Appendix: Permissions for agent CloudFormation stack
The solution follows the least privilege principle to grant permissions to monitored account(s) when deploying the CloudFormation template.
The permissions can be described at a high-level:
- (Data source) Amazon S3: read only permission for data source scanning.
- (Data source) Amazon RDS: read only permission for data source scanning.
- AWS SecretsManager: read only permission. If RDS database is secured with Secrets, the solution will read credentials from Secret Manager.
- AWS Glue: write permission. Glue data catalog, Glue crawler, Glue job are used. Glue is triggered by Step Functions.
- AWS StepFunctions: resource created. Step Function is used to orchestrate Glue jobs for data discovery.
- AWS Lambda: resource created.
- Amazon CloudWatch: write permission. Lambda logs will be stored in CloudWatch.
For more information
You can view specific permission details in Template for Monitored account (Agent template)