
    "Mesh": <string>
    "L0": <float>,
    "Lc": <float>,


"Mesh" [None] : Input mesh file path, an absolute path is recommended.

"L0" [1.0e-6] : Mesh vertex coordinate length unit, m.

"Lc" [0.0] : Characteristic length scale used for nondimensionalization, specified in mesh length units. A value less than or equal to zero uses an internally calculated length scale based on the bounding box of the computational domain.

"Refinement" : Top-level object for configuring mesh refinement.


    "UniformLevels": <int>,
            "Levels": <int>,
            "XLimits": [<float array>],
            "YLimits": [<float array>],
            "ZLimits": [<float array>]
            "Levels": <int>,
            "Center": [<float array>],
            "Radius": float


"UniformLevels" [0] : Levels of uniform parallel mesh refinement to be performed on the input mesh.

"Boxes" : Array of box region refinement objects. All elements with a node inside the box region will be marked for refinement.

"Spheres" : Array of sphere region refinement objects. All elements with a node inside the sphere region will be marked for refinement.

"Levels" [0] : Levels of parallel mesh refinement inside the specified refinement region.

"XLimits" [None] : Floating point array of length 2 specifying the limits in the $x$-direction of the axis-aligned bounding box for this box refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"YLimits" [None] : Floating point array of length 2 specifying the limits in the $y$-direction of the axis-aligned bounding box for this box refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"ZLimits" [None] : Floating point array of length 2 specifying the limits in the $z$-direction of the axis-aligned bounding box for this box refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"Center" [None] : Floating point array of length equal to the model spatial dimension specfiying the center coordinates of the sphere for this sphere refinement region. Specified in mesh length units.

"Radius" [None] : The radius of the sphere for this sphere refinement region, specified in mesh length units.