Organizations Revert Scp Changes This construct creates a Lambda function and eventbridge rule to trigger on service control policy (scp) changes as well as attach and detach actions. Upon receiving an event, the Lambda function will evaluate the change and revert to the state defined by the organization-config file.


  • RevertScpChangesProps


acceleratorTopicNamePrefix: string

Accelerator SNS topic name Prefix

configDirPath: string

Configuration directory path

homeRegion: string

Accelerator home region

kmsKeyCloudWatch: Key

Lambda log group encryption key

kmsKeyLambda: Key

Lambda environment variable encryption key

logRetentionInDays: number

Lambda log retention in days

scpFilePaths: {
    name: string;
    path: string;
    tempPath: string;

SCP File Paths

snsTopicName: undefined | string

SNS Topic Name to publish notifications to

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