Amazon Kinesis Producer C SDK
CurlIotCredentialProvider.c File Reference
#include "../Include_i.h"
Include dependency graph for CurlIotCredentialProvider.c:


#define LOG_CLASS   "CurlIotCredentialProvider"


STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProvider (PCHAR iotGetCredentialEndpoint, PCHAR certPath, PCHAR privateKeyPath, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR roleAlias, PCHAR thingName, PAwsCredentialProvider *ppCredentialProvider)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object using libCurl. More...
STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTime (PCHAR iotGetCredentialEndpoint, PCHAR certPath, PCHAR privateKeyPath, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR roleAlias, PCHAR thingName, GetCurrentTimeFunc getCurrentTimeFn, UINT64 customData, PAwsCredentialProvider *ppCredentialProvider)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl. More...
STATUS createCurlIotCredentialProviderWithTimeAndTimeout (PCHAR iotGetCredentialEndpoint, PCHAR certPath, PCHAR privateKeyPath, PCHAR caCertPath, PCHAR roleAlias, PCHAR thingName, UINT64 connectionTimeout, UINT64 completionTimeout, GetCurrentTimeFunc getCurrentTimeFn, UINT64 customData, PAwsCredentialProvider *ppCredentialProvider)
 Creates an IoT based AWS credential provider object with time function which is based on libCurl. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


#define LOG_CLASS   "CurlIotCredentialProvider"

Kinesis Video Producer IoT based Credential Provider for libCurl