gateway ID

${0} is replaced with the VPC name

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