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Character-level CNN Model in Gluon trained using Amazon Product Dataset

In this example, we show how to create a service which classifies a review into product type using Character-level Convolutional Network Model (CNN) model model by Yann LeCunn. This model is trained on Amazon product data and training detail can be found in a detailed tutorial from Thomas Delteil on Character CNN training..

Step by step to create service

Step 1 - Download the Gluon Char CNN model file, model parameter and classification labels file to “/tmp/crepe”

# Create a model directory
mkdir /tmp/crepe

# Download the model file
curl -O

# Download the parameters
curl -O

# Download classification labels file
curl -O

# Move required files to the following folder
mv crepe_gluon_epoch6.params synset.txt /tmp/crepe

Step 2 - Look at the Gluon model/service file

For Gluon models on MMS, the models are defined, within the MMS service file, the skeletal structure of the file looks like follows.

class GluonCrepe(HybridBlock):
    Hybrid Block gluon Crepe model
    def __init__(self, classes=7, **kwargs):
      ## Define model below

class CharacterCNNService(object):
    Gluon Character-level Convolution Service

    def __init__(self):
        # The 69 characters as specified in the paper
        self.ALPHABET = list("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-,;.!?:'\"/\\|_@#$%^&*~`+ =<>()[]{}")
        # Map Alphabets to index
        self.ALPHABET_INDEX = {letter: index for index, letter in enumerate(self.ALPHABET)}
        # max-length in characters for one document
        self.FEATURE_LEN = 1014
        self.initialized = False

    def initialize(self, params): = GluonCrepe()
        self.param_filename = "crepe_gluon_epoch6.params"
        self.model_name = params.manifest["model"]["modelName"]

        gpu_id = params.system_properties.get("gpu_id")
        model_dir = params.system_properties.get("model_dir")

        synset_file = os.path.join(model_dir, "synset.txt")
        param_file_path = os.path.join(model_dir, self.param_filename)
        if not os.path.isfile(param_file_path):
            raise OSError("Parameter file not found {}".format(param_file_path))
        if not os.path.isfile(synset_file):
            raise OSError("synset file not available {}".format(synset_file))

        self.ctx = mx.cpu() if gpu_id is None else mx.gpu(gpu_id), self.ctx)

        self.labels = [line.strip() for line in open(synset_file).readlines()]
        self.initialized = True, static_alloc=True)

        # define preprocess, inference and postprocess methods

As shown, the Gluon model derives from the basic gluon hybrid block. Gluon hybrid blocks, provide performance of a symbolic model with a imperative model. More on Gluon, hybrid blocks here. The fully defined service file can be found under, we define preprocess, inference, postprocess methods in this file.

The input size is, limited to 1014, characters as mentioned in the paper. The output is of shape [0,7] as we classify the reviews into seven product categories. Both the input and output are passed on as ‘application/json’ based text content.

Step 3 - Prepare synset.txt with list of class names

synset.txt is where we define list of all classes detected by the model. The pre-trained Character-level CNN model used in the example is trained to detect 7 classes including Books, CDs_and_Vinyl, Movies_and_TV and more. See synset.txt file for list of all classes.

The list of classes in synset.txt will be loaded by MMS as list of labels in inference logic.

Step 4 - Export model files with mxnet-model-export CLI tool

With model file together with signature and files in the model folder, we are ready to export them to MMS model file.

model-archiver --model-name crepe -f --model-path /tmp/crepe/ --handler gluon_crepe:crepe_inference --runtime python --export-path /tmp

A packaged model can be downloaded from here.

Step 5 - Establish inference service

crepe.mar file is created by exporting model files. We also defined custom service under We are ready to establish the Character-level CNN inference service:

multi-model-server --models crepe.mar --model-store /tmp

The endpoint is on localhost and port 8080. You can change them by passing –host and –port when establishing the service.

Test inference service

Now we can send post requests to the endpoint we just established.

The key values of application/json input are ‘review_title’, ‘review’. This can be a different value or combined to a single input , to achieve this preprocess method in needs to be modified.

Let’s take up a movie, review

curl -X POST -F "data=[{\"review_title\":\"Inception is the best\",\"review\": \"great direction and story\"}]"

Prediction result will be:

  "confidence": {
    "Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry": 0.004,
    "Home_and_Kitchen": 0.001,
    "Sports_and_Outdoors": 0.001,
    "CDs_and_Vinyl": 0.038,
    "Movies_and_TV": 0.59,
    "Cell_Phones_and_Accessories": 0.0,
    "Books": 0.362
  "predicted": "Movies_and_TV"

Let’s try another review, this time for a music album.

curl -X POST -F "data=[{\"review_title\":\"fantastic quality\",\"review\": \"quality sound playback\"}]"

Prediction result will be:

  "confidence": {
    "Clothing_Shoes_and_Jewelry": 0.028,
    "Home_and_Kitchen": 0.012,
    "Sports_and_Outdoors": 0.028,
    "CDs_and_Vinyl": 0.727,
    "Movies_and_TV": 0.118,
    "Cell_Phones_and_Accessories": 0.068,
    "Books": 0.015
  "predicted": "CDs_and_Vinyl"


  1. Character-level CNN
  2. How to train Character-level CNN on gluon
  3. Web Demo of Character-level CNN on gluon