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About Premium Edition

Sensitive Data Protection Premium Edition (SDP-PE) is a solution offered by AWS Professional Services (the Greater China Regions). It includes not only the features of SDP (this open-source project), but also features provided by AWS Professional Services.

The features of SDP-PE include, but are not limited to, the following:

Data inspection

  • Industry-specific classification templates (e.g. for automobile industry)
  • Document inspection (PDF, TXT, etc.)
  • Image inspection (face recognition, OCR, car license, etc.)

Data masking

  • Data masking rule configuration
  • Data masking
  • Image masking (face recognition, OCR, car license, etc.)
  • Document data masking (PDF, TXT, etc.)

Auditing and reporting

  • Auditing all API calls (data inspection, data masking) through the solution
  • Viewing dashboard and downloading reports for all records of API calls

For more details, please contact AWS Sales (the Greater China Regions) for further information and a price quote.