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View job details

Sensitive data discovery jobs consist of Glue jobs running in monitored AWS accounts (the same accounts as the data sources).

  • Return to the list of sensitive data tasks, you can see the job status as Running.
  • To view task progress: Click on the task, in the sidebar, click Task Run Details. edit-icon

  • Initially, the progress may remain at 0%. Do not worry, as the system is checking for any changes in the data structure. The progress will update once the actual data scan begins. edit-icon

Run Duration

The duration depends on the sampling rate, the tables to be scanned, and the number of identifiers in the template. For example: For one instance with 400 tables, a scan depth of 30, and 21 rules in the template, it might take approximately 25 minutes. Different S3 buckets/database instances are scanned in parallel by the backend.

  • Wait for the Glue job status to change to SUCCEEDED. This indicates that the scanning task is complete.
  • If the Glue job fails, you can click on the FAILED status to view its error logs.

Download Classification Template Snapshot

You can download a snapshot of the template as it was at the start of the job. The snapshot shows which data identifiers the job was using.

On the Job Details page, select Download Snapshot to download the template snapshot in JSON format (.json).