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Deploy for ComfyUI

Before deploying the solution, it is recommended that you first review information in this guide regarding architecture diagrams and regional support. Then, follow the instructions below to configure the solution and deploy it to your account.

Deployment time: arount 20 minutes.

Deployment Summary

Deploying this solution (ComfyUI portion) on Amazon Web Services primarily involves the following processes:

  • Step 1: Deploy the middleware of the solution.
  • Step 2: Deploy ComfyUI frontend.

After the successfully deployment, please refer to ComfyUI User Guide for more details.

Deployment Steps

Step 1: Deploy the middleware of the solution

This automated Amazon CloudFormation template deploys the solution in Amazon Web Services.

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console,and use Extension for Stable Diffusion on AWS to create the stack.
  2. By default, this template will launch in the default region after you log in to the console. To launch this solution in a specified Amazon Web Services region, please select the desired region from the region drop-down list in the console's navigation bar.
  3. In the Create Stack page,confirm that the correct template URL has been entered in the Amazon S3 URL text box, then select Next.
  4. In the Specify stack details page, assign a unique name within your account that meets the naming requirements for your solution stack. Refer to the table below for deployment parameters. Click Next.

    Parameter Description Recommendation
    APIEndpointType For API calls, define the category of the API. The options are REGIONAL, PRIVATE, EDGE Regional by default
    Bucket Enter a valid new S3 bucket name (or the name of a previously deployed S3 bucket used for the ComfyUI section of this solution)
    email Enter a valid email address for further notification receivement
    SdExtensionApiKey Please enter a 20-character string that includes a combination of numbers and letters "09876543210987654321" by default
    LogLevel Please select a desired Lambda Log leval Only ERROR logs will be printed by default
  5. In the Configure stack options page, select Next.

  6. In the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Ensure that the checkbox for confirming that the template will create Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources is selected. Also, make sure to select the checkboxes for any other AWS CloudFormation-required features. Choose Submit to deploy the stack.
  7. You can check the status of the stack in the Status column of the AWS CloudFormation console. You should receive a CREATE_COMPLETE status within approximately 15 minutes.


    Please check your reserved email inbox promptly and click the "Confirm subscription" hyperlink in the email with the subject "AWS Notification - Subscription Confirmation" to complete the subscription as instructed.

Step 2: Deploy ComfyUI frontend

This step will install the ComfyUI frontend for the customer. This frontend automatically includes Chinese language plugins and buttons for publishing workflows to the cloud, providing a more user-friendly UI interaction. This automated Amazon CloudFormation template is deployed within Amazon Web Services (AWS).

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console, click Create Stack in the upper right, With new resource(standard) to launch the AWS CloudFormation template.
  2. In the page of Create Stack, select Choose an existing templateSpecify template field Amazon S3 URLe, enter Amazon S3 URL,and click Next
  3. In the page of Specify stack details,assign a unique and name-compliant name for your solution stack within your account. In the Parameters section, the deployment parameter descriptions are as follows. Click Next


    The EC2 Key Pair here is primarily used for remote connections to EC2 instances from your local machine. If you don’t have an existing one, you can refer to Create Key Pairs.

    Parameter Description Recommendation
    InstanceType Instance type of EC2 For tasks involving inference animations, videos, etc., it is recommended to use G6 or G5 instances
    NumberOfInferencePorts Number of inference interface It is recommended not to exceed 5
    StackName Stack Name from the successfully deployed stack in Step 1 of the deployment process
    keyPairName Select a desired existing EC2 Key Pair
  4. In the page of Configure stack options, select Next

  5. In the Review page, review and confirm the settings. Ensure that the checkbox for confirming that the template will create Amazon Identity and Access Management (IAM) resources is selected. Also, make sure to select the checkboxes for any other AWS CloudFormation-required features. Choose Submit to deploy the stack.
  6. You can check the status of the stack in the Status column of the AWS CloudFormation console. You should receive a CREATE_COMPLETE status within approximately 3 minutes.
  7. Select the successfully deployed stack, open Outputs, and click the link corresponding to Designer to open the ComfyUI front-end of the solution deployment. Access to Designer may require disabling the VPN or removing port 10000. NumberOfInferencePortsStart represents the starting port for the inference environment address, and the port addresses increase sequentially according to the deployment quantity. For example, when NumberOfInferencePorts is set to 2, the address range and the accessible inference environment addresses are sequentially as follows:"http://EC2地址:10001,http://EC2地址:10002.

    Role Functions Ports
    Senior Artist/ Staff of workflow management Able to install new custom nodes, debug workflows on EC2, and deploy workflows and environments to Amazon SageMaker. You can also call SageMaker resources and select published workflows for inference validation http://EC2 Address
    Junior Artists From the interface accessed through this port, you can select the workflows published by the Art Director, simply modify the inference parameters, check 'Prompt on AWS', and then call Amazon SageMaker for inference. When NumberOfInferencePorts is set to 3, the address range and accessible inference environment addresses are sequentially as follows:":
    • http://EC2Address:10001
    • http://EC2Address:10002
    • http://EC2Address:10003


    After the initial deployment, you need to wait for a while. If you open the link and see the message 'Comfy is Initializing or Starting,' it means that the backend is in the process of initializing ComfyUI. Please wait a bit and then refresh the page to confirm.