Download job report

On the Run sensitive data discovery job page, click into a specific job to open a window. In the Job history tab, choose a specific job, and choose Download report to download report in Excel format (.xlsx).

In the report, each data source is in a separate sheet (tab). For example, a sensitive data discovery job runs for S3 and RDS:

The S3 sheet is:

account_id region s3_bucket s3_location column_name identifiers sample_data
177416885226 cn-northwest-1 sdps-beta-member s3://sdps-beta-member/ col1 [{identifier=CHINESE-NAME, score=0.6680557137733704}] [cn_*, 魏, 梁, , , , 尹, 汉, , 鲁*]
177416885226 cn-northwest-1 sdps-beta-member s3://sdps-beta-member/ col2 [{identifier=ADDRESS, score=0.6929563446207209}] [cn_*, , 海南省省直辖县**, 湖北省武汉市**, , 贵州省六盘*, 湖北省随州市**, 上海市市辖区嘉**, 山西省忻州*, 贵州省铜仁市****]

The RDS sheet is:

account_id region rds_instance_id table_name column_name identifiers sample_data
640463273335 cn-northwest-1 db-instance-2 orderpaymentdb_orderpaymenttable cn_bank_card [{identifier=BANK-CARD-NUMBER, score=0.5269872423945045}] [62426**, 62061*, 627582**, 625612*, 624299**, 3462**, 627119*, 426927*, 620930**, 62385**]
640463273335 cn-northwest-1 db-instance-1-instance-1 shipmenttrackingdb_shipmenttable cn_car_license [{identifier=ADDRESS, score=0.10789832248611221}, {identifier=NUMBER-PLATE, score=1.0}] [津JE*, 琼WM, 豫RU, 藏GK, 黑YR, 沪VK, 京R7, 晋D3, 苏T *, 渝C1*]