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Module Naming and Scope⚓︎

Module Definition⚓︎

In LZA, a module represents a dedicated codebase that manages a specific AWS service. Each module is responsible for handling configurations and operations for its designated AWS service only. For example:

  • macie module exclusively manages Amazon Macie configurations and operations
  • control-tower module handles AWS Control Tower management
  • guardduty module manages Amazon GuardDuty configurations

Module Scope Guidelines⚓︎

  1. Single Service Responsibility

    • One module corresponds to one AWS service
    • Each module encapsulates various operations related to its specific service
    • No cross-service operations within a single module
  2. Naming Convention

    • Module names should match their corresponding AWS service name
    • Use lowercase, hyphen-separated names (e.g., control-tower, security-hub)
    • Names should be immediately identifiable with their AWS service
  3. Service Boundaries

    • Module should contain service-specific operations
    • Configuration management for the service
    • Service-specific API interactions
    • Service-specific resource management

Example module structure:

├── macie/                  # Amazon Macie operations
├── control-tower/          # AWS Control Tower operations
├── security-hub/           # AWS Security Hub operations
└── guard-duty/             # Amazon GuardDuty operations

Module Interface and Implementation Contract⚓︎

Each module must have its interface definition in interfaces/<module-name>.ts

Each interface must extends IModuleCommonParameter interface

Interfaces define the contract that the module must implement

Example for Control Tower interface:

// interfaces/control-tower.ts
export interface IControlTowerLandingZoneModule {
  handler(props: IControlTowerLandingZoneHandlerParameter): Promise<string>;
  // Other required methods and types

Implementation must be in the module's index.ts:

// lib/control-tower/index.ts
export class AcceleratorControlTowerLandingZoneModule 
  implements IControlTowerLandingZoneModule {

  public async handler(
    props: IControlTowerLandingZoneHandlerParameter
  ): Promise<string> {
    // Implementation logic

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