Interface BlockCrypto

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    AesGcmBlockCrypto, NoOpBlockCrypto

    public interface BlockCrypto
    Defines a facility that can be used to encrypt and decrypt blocks.
    • Method Detail

      • encrypt

        byte[] encrypt​(EncryptionKey key,
                       Block block)
        Used to encrypt the provided Block in its serialized form.
        key - The EncryptionKey to use when encrypting the Block.
        block - The Block to serialize and encrypt.
        The encrypted byte[] representation of the serialized Block, excluding its Schema.
      • decrypt

        Block decrypt​(EncryptionKey key,
                      byte[] bytes,
                      org.apache.arrow.vector.types.pojo.Schema schema)
        Used to decrypt and deserialize a Block from the provided bytes and schema.
        key - The EncryptionKey to use when decrypting the Block.
        bytes - The encrypted serialized form of the Block.
        schema - The schema of the encrypted block
        The Block.
      • decrypt

        byte[] decrypt​(EncryptionKey key,
                       byte[] bytes)
        Used to decrypt a Block's serialzied form.
        key - The EncryptionKey to use when decrypting the Block.
        bytes - The encrypted serialized form of the Block.
        The serialzied Block.