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Connect to Data Sources - RDS

Prerequisites - Maintain Network Connectivity

  1. Please confirm that when you add an AWS account, you choose the CloudFormation method. If you added the account using the JDBC method, please go to Connect via EC2 Proxy for operations.
  2. Ensure that the inbound rule of the RDS to be scanned includes a self-reference of its security group. See official documentation for details.
  3. Ensure that the Amazon RDS instance's VPC has at least one private subnet.
  4. Ensure that the RDS's VPC meets one of the following conditions: 1) It has a VPC NAT Gateway. 2) It has VPC Endpoints for S3, Glue, KMS, and Secret Manager services. (See official documentation).
  5. Prepare RDS connection credentials (username/password).

How to Obtain RDS Credentials

DBAs or business teams create a read-only user for security audits. This user only needs database SELECT (read-only) permissions.

Connect to Amazon RDS Data Source

  1. From the left menu, select Connect Data Source
  2. Choose the AWS Cloud tab
  3. Click to enter an AWS account and open its detail page
  4. Select the Amazon RDS tab. You can see the list of RDS instances in the solution deployment region
  5. Choose an RDS instance and click the button Sync to Data Catalog
  6. In the popup window, enter RDS credential information. (If you choose the Secret Manager method, you need to manage the username/password for this RDS in Secret Manager in advance.)

    Parameter Required Description
    Credentials Yes Choose username and password or SecretManager. Enter the database username/password.
  7. Click Connect. You can wait 10 seconds before closing this window.

  8. You will see the catalog status turn to gray PENDING, indicating the connection is starting (about 3 minutes).
  9. You will see the catalog status turn to blue CRAWLING. (about 15 minutes for 200 tables)
  10. When you see the catalog status turn green ACTIVE, it means a data catalog has been created for the RDS instance.

At this point, you have successfully connected the RDS data source and can proceed to the next step 👉 Define Classification and Grading Templates.