Class S3BlockSpillReader

  • public class S3BlockSpillReader
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • S3BlockSpillReader

        public S3BlockSpillReader​( amazonS3,
                                  BlockAllocator allocator)
    • Method Detail

      • read

        public Block read​(S3SpillLocation spillLocation,
                          EncryptionKey key,
                          org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema schema)
        Reads a spilled block.
        spillLocation - The location to read the spilled Block from.
        key - The encryption key to use when reading the spilled Block.
        schema - The Schema to use when deserializing the spilled Block.
        The Block stored at the spill location.
      • read

        public byte[] read​(S3SpillLocation spillLocation,
                           EncryptionKey key)
        Reads spilled data as a byte[].
        spillLocation - The location to read the spilled Block from.
        key - The encryption key to use when reading the spilled Block.
        The Block stored at the spill location.