Amazon Kinesis Producer C SDK
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Structures available for use by applications. More...

Collaboration diagram for PublicStructures:


 Extra callbacks definitions.


struct  __AwsCredentials
struct  __RequestHeader
struct  __RequestInfo
struct  __CallInfo
struct  __AwsCredentialProvider
struct  __PlatformCallbacks
struct  __ProducerCallbacks
struct  __StreamCallbacks
struct  __AuthCallbacks
struct  __ApiCallbacks


typedef struct __AwsCredentials AwsCredentials
 AWS Credentials declaration.
typedef struct __AwsCredentialsPAwsCredentials
typedef struct __RequestHeader RequestHeader
 Request Header structure.
typedef struct __RequestHeaderPRequestHeader
typedef struct __RequestInfo RequestInfo
 Request info structure.
typedef struct __RequestInfoPRequestInfo
typedef struct __CallInfo CallInfo
 Call Info structure.
typedef struct __CallInfoPCallInfo
typedef struct __AwsCredentialProviderPAwsCredentialProvider
 Abstract base for the credential provider.
typedef struct __AwsCredentialProvider AwsCredentialProvider
typedef struct __PlatformCallbacks PlatformCallbacks
 The Platform specific callbacks.
typedef struct __PlatformCallbacksPPlatformCallbacks
typedef struct __ProducerCallbacks ProducerCallbacks
 The Producer object specific callbacks.
typedef struct __ProducerCallbacksPProducerCallbacks
typedef struct __StreamCallbacks StreamCallbacks
 The Stream specific callbacks.
typedef struct __StreamCallbacksPStreamCallbacks
typedef struct __AuthCallbacks AuthCallbacks
 The Authentication specific callbacks.
typedef struct __AuthCallbacksPAuthCallbacks
typedef struct __ApiCallbacks ApiCallbacks
 The KVS backend specific callbacks.
typedef struct __ApiCallbacksPApiCallbacks

Detailed Description

Structures available for use by applications.

Main structure declarations.

Typedef Documentation

◆ ApiCallbacks

typedef struct __ApiCallbacks ApiCallbacks

The KVS backend specific callbacks.

◆ AuthCallbacks

The Authentication specific callbacks.

◆ AwsCredentialProvider

◆ AwsCredentials

AWS Credentials declaration.

◆ CallInfo

typedef struct __CallInfo CallInfo

Call Info structure.

◆ PApiCallbacks

typedef struct __ApiCallbacks* PApiCallbacks

◆ PAuthCallbacks

◆ PAwsCredentialProvider

Abstract base for the credential provider.

◆ PAwsCredentials

◆ PCallInfo

typedef struct __CallInfo* PCallInfo

◆ PlatformCallbacks

The Platform specific callbacks.

◆ PPlatformCallbacks

◆ PProducerCallbacks

◆ PRequestHeader

◆ PRequestInfo

typedef struct __RequestInfo* PRequestInfo

◆ ProducerCallbacks

The Producer object specific callbacks.

◆ PStreamCallbacks

◆ RequestHeader

Request Header structure.

◆ RequestInfo

typedef struct __RequestInfo RequestInfo

Request info structure.

◆ StreamCallbacks

The Stream specific callbacks.