Amazon Kinesis Webrtc C SDK
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SignalingClientStats Struct Reference

SignalingClientMetrics Represent the stats related to the KVS WebRTC SDK signaling client. More...

#include <Stats.h>

Collaboration diagram for SignalingClientStats:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

UINT64 describeChannelStartTime
UINT64 describeChannelEndTime
UINT64 getSignalingChannelEndpointStartTime
UINT64 getSignalingChannelEndpointEndTime
UINT64 getIceServerConfigStartTime
UINT64 getIceServerConfigEndTime
UINT64 getTokenStartTime
UINT64 getTokenEndTime
UINT64 createChannelStartTime
UINT64 createChannelEndTime
UINT64 connectStartTime
UINT64 connectEndTime
UINT64 cpApiCallLatency
 Latency (in 100 ns) incurred per backend API call for the control plane APIs.
UINT64 dpApiCallLatency
 Latency (in 100 ns) incurred per backend API call for the data plane APIs.
UINT64 signalingClientUptime
 Client uptime (in 100 ns). Timestamp will be recorded at every SIGNALING_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED.
UINT64 connectionDuration
 Duration of connection (in 100 ns)
UINT32 numberOfMessagesSent
 Number of messages sent by the signaling client.
UINT32 numberOfMessagesReceived
 Number of messages received by the signaling client.
UINT32 iceRefreshCount
 Number of times the ICE is refreshed.
UINT32 numberOfErrors
UINT32 numberOfRuntimeErrors
UINT32 numberOfReconnects
 Number of reconnects in the session.
UINT32 apiCallRetryCount
 Number of retries due to API call failures in the state machine.
UINT64 getTokenCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to get credentials for signaling.
UINT64 describeCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute describeChannel call.
UINT64 describeMediaCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute describeChannel call.
UINT64 createCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute createChannel call.
UINT64 getEndpointCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute getEndpoint call.
UINT64 getIceConfigCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute getIceServerConfig call.
UINT64 connectCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute connectChannel call.
UINT64 joinSessionCallTime
 Time (ms) taken to execute joinSession call.
UINT64 createClientTime
 Total time (ms) taken to create signaling client which includes getting credentials.
UINT64 fetchClientTime
 Total time (ms) taken to fetch signaling client which includes describe, create, get endpoint and get ICE server config.
UINT64 connectClientTime
 Total time (ms) taken to connect the signaling client which includes connecting to the signaling channel.
UINT64 offerToAnswerTime
UINT64 offerReceivedTime
UINT64 answerTime
UINT64 joinSessionToOfferRecvTime
 Total time (ms) taken from joinSession call until offer is received.

Detailed Description

SignalingClientMetrics Represent the stats related to the KVS WebRTC SDK signaling client.

Member Data Documentation

◆ answerTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::answerTime

◆ apiCallRetryCount

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::apiCallRetryCount

Number of retries due to API call failures in the state machine.

◆ connectCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::connectCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute connectChannel call.

◆ connectClientTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::connectClientTime

Total time (ms) taken to connect the signaling client which includes connecting to the signaling channel.

◆ connectEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::connectEndTime

◆ connectionDuration

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::connectionDuration

Duration of connection (in 100 ns)

◆ connectStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::connectStartTime

◆ cpApiCallLatency

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::cpApiCallLatency

Latency (in 100 ns) incurred per backend API call for the control plane APIs.

◆ createCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::createCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute createChannel call.

◆ createChannelEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::createChannelEndTime

◆ createChannelStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::createChannelStartTime

◆ createClientTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::createClientTime

Total time (ms) taken to create signaling client which includes getting credentials.

◆ describeCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::describeCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute describeChannel call.

◆ describeChannelEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::describeChannelEndTime

◆ describeChannelStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::describeChannelStartTime

◆ describeMediaCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::describeMediaCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute describeChannel call.

◆ dpApiCallLatency

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::dpApiCallLatency

Latency (in 100 ns) incurred per backend API call for the data plane APIs.

◆ fetchClientTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::fetchClientTime

Total time (ms) taken to fetch signaling client which includes describe, create, get endpoint and get ICE server config.

◆ getEndpointCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getEndpointCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute getEndpoint call.

◆ getIceConfigCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getIceConfigCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute getIceServerConfig call.

◆ getIceServerConfigEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getIceServerConfigEndTime

◆ getIceServerConfigStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getIceServerConfigStartTime

◆ getSignalingChannelEndpointEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getSignalingChannelEndpointEndTime

◆ getSignalingChannelEndpointStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getSignalingChannelEndpointStartTime

◆ getTokenCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getTokenCallTime

Time (ms) taken to get credentials for signaling.

◆ getTokenEndTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getTokenEndTime

◆ getTokenStartTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::getTokenStartTime

◆ iceRefreshCount

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::iceRefreshCount

Number of times the ICE is refreshed.

◆ joinSessionCallTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::joinSessionCallTime

Time (ms) taken to execute joinSession call.

◆ joinSessionToOfferRecvTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::joinSessionToOfferRecvTime

Total time (ms) taken from joinSession call until offer is received.

◆ numberOfErrors

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::numberOfErrors

Number of signaling client API call failures. These errors are the result of non STATUS_SUCCESS returns from all of the public APIs defined for the signaling client with the exception of createSignalingClientSync and freeSignalingClient invocation and errors where the signaling client handle is invalid

◆ numberOfMessagesReceived

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::numberOfMessagesReceived

Number of messages received by the signaling client.

◆ numberOfMessagesSent

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::numberOfMessagesSent

Number of messages sent by the signaling client.

◆ numberOfReconnects

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::numberOfReconnects

Number of reconnects in the session.

◆ numberOfRuntimeErrors

UINT32 SignalingClientStats::numberOfRuntimeErrors

Number of indirect or runtime errors. These are errors that are not returned as part of public API calls but rather when an error occurs on background threads for example:

  • When received message on the background thread is "bad"
  • When re-connect logic fails after pre-configured retries/times out
  • When refreshing ICE server configuration fails after pre-configured retries In all of these cases the error callback (if specified) will be called.

◆ offerReceivedTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::offerReceivedTime

◆ offerToAnswerTime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::offerToAnswerTime

◆ signalingClientUptime

UINT64 SignalingClientStats::signalingClientUptime

Client uptime (in 100 ns). Timestamp will be recorded at every SIGNALING_CLIENT_STATE_CONNECTED.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: