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Integration Guide: Using LZA Modules⚓︎


This guide demonstrates how to integrate and utilize LZA modules in LZA accelerator and other projects. Each module provides specific AWS service management capabilities through well-defined interfaces.

Basic Implementation⚓︎

1. Module Import and Basic Usage⚓︎

import { 
} from '@aws-lza';

async function deployControlTower() {
  const params: IControlTowerLandingZoneHandlerParameter = {
    dryRun: false,
    partition: 'aws',
    homeRegion: 'us-east-1',
    configuration: {
      version: '3.3',
      enabledRegions: ['us-east-1', 'us-west-2'],
      logging: {
        organizationTrail: true,
        retention: {
          loggingBucket: 365,
          accessLoggingBucket: 365
      security: {
        enableIdentityCenterAccess: true
      sharedAccounts: {
        management: {
          name: 'Management',
          email: ''
        logging: {
          name: 'LogArchive',
          email: ''
        audit: {
          name: 'Audit',
          email: ''

  try {
    const result = await setupControlTowerLandingZone(params);
    console.log('Status:', result);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failure:', error.message);

2. Implementing Error Handling⚓︎

async function safeModuleExecution() {
  try {
    return await setupControlTowerLandingZone(params);
  } catch (err) {
    return err;

// Using IIFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression)
(async () => {
  try {
    const result = await safeModuleExecution();
    // Handle result
  } catch (err) {
    // Handle error

Implementation Best Practices⚓︎

1. Configuration Management⚓︎

  • Store configurations in separate files
  • Use environment variables for sensitive data
  • Validate configurations before passing to modules
// config-validator.ts
function validateConfig(config: IControlTowerLandingZoneHandlerParameter): boolean {
  // Add validation logic
  return true;

// usage.ts
if (!validateConfig(params)) {
  throw new Error('Invalid configuration');

2. Error Handling Patterns⚓︎

try {
  await setupControlTowerLandingZone(params);
} catch (error) {
  if (error instanceof ValidationError) {
    // Handle validation errors
  } else if (error instanceof AWSError) {
    // Handle AWS-specific errors
  } else {
    // Handle other errors

3. Asynchronous Operations⚓︎

  • Always use async/await for module operations
  • Implement proper promise handling
  • Handle promise rejections

Testing and Validation⚓︎

Integration Testing Example⚓︎

describe('Control Tower Integration', () => {
  it('should successfully deploy Control Tower', async () => {
    const params = {
      // Test configuration

    const result = await setupControlTowerLandingZone(params);

  it('should handle invalid configurations', async () => {
    const invalidParams = {
      // Invalid configuration

    await expect(setupControlTowerLandingZone(invalidParams))

Troubleshooting Guide⚓︎

1. Configuration Issues⚓︎

  • Verify all required parameters are provided
  • Check parameter types and formats
  • Ensure AWS credentials are properly configured
  • Check AWS service quotas and limits
  • Verify IAM permissions
  • Review AWS service health dashboard

3. Module Operation Issues⚓︎

  • Check module version compatibility
  • Verify input parameter format
  • Review module documentation for updates

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