
    "Mesh": <string>
    "L0": <float>,
    "Lc": <float>,


"Mesh" [None] : Input mesh file path, an absolute path is recommended.

"L0" [1.0e-6] : Unit, relative to m, for mesh vertex coordinates. For example, a value of 1.0e-6 implies the mesh coordinates are in μm.

"Lc" [0.0] : Characteristic length scale used for nondimensionalization, specified in mesh length units. This keyword should typically not be specified by the user. A value less than or equal to zero uses an internally calculated length scale based on the bounding box of the computational domain. A value of 1.0 will disable nondimensionalization of lengths in the model and all computations will take place in the same units as the mesh.

"Refinement" : Top-level object for configuring mesh refinement.


    "Tol": <float>,
    "MaxIts": <int>,
    "MaxSize": <int>,
    "Nonconformal": <bool>,
    "UpdateFraction": <float>,
    "UniformLevels": <int>,
            "Levels": <int>,
            "BoundingBoxMin": [<float array>],
            "BoundingBoxMax": [<float array>]
            "Levels": <int>,
            "Center": [<float array>],
            "Radius": <float>


"Tol" [1.0e-2] : Relative error convergence tolerance for adaptive mesh refinement (AMR).

"MaxIts" [0] : Maximum number of iterations of AMR to perform.

"MaxSize" [0] : The maximum allowable number of degrees of freedom for AMR. If an adapted mesh exceeds this value no further adaptation will occur. A value less than 1 means that no maximum size constraint will be imposed.

"Nonconformal" [true] : Chose whether the adaptation should use nonconformal refinement. Nonconformal refinement is required for non-simplex meshes.

"UpdateFraction" [0.7] : Dörfler marking fraction used to specify which elements to refine. This marking strategy will mark the smallest number of elements that make up "UpdateFraction" of the total error in the mesh. A larger value will refine more elements per iteration, at the cost of the final mesh being less efficient.

"UniformLevels" [0] : Levels of uniform parallel mesh refinement to be performed on the input mesh. If not performing AMR, these may be used as levels within a geometric multigrid scheme. If performing AMR the most refined mesh is used as the initial mesh and the coarser meshes cannot be used in a geometric multigrid scheme.

"Boxes" : Array of box region refinement objects. All elements with a node inside the box region will be marked for refinement.

"Spheres" : Array of sphere region refinement objects. All elements with a node inside the sphere region will be marked for refinement.

"Levels" [0] : Levels of parallel mesh refinement inside the specified refinement region.

"BoundingBoxMin" [None] : Floating point array of length equal to the model spatial dimension specfiying the minimum coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for this refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"BoundingBoxMax" [None] : Floating point array of length equal to the model spatial dimension specfiying the maximum coordinates of the axis-aligned bounding box for this refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"Center" [None] : Floating point array of length equal to the model spatial dimension specfiying the center coordinates of the sphere for this sphere refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"Radius" [None] : The radius of the sphere for this sphere refinement region, specified in mesh length units.

Advanced model options

  • "RemoveCurvature" [false]
  • "MakeSimplex" [false]
  • "MakeHexahedral" [false]
  • "ReorderElements" [false]
  • "CleanUnusedElements" [true]
  • "CrackInternalBoundaryElements" [true]
  • "RefineCrackElements" [true]
  • "CrackDisplacementFactor" [1.0e-12]
  • "AddInterfaceBoundaryElements" [true]
  • "ReorientTetMesh" [false]
  • "Partitioning" [""]
  • "MaxNCLevels" [1]
  • "MaximumImbalance" [1.1]
  • "SaveAdaptIterations" [true]
  • "SaveAdaptMesh" [false]
  • "SerialUniformLevels" [0]