Amazon Kinesis Producer C SDK
CallbacksProvider.c File Reference
#include "Include_i.h"
Include dependency graph for CallbacksProvider.c:


#define LOG_CLASS   "CallbacksProvider"


STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProvider (UINT32 callbackChainCount, PCHAR accessKeyId, PCHAR secretKey, PCHAR sessionToken, UINT64 expiration, PCHAR region, PCHAR controlPlaneUrl, PCHAR certPath, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, API_CALL_CACHE_TYPE cacheType, UINT64 endpointCachingPeriod, BOOL continuousRetry, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAwsCredentials (PCHAR accessKeyId, PCHAR secretKey, PCHAR sessionToken, UINT64 expiration, PCHAR region, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificate (PCHAR endpoint, PCHAR iotCertPath, PCHAR privateKeyPath, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR roleAlias, PCHAR streamName, PCHAR region, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithIotCertificateAndTimeouts (PCHAR endpoint, PCHAR iotCertPath, PCHAR privateKeyPath, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR roleAlias, PCHAR streamName, PCHAR region, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, UINT64 connectionTimeout, UINT64 completionTimeout, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithFileAuth (PCHAR credentialsFilePath, PCHAR region, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProviderWithAuthCallbacks (PAuthCallbacks pAuthCallbacks, PCHAR region, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR userAgentPostfix, PCHAR customUserAgent, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS createAbstractDefaultCallbacksProvider (UINT32 callbackChainCount, API_CALL_CACHE_TYPE cacheType, UINT64 endpointCachingPeriod, PCHAR region, PCHAR controlPlaneUrl, PCHAR certPath, PCHAR userAgentName, PCHAR customUserAgent, PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS freeCallbacksProvider (PClientCallbacks *ppClientCallbacks)
STATUS setDefaultPlatformCallbacks (PCallbacksProvider pClientCallbacks)
STATUS setPlatformCallbacks (PClientCallbacks pClientCallbacks, PPlatformCallbacks pPlatformCallbacks)
STATUS addProducerCallbacks (PClientCallbacks pClientCallbacks, PProducerCallbacks pProducerCallbacks)
STATUS addStreamCallbacks (PClientCallbacks pClientCallbacks, PStreamCallbacks pStreamCallbacks)
STATUS addAuthCallbacks (PClientCallbacks pClientCallbacks, PAuthCallbacks pAuthCallbacks)
STATUS addApiCallbacks (PClientCallbacks pClientCallbacks, PApiCallbacks pApiCallbacks)
STATUS getDeviceCertificateAggregate (UINT64 customData, PBYTE *buffer, PUINT32 size, PUINT64 expiration)
STATUS getSecurityTokenAggregate (UINT64 customData, PBYTE *buffer, PUINT32 size, PUINT64 expiration)
STATUS getDeviceFingerprintAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR *fingerprint)
STATUS deviceCertToTokenAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR deviceName, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS getStreamingTokenAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR streamName, STREAM_ACCESS_MODE accessMode, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS storageOverflowPressureAggregate (UINT64 customData, UINT64 remainingBytes)
STATUS clientReadyAggregate (UINT64 customData, CLIENT_HANDLE clientHandle)
STATUS clientShutdownAggregate (UINT64 customData, CLIENT_HANDLE clientHandle)
STATUS createStreamAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR deviceName, PCHAR streamName, PCHAR contentType, PCHAR kmsKeyId, UINT64 retentionPeriod, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS describeStreamAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR streamName, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS getStreamingEndpointAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR streamName, PCHAR apiName, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS putStreamAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR streamName, PCHAR containerType, UINT64 streamStart, BOOL isAbsolute, BOOL fragmentAcks, PCHAR streamingEndpoint, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS tagResourceAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR resourceArn, UINT32 tagCount, PTag tags, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS createDeviceAggregate (UINT64 customData, PCHAR deviceName, PServiceCallContext pServiceCallContext)
STATUS streamUnderflowReportAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle)
STATUS bufferDurationOverflowPressureAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UINT64 remainingDuration)
STATUS streamLatencyPressureAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UINT64 bufferDuration)
STATUS streamConnectionStaleAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UINT64 stalenessDuration)
STATUS droppedFrameReportAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UINT64 frameTimestamp)
STATUS droppedFragmentReportAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UINT64 fragmentTimestamp)
STATUS streamErrorReportAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UPLOAD_HANDLE uploadHandle, UINT64 errorTimestamp, STATUS errorStatus)
STATUS fragmentAckReceivedAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UPLOAD_HANDLE uploadHandle, PFragmentAck pFragmentAck)
STATUS streamDataAvailableAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, PCHAR streamName, UPLOAD_HANDLE uploadHandle, UINT64 availableDuration, UINT64 availableSize)
STATUS streamReadyAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle)
STATUS streamShutdownAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, BOOL resetStream)
STATUS streamClosedAggregate (UINT64 customData, STREAM_HANDLE streamHandle, UPLOAD_HANDLE uploadHandle)
UINT64 getCurrentTimeAggregate (UINT64 customData)
UINT32 getRandomNumberAggregate (UINT64 customData)
MUTEX createMutexAggregate (UINT64 customData, BOOL reentrant)
VOID lockMutexAggregate (UINT64 customData, MUTEX mutex)
VOID unlockMutexAggregate (UINT64 customData, MUTEX mutex)
BOOL tryLockMutexAggregate (UINT64 customData, MUTEX mutex)
VOID freeMutexAggregate (UINT64 customData, MUTEX mutex)
CVAR createConditionVariableAggregate (UINT64 customData)
STATUS signalConditionVariableAggregate (UINT64 customData, CVAR cvar)
STATUS broadcastConditionVariableAggregate (UINT64 customData, CVAR cvar)
STATUS waitConditionVariableAggregate (UINT64 customData, CVAR cvar, MUTEX mutex, UINT64 timeout)
VOID freeConditionVariableAggregate (UINT64 customData, CVAR cvar)

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LOG_CLASS   "CallbacksProvider"

Kinesis Video Producer Callbacks Provider

Function Documentation

◆ broadcastConditionVariableAggregate()

STATUS broadcastConditionVariableAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CVAR  cvar 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ bufferDurationOverflowPressureAggregate()

STATUS bufferDurationOverflowPressureAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UINT64  remainingDuration 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clientReadyAggregate()

STATUS clientReadyAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CLIENT_HANDLE  clientHandle 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clientShutdownAggregate()

STATUS clientShutdownAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CLIENT_HANDLE  clientHandle 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createConditionVariableAggregate()

CVAR createConditionVariableAggregate ( UINT64  customData)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createDefaultCallbacksProvider()

STATUS createDefaultCallbacksProvider ( UINT32  callbackChainCount,
PCHAR  accessKeyId,
PCHAR  secretKey,
PCHAR  sessionToken,
UINT64  expiration,
PCHAR  region,
PCHAR  controlPlaneUrl,
PCHAR  certPath,
PCHAR  userAgentPostfix,
PCHAR  customUserAgent,
UINT64  endpointCachingPeriod,
BOOL  continuousRetry,
PClientCallbacks *  ppClientCallbacks 

Create the default callbacks provider

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ createDeviceAggregate()

STATUS createDeviceAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  deviceName,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createMutexAggregate()

MUTEX createMutexAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
BOOL  reentrant 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createStreamAggregate()

STATUS createStreamAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  deviceName,
PCHAR  streamName,
PCHAR  contentType,
PCHAR  kmsKeyId,
UINT64  retentionPeriod,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ describeStreamAggregate()

STATUS describeStreamAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  streamName,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deviceCertToTokenAggregate()

STATUS deviceCertToTokenAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  deviceName,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ droppedFragmentReportAggregate()

STATUS droppedFragmentReportAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UINT64  fragmentTimestamp 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ droppedFrameReportAggregate()

STATUS droppedFrameReportAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UINT64  frameTimestamp 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ fragmentAckReceivedAggregate()

STATUS fragmentAckReceivedAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UPLOAD_HANDLE  uploadHandle,
PFragmentAck  pFragmentAck 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeConditionVariableAggregate()

VOID freeConditionVariableAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CVAR  cvar 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeMutexAggregate()

VOID freeMutexAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
MUTEX  mutex 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getCurrentTimeAggregate()

UINT64 getCurrentTimeAggregate ( UINT64  customData)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDeviceCertificateAggregate()

STATUS getDeviceCertificateAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PBYTE *  buffer,
PUINT32  size,
PUINT64  expiration 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getDeviceFingerprintAggregate()

STATUS getDeviceFingerprintAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR *  fingerprint 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getRandomNumberAggregate()

UINT32 getRandomNumberAggregate ( UINT64  customData)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getSecurityTokenAggregate()

STATUS getSecurityTokenAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PBYTE *  buffer,
PUINT32  size,
PUINT64  expiration 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStreamingEndpointAggregate()

STATUS getStreamingEndpointAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  streamName,
PCHAR  apiName,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getStreamingTokenAggregate()

STATUS getStreamingTokenAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  streamName,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lockMutexAggregate()

VOID lockMutexAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
MUTEX  mutex 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ putStreamAggregate()

STATUS putStreamAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  streamName,
PCHAR  containerType,
UINT64  streamStart,
BOOL  isAbsolute,
BOOL  fragmentAcks,
PCHAR  streamingEndpoint,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setDefaultPlatformCallbacks()

STATUS setDefaultPlatformCallbacks ( PCallbacksProvider  pClientCallbacks)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ signalConditionVariableAggregate()

STATUS signalConditionVariableAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CVAR  cvar 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ storageOverflowPressureAggregate()

STATUS storageOverflowPressureAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
UINT64  remainingBytes 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamClosedAggregate()

STATUS streamClosedAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UPLOAD_HANDLE  uploadHandle 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamConnectionStaleAggregate()

STATUS streamConnectionStaleAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UINT64  stalenessDuration 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamDataAvailableAggregate()

STATUS streamDataAvailableAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
PCHAR  streamName,
UPLOAD_HANDLE  uploadHandle,
UINT64  availableDuration,
UINT64  availableSize 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamErrorReportAggregate()

STATUS streamErrorReportAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UPLOAD_HANDLE  uploadHandle,
UINT64  errorTimestamp,
STATUS  errorStatus 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamLatencyPressureAggregate()

STATUS streamLatencyPressureAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
UINT64  bufferDuration 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamReadyAggregate()

STATUS streamReadyAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamShutdownAggregate()

STATUS streamShutdownAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle,
BOOL  resetStream 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ streamUnderflowReportAggregate()

STATUS streamUnderflowReportAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
STREAM_HANDLE  streamHandle 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tagResourceAggregate()

STATUS tagResourceAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
PCHAR  resourceArn,
UINT32  tagCount,
PTag  tags,
PServiceCallContext  pServiceCallContext 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tryLockMutexAggregate()

BOOL tryLockMutexAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
MUTEX  mutex 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unlockMutexAggregate()

VOID unlockMutexAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
MUTEX  mutex 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ waitConditionVariableAggregate()

STATUS waitConditionVariableAggregate ( UINT64  customData,
CVAR  cvar,
MUTEX  mutex,
UINT64  timeout 
Here is the caller graph for this function: