Amazon Kinesis Webrtc C SDK
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RtcIceCandidatePairStats Struct Reference

RtcIceCandidatePairStats Stats related to the local-remote ICE candidate pair. More...

#include <Stats.h>

Collaboration diagram for RtcIceCandidatePairStats:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

CHAR localCandidateId [9U+1]
 Local candidate that is inspected in RTCIceCandidateStats.
CHAR remoteCandidateId [9U+1]
 Remote candidate that is inspected in RTCIceCandidateStats.
 State of checklist for the local-remote candidate pair.
BOOL nominated
NullableUint32 circuitBreakerTriggerCount
UINT32 packetsDiscardedOnSend
 Total number of packets discarded for candidate pair due to socket errors,.
UINT64 packetsSent
 Total number of packets sent on this candidate pair;.
UINT64 packetsReceived
 Total number of packets received on this candidate pair.
UINT64 bytesSent
 Total number of bytes (minus header and padding) sent on this candidate pair.
UINT64 bytesReceived
 Total number of bytes (minus header and padding) received on this candidate pair.
UINT64 lastPacketSentTimestamp
UINT64 lastPacketReceivedTimestamp
UINT64 firstRequestTimestamp
 Represents the timestamp at which the first STUN request was sent on this particular candidate pair.
UINT64 lastRequestTimestamp
UINT64 lastResponseTimestamp
 Represents the timestamp at which the last STUN response was received on this particular candidate pair.
DOUBLE totalRoundTripTime
DOUBLE currentRoundTripTime
 Latest round trip time (seconds)
DOUBLE availableOutgoingBitrate
DOUBLE availableIncomingBitrate
UINT64 requestsReceived
 Total number of connectivity check requests received (including retransmission)
UINT64 requestsSent
 The total number of connectivity check requests sent (without retransmissions).
UINT64 responsesReceived
 The total number of connectivity check responses received.
UINT64 responsesSent
 The total number of connectivity check responses sent.
UINT64 bytesDiscardedOnSend
 Total number of bytes for this candidate pair discarded due to socket errors.

Detailed Description

RtcIceCandidatePairStats Stats related to the local-remote ICE candidate pair.


Member Data Documentation

◆ availableIncomingBitrate

DOUBLE RtcIceCandidatePairStats::availableIncomingBitrate

TODO: Total available bit rate for all the outgoing RTP streams on this candidate pair. Calculated by underlying congestion control

◆ availableOutgoingBitrate

DOUBLE RtcIceCandidatePairStats::availableOutgoingBitrate

TODO: Total available bit rate for all the outgoing RTP streams on this candidate pair. Calculated by underlying congestion control

◆ bytesDiscardedOnSend

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::bytesDiscardedOnSend

Total number of bytes for this candidate pair discarded due to socket errors.

◆ bytesReceived

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::bytesReceived

Total number of bytes (minus header and padding) received on this candidate pair.

◆ bytesSent

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::bytesSent

Total number of bytes (minus header and padding) sent on this candidate pair.

◆ circuitBreakerTriggerCount

NullableUint32 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::circuitBreakerTriggerCount

Represents number of times circuit breaker is triggered during media transmission It is undefined if the user agent does not use this

◆ currentRoundTripTime

DOUBLE RtcIceCandidatePairStats::currentRoundTripTime

Latest round trip time (seconds)

◆ firstRequestTimestamp

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::firstRequestTimestamp

Represents the timestamp at which the first STUN request was sent on this particular candidate pair.

◆ lastPacketReceivedTimestamp

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::lastPacketReceivedTimestamp

Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was sent on this particular candidate pair, excluding STUN packets.

◆ lastPacketSentTimestamp

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::lastPacketSentTimestamp

Represents the timestamp at which the last packet was sent on this particular candidate pair, excluding STUN packets.

◆ lastRequestTimestamp

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::lastRequestTimestamp

Represents the timestamp at which the last STUN request was sent on this particular candidate pair. The average interval between two consecutive connectivity checks sent can be calculated: (lastRequestTimestamp - firstRequestTimestamp) / requestsSent.

◆ lastResponseTimestamp

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::lastResponseTimestamp

Represents the timestamp at which the last STUN response was received on this particular candidate pair.

◆ localCandidateId

CHAR RtcIceCandidatePairStats::localCandidateId[9U+1]

Local candidate that is inspected in RTCIceCandidateStats.

◆ nominated

BOOL RtcIceCandidatePairStats::nominated

Flag is TRUE if the agent is a controlling agent and FALSE otherwise. The agent role is based on the STUN_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_USE_CANDIDATE flag

◆ packetsDiscardedOnSend

UINT32 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::packetsDiscardedOnSend

Total number of packets discarded for candidate pair due to socket errors,.

◆ packetsReceived

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::packetsReceived

Total number of packets received on this candidate pair.

◆ packetsSent

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::packetsSent

Total number of packets sent on this candidate pair;.

◆ remoteCandidateId

CHAR RtcIceCandidatePairStats::remoteCandidateId[9U+1]

Remote candidate that is inspected in RTCIceCandidateStats.

◆ requestsReceived

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::requestsReceived

Total number of connectivity check requests received (including retransmission)

◆ requestsSent

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::requestsSent

The total number of connectivity check requests sent (without retransmissions).

◆ responsesReceived

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::responsesReceived

The total number of connectivity check responses received.

◆ responsesSent

UINT64 RtcIceCandidatePairStats::responsesSent

The total number of connectivity check responses sent.

◆ state

ICE_CANDIDATE_PAIR_STATE RtcIceCandidatePairStats::state

State of checklist for the local-remote candidate pair.

◆ totalRoundTripTime

DOUBLE RtcIceCandidatePairStats::totalRoundTripTime

The sum of all round trip time (seconds) since the beginning of the session, based on STUN connectivity check responses (responsesReceived), including those that reply to requests that are sent in order to verify consent. The average round trip time can be computed from totalRoundTripTime by dividing it by responsesReceived.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: